Right-Wingers: What's different about Syria?

Still wondering just which faction Synthia wants us to support in Syria...

You've got your choice.

1. Assad

2. Al Queada

3. Well, I'm not sure there is a 3...
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

Syria has no direct, or indirect threat to our interests. Iraq did and proved it with their invasion of Kuwait. Them then causing an environmental disaster with blowing the well heads it was clear that Saddam was a menace to the world. Assad on the other hand may well be a bad guy but he used to be one of Kerry's best pal. Syria may be a bad place but more are dying in Africa and we ain't doing a damn thing. Is that because the party in power since 2006 are in reality racist.
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Iraq did and proved it with their invasion of Kuwait.


Iraq helped Reagan attack Iran

While fighting Iran, Kuwait stole the Ramallah Oil fields

Saddam asked Bush I if it could invade Kuwait to retrieve the oil fields.

Bush I stated that the US did not give a shit about Arab to Arab conflicts and to go for it.

Then Bush I reversed itself and the rest is history.

The UN supported the Iraq mission and 30% of democrats voted for it. It doesn't matter that the 30% of democrats in congress who voted for it eventually turned traitor and un-supported the mission. That's the way the democrat party works.

40% in the House of Representatives and 60% in the Senate - that is way more than 30%

United States House of Representatives
Party Yes Nays PRES No Vote
Republican 215 6 0 2
Democratic 82 126 0 1
Independent 0 1 0 0
TOTALS 297 133 0 3

United States Senate
Party Ayes Nays No Vote
Republican 48 1 0
Democratic 29 21 0
Independent 0 1 0
TOTALS 77 23 0
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Even good old Bubba Bill Clinton had a clear cut agenda in Bosnia. He would bomb and kill and destroy the Yugoslavian economy until a single target surrendered (and Americans forgot about Monica). Melosovic surrendered and conveniently died in prison and the Bubba administration called it a victory. What the hell is the mission in Syria? Barry Hussein says the intent isn't to overthrow the regime and the alleged target isn't clear. Who do we kill and what happens next?
Even good old Bubba Bill Clinton had a clear cut agenda in Bosnia.?

Bubba Barack Obama has a clear cut agenda also.

The Syrian saga is merely a scam to provoke Iran into retaliating, thereby providing Obama a pretext to invade that country.

Just using our Army and US treasury funds to help his buddies in Israel and Saudi Arabia.


What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

The difference is that we have a Democratic President. If a Republican was in the White House the Republicans would be beating the drums for war.

Republicans oppose everything Obama does. They want everything he does to fail.
Iraq did and proved it with their invasion of Kuwait.


Iraq helped Reagan attack Iran

While fighting Iran, Kuwait stole the Ramallah Oil fields

Saddam asked Bush I if it could invade Kuwait to retrieve the oil fields.

Bush I stated that the US did not give a shit about Arab to Arab conflicts and to go for it.

Then Bush I reversed itself and the rest is history.


Writing history to make it say what you want to be true?
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

The difference is that we have a Democratic President. If a Republican was in the White House the Republicans would be beating the drums for war.

Republicans oppose everything Obama does. They want everything he does to fail.

Why is it not one of you Obamaites will tell us which faction we are supposed to support in Syria?

1. Assad
2. Al Queade

Because that's all I can see....
I do not even dispute (or doubt) that it was Assad and his filthy regime who used the chemical weapons on innocent civilians. But, even if that is the base assumption, it still does not necessarily follow (logically) that we have any obligation to go lob missiles at his military sites. Again, Obumbler has failed to make the case.

Agreed. There are no good guys in Syria. I opposed Iraq, but at least they did have a shot with the Shiites of having a non-terrorist sponsoring government. In Syria, Assad is probably less bad than the opposition.

I don't see how it made sense for Assad to use chemical weapons either. He has plenty of conventional ones and chemical as WMDs would have a far higher chance of this sort of backlash. On the other hand, the rebels have both the means (Iran) and motivation to use them.

Call me crazy, but I don't trust John Kerry we have proof. Sorry.

Assad wouldn't use CW without approval or direction from Teheran.

Maybe Iran wanted this as a trial balloon. Maybe they want to use CW against us if we attack them, and be able to claim it's perfectly legit. They see a Republican Party that opposes everything Obama wants. It would be easy to guess that they would oppose him on this, also.

