Right-Wingers: What's different about Syria?

I was/am against both wars but I'll chime in seriously here:

Iraq used WMDs on the Kurds, killed thousands. Assad in Syria allegedly has used them to kill hundreds.

Saying that the people in Iraq were our allies is a stretch, saying the rebels in Syria are our allies would be a lie.

The GOP had support of John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and a number of other Democrats. Obama has John McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Boehner, and a number of other Republicans.

Bush got the go-ahead from Congress, it remains to be seen if obama will.

Pretty close but the edge has to go to GWB and Iraq.
You HAVE been deflecting quite a bit.

Good for you for acknowledging it.

Meanwhile, your usual insipid and mostly dishonest efforts notwithstanding, let's try to get you focused again (for however long your tiny mind can hold a thought) ON the topic, you worthless dishonest hack:

Your argument has been entirely predicated on trying to pawn off a false equivalence.

That says much about you. None of it good.

Now, hurry back with more of your typically dishonest deflection efforts. You are indeed a pussy, but your false equivalence argument is (as is so often the case with the tripe you post) nothing but a fail.

you say a lot, but that doesnt excuse you for welching like you did.

As you know, I didn't welsh at all. That remains true no matter how often you intone your lie.

Meanwhile, your deflection effort is noted. We all know why, too.

Your false equivalence argument just doesn't stand up.

He has no response other than that one.

hey your lying again....welcher.

No. You're the liar. No question. (You take spelling lessons from TderpM?) But your deflection effort is crystal clear.

Meanwhile, an argument like yours, premised on a false equivalence, remains invalid.

I enjoy your fails, constant though they are.

Post more, Plazmaball-less. :thup:
the princess is lying, hahahahhahhahhahahahhaahahha

So, you are now going by the handle "Princess Ball-less?" Ok.

It's really not remarkable that you are lying. You have been consistently dishonest throughout your tenure at USMB.

Meanwhile, your fallacious false equivalence argument is abandoned by you completely, now? You'd rather try to go entirely with your usual dishonest deflection attempts? Given the inferior quality of your "argument," I will give you due credit: Smart move.

Edit: http://www.usmessageboard.com/7798211-post1.html :thup:
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A WEEK AGO...John F'ing Kerry (whom served in 'Nam), came out in a presser saying this was dire, immediate...stating Obama belived it was too...hours later? Obama says He is going to Consult Congress after backlash (Kerry was the trial balloon)...

If it was so dire and we needed to act so quickly? WHY the delay as we telegraph our moves...gives those whom have those weapons much time to move them around...I'm sure the Pentagon brass are growing weary of changing their plans as the story changes hourly from Obama...

This whole thing stinks, is political...and Obama needs to account for this charade...

If Congress is smart and value their jobs? They will say NO...regardless of the threat to blame it on ________________________.

It's a game.

They were trying to get immediate reaction and failed horridly. Oh my it's really for a whole different thread on how badly those ego maniacs in Washington have handled this.

This time they have been shamed internationally. They in their realm of Chicagoland diplomacy have failed miserably.

Every report I have read out of the G20 has Obama being treated like the red haired tantrum throwing step child.

Putin comes off as a world class leader that everyone is actually thrilled to be around.

Can you believe we are at this point in time? Aye carumba.

Indeed...RARE that I agree with a known Communist...and don't anyone be fooled...Putin hasn't dropped the KGB mentality...You raise a good point. Putin is looking good as WE are laughed at again courtesy of the inept/corrupt/petulant Obama.

And they embrace Putin for pulling this off. What does this tell you?

This picture is worth a thousand words. One must remember Obama's "bowing tour"
Putin has never done that.

Putin I trust. Obama I don't. I can't believe I just have to post that.

There's plenty of difference between Syria and Iraq, Synthaholic.

1) Intelligence. Although it may have been false, we acted on what was at the time concrete intelligence that Saddam Hussein had WMD. Here in Syria, all we know is that some unknown force launched a chemical attack on Aleppo and the Gouta.

2) International consensus. President Bush had a full contingent of international support for an invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. As opposed to Bush, Obama has none.

3) Congressional approval. In 2002, the Iraq Resolution passed 77-23 in the Senate and 297-133 in the House. Ironically then, 40% (82 of 209) of Democrats in the House passed the resolution, while 58% (29 of 50) them passed it in the Senate. Rumors are now that Obama does not have enough votes in either house to approve a strike.

4) Those who ignore their past mistakes are doomed to repeat them. Apparently Obama didn't learn well enough from Bush the consequences of not looking before leaping. We as Conservatives, Libertarians, and Republicans learned from our mistakes. You Liberals and Democrats continue to and insist on making them as far as this Syria is concerned.

In an offshoot here? As to item one? Isn't it strange not many will talk of how those WMD's got to Syria? (Russians Involved bigtime)...The Media won't report or investigate...it will piss Obama off and off their narrative.

And to the OP of this thread? YES they came from IRAQ...:eusa_whistle:
No. You're the liar. No question. (You take spelling lessons from TderpM?) But your deflection effort is crystal clear.

Meanwhile, an argument like yours, premised on a false equivalence, remains invalid.

I enjoy your fails, constant though they are.

