Right-Wingers: What's different about Syria?

Look? I don't trust Obama to respect the wishes of the People, The Congress, The Constitution...he's demonstrated he has no regard for ANY of it, and has violated it on more than one occasion...

HE has to be watched closely...and If the Congress says NO? He Acts anyway? HE needs to be arrested.

It does not look that many people who SHOULD are actually approaching this issue with the seriousness it deserves.
On both sides of the aisle.

Or they did not expect putin to actually get engaged.

Which they SHOULD have known - what the heck is their spying system good for? they don't know that the pipe is a feeding tube for the bank accounts of all the Russian "elite"?
They really thought that it would be allowed to be threatened? :rolleyes:

these people are just dumb - if they think anything changed - money is always the main reason for the wars.
Is always thus, and thus it shall always be...It's madness. ANY war should be based on LIBERTY of the people...

WE are always handed crap...typical of politicians that are IN IT for the Money as they lose their souls in the process...I pity them ALL...
And WHY does Obama wait until Tuesday? WHY NOT right damned NOW if this is so Damned urgent? Waiting for Kerry to return from peddling Lies in the EU?

He wants his edited up video to reach saturation. He's hoping stupid people will make a connection between the video and Syria and think the video is of the recent chemical attack. It is really edited clips of old attacks mostly by Saddam Hussein.
Too many dupes on these boards might just buy into it that...sad...
And WHY does Obama wait until Tuesday? WHY NOT right damned NOW if this is so Damned urgent? Waiting for Kerry to return from peddling Lies in the EU?

He wants his edited up video to reach saturation. He's hoping stupid people will make a connection between the video and Syria and think the video is of the recent chemical attack. It is really edited clips of old attacks mostly by Saddam Hussein.
Too many dupes on these boards might just buy into it that...sad...

Then we can REALLY link an attack to a video on 911
He wants his edited up video to reach saturation. He's hoping stupid people will make a connection between the video and Syria and think the video is of the recent chemical attack. It is really edited clips of old attacks mostly by Saddam Hussein.
Too many dupes on these boards might just buy into it that...sad...

Then we can REALLY link an attack to a video on 911
Yeah, nevermind we already have it...and the kooks came out of the woodwork trying to disparage it...

I really wonder if these freaks know REAL from Fantasy? Or if they even care?:eusa_whistle:

Dangerous in any event.
BTW, hindsight is 20/20, and there are people who initially supported Iraq, but then regretted that decision. On the flip side, are there any on the left who regret not supporting Iraq??

I can't imagine that there are.

Lessons can be learned, but if we're doing a comparison between now and then, it seems supporters on the left for Syria have a lot more explaining to do.

No, the Left who support a strike do so because CW cannot be allowed. Period. It IS a red line.
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Wassup, Synth?

Threw in the towel when you realized there's no measurable difference between Bush and Obama?

If there are no measurable differences between Bush and Obama, why have Republicans been obstructing everything Obama wants to do, instead of falling in line like they did for Bush?

A-HA!!! :lol:

If you are correct, it's proves Liberals correct that it's not about the policy (GOP was FOR stimulus [2002] before they were AGAINST stimulus [2009], etc.), but because it's a Democratic POTUS (and Black, too!)
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

And we got all that cheap oil from Iraq due to that brilliant plot by W?


Another lame-ass lolberal engaged in clear self-refutation.

Who mentioned cheap oil, dingbat?
Wassup, Synth?

Threw in the towel when you realized there's no measurable difference between Bush and Obama?

If there are no measurable differences between Bush and Obama, why have Republicans been obstructing everything Obama wants to do, instead of falling in line like they did for Bush?

A-HA!!! :lol:

If you are correct, it's proves Liberals correct that it's not about the policy (GOP was FOR stimulus [2002] before they were AGAINST stimulus [2009], etc.), but because it's a Democratic POTUS (and Black, too!)

Difference between Bush and Obama?

I didn't vote for Bush in his 2nd term
The REAL question about Syria, is for all you laughable lolberals.

Given your adamant opposition to the war when W was voicing the case for going after Saddam (and ever since), how is it possible you can support Obumbler's exhortations to start committing acts of war against Assad's regime?
I've answered this a few times in this thread.

Go look, Rover.
These answers are simply all wrong.

It's a proxy war between the U.S. and it's terrorist allies vs. Russia and China which why it is so dangerous. The big players are coming too close to a hot war. At the end of the day the goal is Iran. Why Iran? Because Iran's influence negates the next step which is Eurasia

WHAT influence?!? :lol:

not mention the U.S. pathetic attempt to hold on to the Bretton Wood's created petrodollar which has allowed the U.S. to spend money like a filthy hippie in a head shop while simultaneously terrorizing and killing millions on completely false pretenses

Shitty analogy. Filthy hippies have no money.

just so American fat asses can keep pouring money into a failed consumer based economy led by filth like Obama and the people that pull his strings.

I love a good conspiracy rant! Know where I can find one?
The REAL question about Syria, is for all you laughable lolberals.

Given your adamant opposition to the war when W was voicing the case for going after Saddam (and ever since), how is it possible you can support Obumbler's exhortations to start committing acts of war against Assad's regime?
I've answered this a few times in this thread.

Go look, Rover.
AND you were WRONG. Go figure. That's what he was saying dumbass.
The REAL question about Syria, is for all you laughable lolberals.

Given your adamant opposition to the war when W was voicing the case for going after Saddam (and ever since), how is it possible you can support Obumbler's exhortations to start committing acts of war against Assad's regime?

Both the liberals and the neocons support military action in Syria and all the leftys see is the GOP. I would call them blind liberals but that would be redundant.

Embarrassingly wrong. Liberals do not support a strike. The Liberal argument is made strongest by Rep. Alan Grayson and his website: Tell Congress: Don?t Attack Syria

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvY8b4qZabY]Grayson tells White House: Don't Attack Syria - YouTube[/ame]
Yes, I did. You asked for the differences that would lead to such rationale. I listed them. Our intervention in Iraq didn't happen overnight. The Bush admin had to build their case. Obama has not been successful to this point in accomplishing that goal. BTW, if this is all designed for you to make RWer's look like hypocrites, be careful...because right now, the left doesn't have a leg to stand on in that regard if they are supporting this action.
I'll answer this in a bit, Sherry - gotta run.

Ice cream truck?
You don't like ice cream?

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BTW, hindsight is 20/20, and there are people who initially supported Iraq, but then regretted that decision. On the flip side, are there any on the left who regret not supporting Iraq??

I can't imagine that there are.

Lessons can be learned, but if we're doing a comparison between now and then, it seems supporters on the left for Syria have a lot more explaining to do.

No, the Left who support a strike do so because CW cannot be allowed. Period. It IS a red line.

Murder cannot be allowed either, and we've done a great job doing anything about that even with the death penalty.
No, the Left who support a strike do so because CW cannot be allowed. Period. It IS a red line.


The left knows that the Syrian saga is merely a scam to provoke Iran into retaliate thereby providing the Obama a pretext to invade that country.

And because he is a black president, when he does it, it means is not a crime.

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The UN supported the Iraq mission and 30% of democrats voted for it. It doesn't matter that the 30% of democrats in congress who voted for it eventually turned traitor and un-supported the mission. That's the way the democrat party works.
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

Freedom-loving Republican President waging war in MidEast = good

Communist Muslim Kenyan usurper waging war in MidEast = bad


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