If 23 murdered 5 year-olds in Newtown couldn't get them to compromise with Obama, why would this? Especially since there is no oil involved.
The REAL question about Syria, is for all you laughable lolberals.

Given your adamant opposition to the war when W was voicing the case for going after Saddam (and ever since), how is it possible you can support Obumbler's exhortations to start committing acts of war against Assad's regime?

Both the liberals and the neocons support military action in Syria and all the leftys see is the GOP. I would call them blind liberals but that would be redundant.
Perhaps the moniker 'Statist(s)' would lend a clue? :eusa_shhh:
That's the only word you seem to know, dope.
I do not even dispute (or doubt) that it was Assad and his filthy regime who used the chemical weapons on innocent civilians. But, even if that is the base assumption, it still does not necessarily follow (logically) that we have any obligation to go lob missiles at his military sites. Again, Obumbler has failed to make the case.

Agreed. There are no good guys in Syria. I opposed Iraq, but at least they did have a shot with the Shiites of having a non-terrorist sponsoring government. In Syria, Assad is probably less bad than the opposition.

I don't see how it made sense for Assad to use chemical weapons either. He has plenty of conventional ones and chemical as WMDs would have a far higher chance of this sort of backlash. On the other hand, the rebels have both the means (Iran) and motivation to use them.

Call me crazy, but I don't trust John Kerry we have proof. Sorry.

Assad wouldn't use CW without approval or direction from Teheran.

Maybe Iran wanted this as a trial balloon. Maybe they want to use CW against us if we attack them, and be able to claim it's perfectly legit. They see a Republican Party that opposes everything Obama wants. It would be easy to guess that they would oppose him on this, also.

If 23 murdered 5 year-olds in Newtown couldn't get them to compromise with Obama, why would this? Especially since there is no oil involved.

That has got to be one of the stupidest posts from Synthia yet....
  • Thanks
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The REAL question about Syria, is for all you laughable lolberals.

Given your adamant opposition to the war when W was voicing the case for going after Saddam (and ever since), how is it possible you can support Obumbler's exhortations to start committing acts of war against Assad's regime?

^ The other side's point to the OP.


It is the counter argument, no doubt. Turn his premise on it's head by asking the other side of the "equation," and watch them spin.

My own answer to Synthia's "question" is simple and straightforward. The case for military action against Saddam's regime is not even remotely akin to the case for military action against Assad's regime.

There is a determined effort by guys like Synthia at offering an argument based on a false equivalence. Reject their false premise :: reject the argument and the conclusion they want folks to come to.

That's not an answer! That's just saying "nuh-uh!" :lol:

WHY is the case for military action against Saddam's regime is not even remotely akin to the case for military action against Assad's regime?
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

The difference is that we have a Democratic President. If a Republican was in the White House the Republicans would be beating the drums for war.

Republicans oppose everything Obama does. They want everything he does to fail.

If that truly were their want, they really must be happy.
because conservative are smarter than libtards( who are a partisan brainwashed crowd) and learn from previous mistakes?

And where do I find the thread where all the conservative Iraq war supporters around here admit that Iraq was a mistake and admit they were wrong to support it?

In fact, they can post that here, now.

We'll be able to tell by how many make that admission whether or not you're full of shit.

If I don't see Iraq as a mistake (or at least not nearly as much of a mistake as you laughable lolberals falsely claim it was), then it would obviously be impossible to have me "admit" any such thing. You may "admit" to what you consider a lie. But I don't.

Well no shit, Sherlock. He asked you if you thought it was a mistake, yes or no.

Man up, you little Nancy.
Whatever happened to old con argument that regimes like Syria, and circumstances such as regimes like Syria possessing WMD's,

constituted a threat to our 'ally' Israel?

We used to hear that line every other day. Have all you born again isolationists decided that Israel really isn't our ally?

Can we accomplish the same WITHOUT backing AQ/MB to do so?
I am not in favor of arming the rebels. Just to be clear.
Iraq did and proved it with their invasion of Kuwait.


Iraq helped Reagan attack Iran

While fighting Iran, Kuwait stole the Ramallah Oil fields

Saddam asked Bush I if it could invade Kuwait to retrieve the oil fields.

Bush I stated that the US did not give a shit about Arab to Arab conflicts and to go for it.

Then Bush I reversed itself and the rest is history.


Very interesting!

I thought it was the slant drilling, but I can see that possibility well.

Iraq Accuses Kuwait Of Slant Drilling And Stealing 300,000 Barrels Of Oil Daily

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