Post more, Plazmaball-less. :thup:
the princess is lying, hahahahhahhahhahahahhaahahha

So, you are now going by the handle "Princess Ball-less?" Ok.

It's really not remarkable that you are lying. You have been consistently dishonest throughout your tenure at USMB.

Meanwhile, your fallacious false equivalence argument is abandoned by you completely, now? You'd rather try to go entirely with your usual dishonest deflection attempts? Given the inferior quality of your "argument," I will give you due credit: Smart move.

Edit: http://www.usmessageboard.com/7798211-post1.html :thup:

spin welcher spin
Maybe, at last, Americans have come to realize that there will NEVER be stability in the Middle East.

Assad was doing fine until outside jihadi groups moved in. As most maniacal dictators, he felt threatened and lashed out. That only brought in more jihadis and Iran, a strong backer of Hezbollah, stepped up its aid.

We could withdraw every single military persons from Afghanistan, and all the other stupid places we have them, conduct an overwhelming invasion - and we would still lose!

The ONLY move we have is to move our forces into a location to protect Israel and then let the ragheads wipe themselves out!!!

It's a game.

They were trying to get immediate reaction and failed horridly. Oh my it's really for a whole different thread on how badly those ego maniacs in Washington have handled this.

This time they have been shamed internationally. They in their realm of Chicagoland diplomacy have failed miserably.

Every report I have read out of the G20 has Obama being treated like the red haired tantrum throwing step child.

Putin comes off as a world class leader that everyone is actually thrilled to be around.

Can you believe we are at this point in time? Aye carumba.

Indeed...RARE that I agree with a known Communist...and don't anyone be fooled...Putin hasn't dropped the KGB mentality...You raise a good point. Putin is looking good as WE are laughed at again courtesy of the inept/corrupt/petulant Obama.

And they embrace Putin for pulling this off. What does this tell you?

This picture is worth a thousand words. One must remember Obama's "bowing tour"
Putin has never done that.

Putin I trust. Obama I don't. I can't believe I just have to post that.

Indeed. Putin comes out on top...WE are laughed at...and as Kerry is in the EU trying to still sell the idea...

Kerry in Europe to boost support for Syria action

Why? To waste more money? WE don't want it, and looks like Congress isn't going for it either.
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

Assad poses no immediate threat to us. It's as simple as that.

If we picked a fight with everyone who didn't like us or had an Army we'd be declaring war every damned day.

The reasons Obama wants to get rid of him aren't clear, but you can bet they aren't what he's claiming them to be.
the princess is lying, hahahahhahhahhahahahhaahahha

So, you are now going by the handle "Princess Ball-less?" Ok.

It's really not remarkable that you are lying. You have been consistently dishonest throughout your tenure at USMB.

Meanwhile, your fallacious false equivalence argument is abandoned by you completely, now? You'd rather try to go entirely with your usual dishonest deflection attempts? Given the inferior quality of your "argument," I will give you due credit: Smart move.

Edit: http://www.usmessageboard.com/7798211-post1.html :thup:

spin welcher spin


Take it to the fucking Flame Zone
meanwhile, stay on topic
So, you are now going by the handle "Princess Ball-less?" Ok.

It's really not remarkable that you are lying. You have been consistently dishonest throughout your tenure at USMB.

Meanwhile, your fallacious false equivalence argument is abandoned by you completely, now? You'd rather try to go entirely with your usual dishonest deflection attempts? Given the inferior quality of your "argument," I will give you due credit: Smart move.

Edit: http://www.usmessageboard.com/7798211-post1.html :thup:

spin welcher spin


Take it to the fucking Flame Zone
meanwhile, stay on topic

Plasma brings a plastic knife to an M50 Machinegun fight...typical...:lol:
When framed in a simplistic way such as this ,no there isn't.So you were good with Iraq then right?
No, I wasn't, for the simple reason that it was never proven that Saddam had WMDs in 2003. It was all intel-based.

Not so in Syria, where chemicals have already been used.

But I am asking for Right-Wing rationales, not Liberals. Right-Wingers were perfectly fine with Bush's assertion of WMDs.

What's different now? (oil, oil, oil)

What oil, you stupid little twerp?

Syria produces less than .05% of the Worlds Oil.

There's just no hope for people like you.

Go wash some dishes at your day job in the Diner

If you control Syria like we have come very close to controlling Iraq, you are one step closer to the entire control of oil in the Middle East.
No, I wasn't, for the simple reason that it was never proven that Saddam had WMDs in 2003. It was all intel-based.

Not so in Syria, where chemicals have already been used.

But I am asking for Right-Wing rationales, not Liberals. Right-Wingers were perfectly fine with Bush's assertion of WMDs.

What's different now? (oil, oil, oil)

What oil, you stupid little twerp?

Syria produces less than .05% of the Worlds Oil.

There's just no hope for people like you.

Go wash some dishes at your day job in the Diner

If you control Syria like we have come very close to controlling Iraq, you are one step closer to the entire control of oil in the Middle East.
But it is OUT OF Control...the Muslim Brotherhood/al-Queda holding the cards as Obama tries to help them. The ME is ON FIRE courtesy of Odumbo.

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