Right-Wingers: What's different about Syria?

The REAL question about Syria, is for all you laughable lolberals.

Given your adamant opposition to the war when W was voicing the case for going after Saddam (and ever since), how is it possible you can support Obumbler's exhortations to start committing acts of war against Assad's regime?

^ The other side's point to the OP.


It is the counter argument, no doubt. Turn his premise on it's head by asking the other side of the "equation," and watch them spin.

My own answer to Synthia's "question" is simple and straightforward. The case for military action against Saddam's regime is not even remotely akin to the case for military action against Assad's regime.

There is a determined effort by guys like Synthia at offering an argument based on a false equivalence. Reject their false premise :: reject the argument and the conclusion they want folks to come to.
Wassup, Synth?

Threw in the towel when you realized there's no measurable difference between Bush and Obama?

If Obama is no different than Bush, why aren't conservatives supporting him the way they supported Bush?

because conservative are smarter than libtards( who are a partisan brainwashed crowd) and learn from previous mistakes?

And where do I find the thread where all the conservative Iraq war supporters around here admit that Iraq was a mistake and admit they were wrong to support it?

In fact, they can post that here, now.

We'll be able to tell by how many make that admission whether or not you're full of shit.
If Obama is no different than Bush, why aren't conservatives supporting him the way they supported Bush?

because conservative are smarter than libtards( who are a partisan brainwashed crowd) and learn from previous mistakes?

And where do I find the thread where all the conservative Iraq war supporters around here admit that Iraq was a mistake and admit they were wrong to support it?

In fact, they can post that here, now.

We'll be able to tell by how many make that admission whether or not you're full of shit.

If I don't see Iraq as a mistake (or at least not nearly as much of a mistake as you laughable lolberals falsely claim it was), then it would obviously be impossible to have me "admit" any such thing. You may "admit" to what you consider a lie. But I don't.

So, you can derive from your observations whatever irrational and illogical conclusion makes you happy. But you're "conclusion" will still be illogical and baseless.

And why oh why is this illogical troll-bait thread in politics instead of in the flame zone?
If Obama is no different than Bush, why aren't conservatives supporting him the way they supported Bush?

And why aren't all you laughable lolberals vocally objecting to Obumbler's efforts?

We have, your denial notwithstanding. Where's your admission you were wrong about Iraq?

No. SOME of you laughable lolberals are objecting to Obumbler's call. But many of you are not. Instead, like dutiful lemmings, you are running for the cliff.

And I do not "admit" to things I consider to be untrue.

See my previous post.

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.
No, it was about ridding that country of a murderous dictator who violated the UN sanctions on him over 17 times. The Iraqi's are now liberated and have free elections now. We did the right thing. So far, there is no proof that Assad has gassed his own people.

sure it was...but that was excuse No. 345 on the excuses people used to go to war with Iraq.

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.
No, it was about ridding that country of a murderous dictator who violated the UN sanctions on him over 17 times. The Iraqi's are now liberated and have free elections now. We did the right thing. So far, there is no proof that Assad has gassed his own people.

sure it was...but that was excuse No. 345 on the excuses people used to go to war with Iraq.
SYRIA is NOT Iraq...try again...It's Obama trying to save his ass...hello REDLINE that he failed to act upon?

Do yourself a favour and pay attention to events, lemming...
* * * *

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

Wrong. And rather stupid.

Opposition to striking at Assad is opposition to striking at ASSAD.

It doesn't prove anything at all about Iraq, much less about the basis for moving on Saddam.

Let me know when President Obumbler cobbles together a set of coherent policy-based justifications for going after pinhead Assad. As of this date and time, he hasn't come close.

Maybe the TOTUS is on the fritz?
Whatever happened to old con argument that regimes like Syria, and circumstances such as regimes like Syria possessing WMD's,

constituted a threat to our 'ally' Israel?

We used to hear that line every other day. Have all you born again isolationists decided that Israel really isn't our ally?

Can we accomplish the same WITHOUT backing AQ/MB to do so?
No, it was about ridding that country of a murderous dictator who violated the UN sanctions on him over 17 times. The Iraqi's are now liberated and have free elections now. We did the right thing. So far, there is no proof that Assad has gassed his own people.

sure it was...but that was excuse No. 345 on the excuses people used to go to war with Iraq.
SYRIA is NOT Iraq...try again...It's Obama trying to save his ass...hello REDLINE that he failed to act upon?

Do yourself a favour and pay attention to events, lemming...

i really dont care drunk. We shouldnt be be going into either period. Not our problem.

The only way i would agree with going in is if the world all agreed to stop this. They are not, therefore let it go, not our issue.

Unlike you who backed Iraq from day one.
The REAL question about Syria, is for all you laughable lolberals.

Given your adamant opposition to the war when W was voicing the case for going after Saddam (and ever since), how is it possible you can support Obumbler's exhortations to start committing acts of war against Assad's regime?

We shouldnt be starting anything with them....End of story really.
Another lolberal droid heard from.

Notice how all the leftist hacks keep attempting to paint the false equivalence between the case for attacking Saddam's regime and the "case" for attacking Assad's regime?

They will never admit that there is no equivalence. Honesty is not their strong suit.
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

There are two differences.

1. The main one is that they oppose anything that Obama does.

2. The second is the American people are weary of war. After Bush's war fiascos, people are right to be suspicious, and opposed to it.

I think that Obama is wrong to be pushing for war in Syria. It is not our business. Things are unstable in the Mideast, and America can not constantly be fighting there.
No, it was about ridding that country of a murderous dictator who violated the UN sanctions on him over 17 times. The Iraqi's are now liberated and have free elections now. We did the right thing. So far, there is no proof that Assad has gassed his own people.

sure it was...but that was excuse No. 345 on the excuses people used to go to war with Iraq.
SYRIA is NOT Iraq...try again...It's Obama trying to save his ass...hello REDLINE that he failed to act upon?

Do yourself a favour and pay attention to events, lemming...

And he looks weaker with every passing day.
THAT is why our progressive pals are out beating the war drums to rally support.
We GOTTA *do* something soon, else Obama looks like a waffler.

Now he plans on addressing the nation Tuesday night. 3/4 more days of him-hawing.

I could have supported the man if, as soon as he KNEW that "red line" had been crossed, he struck and struck hard.

Now he's like, "Uh...well let;s see what congress thinks" or "We have a very strong polling agency engaged in the WH that will help determine our next move".

For GOD'S sake, man!!!!
Make a decision!
Own it!
Another lolberal droid heard from.

Notice how all the leftist hacks keep attempting to paint the false equivalence between the case for attacking Saddam's regime and the "case" for attacking Assad's regime?

They will never admit that there is no equivalence. Honesty is not their strong suit.

welcher is being dishonest. typical.
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

You seem to have your mind made up, so why ask the questions?

For me, I don't see any strategic gains to be made by attacking Assad and siding with Al Qaeda, we don't have a cease-fire with Syria that was breached, and Assad isn't harboring terrorists. However, my mind isn't made up.
The REAL question about Syria, is for all you laughable lolberals.

Given your adamant opposition to the war when W was voicing the case for going after Saddam (and ever since), how is it possible you can support Obumbler's exhortations to start committing acts of war against Assad's regime?

We shouldnt be starting anything with them....End of story really.


Too bad that won't stop the endless string of threads attempting to draw a comparison or drum up support for Obama

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