Right-Wingers: What's different about Syria?

The REAL question about Syria, is for all you laughable lolberals.

Given your adamant opposition to the war when W was voicing the case for going after Saddam (and ever since), how is it possible you can support Obumbler's exhortations to start committing acts of war against Assad's regime?

We shouldnt be starting anything with them....End of story really.

WE shouldn't be starting anything with "them?" If by "them" you are alluding to Syria, I tend (so far) to agree. At best, Pres. Obumbler has failed to make the case for U.S. military action. (I will leave open the possibility that there is a valid case to be made. But I don't yet see it and HE sure as hell hasn't made it.)

On the other hand, the fact that YOU happen to disagree with the "case" that was made (at least a case WAS made by W) for U.S. military action against Saddam's regime does NOT mean that "we" shouldn't have started anything with "them."

Again, you attempt (i.e. your not very well expressed argument attempts) to portray the two separate cases as indistinguishable. They are not. They are different. In fact, the dissimilarities are more compelling than the alleged similarities.
Whatever happened to old con argument that regimes like Syria, and circumstances such as regimes like Syria possessing WMD's,

constituted a threat to our 'ally' Israel?

We used to hear that line every other day. Have all you born again isolationists decided that Israel really isn't our ally?

NO. And IF any of the cast goes after Israel as has been threatened? WE should come to their defense. SYRIA isn't Israel either...Nice try at deflection.

PICK your fight. This is one that sane people (unlike Odumbo, you and the much of the left), choose to stay out of.

WHERE is the threat to us? Sanctions? Remember Odumbo stating the UN was paralyzed, and he intends on going around them...There are HUGE differences here...YOU are blind and remain so.

Obama is trying to save his ass...and YOU are trying to help him...NO SALE.
Another lolberal droid heard from.

Notice how all the leftist hacks keep attempting to paint the false equivalence between the case for attacking Saddam's regime and the "case" for attacking Assad's regime?

They will never admit that there is no equivalence. Honesty is not their strong suit.

welcher is being dishonest. typical.

I admire your confession of being dishonest. I don't know what you welshed on, though.
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

I would not describe myself as a right-winger, but here is my take. Bush was wrong. Not for any of the reasons the MSM indicated, or most Dems. Bush did not engage in any illegal wars. He got the full sanction of both the UN and Congress, with votes of support from people like Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. Saddam had WMD and most of it probably went to Syria. No lies...just poor intelligence beginning during the Clinton years extending into the Bush administration.

Bush's error was believing the nut jobs in the Middle East would actually want democracy. Bush saw the spreading of democracy like a religious zealot. His intentions were good. His error was assuming barbaric, goat-fucking savages still living in the 7th century, would want crazy things like equal rights, self-determination, and equal treatment for women. There is no tradition of democracy in the Middle East. They do not want anything America has to offer. In this respect, Bush was terribly wrong.

I oppose any intervention in Syria for that reason. If a bunch of ignorant, goat-fucking towel heads want to kill each other, I would say that is probably to our benefit. Let it continue. There are likely more pressing humanitarian concerns around the world we could involve ourselves in than engaging in the middle of an Arab civil war.
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sure it was...but that was excuse No. 345 on the excuses people used to go to war with Iraq.
SYRIA is NOT Iraq...try again...It's Obama trying to save his ass...hello REDLINE that he failed to act upon?

Do yourself a favour and pay attention to events, lemming...

And he looks weaker with every passing day.
THAT is why our progressive pals are out beating the war drums to rally support.
We GOTTA *do* something soon, else Obama looks like a waffler.

Now he plans on addressing the nation Tuesday night. 3/4 more days of him-hawing.

I could have supported the man if, as soon as he KNEW that "red line" had been crossed, he struck and struck hard.

Now he's like, "Uh...well let;s see what congress thinks" or "We have a very strong polling agency engaged in the WH that will help determine our next move".

For GOD'S sake, man!!!!
Make a decision!
Own it!

A WEEK AGO...John F'ing Kerry (whom served in 'Nam), came out in a presser saying this was dire, immediate...stating Obama belived it was too...hours later? Obama says He is going to Consult Congress after backlash (Kerry was the trial balloon)...

If it was so dire and we needed to act so quickly? WHY the delay as we telegraph our moves...gives those whom have those weapons much time to move them around...I'm sure the Pentagon brass are growing weary of changing their plans as the story changes hourly from Obama...

This whole thing stinks, is political...and Obama needs to account for this charade...

If Congress is smart and value their jobs? They will say NO...regardless of the threat to blame it on ________________________.
Another lolberal droid heard from.

Notice how all the leftist hacks keep attempting to paint the false equivalence between the case for attacking Saddam's regime and the "case" for attacking Assad's regime?

They will never admit that there is no equivalence. Honesty is not their strong suit.

welcher is being dishonest. typical.

I admire your confession of being dishonest. I don't know what you welshed on, though.

awe cute attempt welcher
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

Build the Keystone. All we'll do is turn you on to hockey and Tim H:eusa_angel:ortons.
I admire your confession of being dishonest. I don't know what you welshed on, though.

awe cute attempt welcher

Don't back-peddle now, you dishonest hack.

You made your admission of your dishonesty. Stand by it.

Later on, feel free to tell us whatever you want to tell us about your welshing.

look at the welcher deflecting again. You going to change your name again Princess? Run off again?
I bet you will
awe cute attempt welcher

Don't back-peddle now, you dishonest hack.

You made your admission of your dishonesty. Stand by it.

Later on, feel free to tell us whatever you want to tell us about your welshing.

look at the welcher deflecting again. You going to change your name again Princess? Run off again?
I bet you will

You HAVE been deflecting quite a bit.

Good for you for acknowledging it.

Meanwhile, your usual insipid and mostly dishonest efforts notwithstanding, let's try to get you focused again (for however long your tiny mind can hold a thought) ON the topic, you worthless dishonest hack:

Your argument has been entirely predicated on trying to pawn off a false equivalence.

That says much about you. None of it good.

Now, hurry back with more of your typically dishonest deflection efforts. You are indeed a pussy, but your false equivalence argument is (as is so often the case with the tripe you post) nothing but a fail.
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SYRIA is NOT Iraq...try again...It's Obama trying to save his ass...hello REDLINE that he failed to act upon?

Do yourself a favour and pay attention to events, lemming...

And he looks weaker with every passing day.
THAT is why our progressive pals are out beating the war drums to rally support.
We GOTTA *do* something soon, else Obama looks like a waffler.

Now he plans on addressing the nation Tuesday night. 3/4 more days of him-hawing.

I could have supported the man if, as soon as he KNEW that "red line" had been crossed, he struck and struck hard.

Now he's like, "Uh...well let;s see what congress thinks" or "We have a very strong polling agency engaged in the WH that will help determine our next move".

For GOD'S sake, man!!!!
Make a decision!
Own it!

A WEEK AGO...John F'ing Kerry (whom served in 'Nam), came out in a presser saying this was dire, immediate...stating Obama belived it was too...hours later? Obama says He is going to Consult Congress after backlash (Kerry was the trial balloon)...

If it was so dire and we needed to act so quickly? WHY the delay as we telegraph our moves...gives those whom have those weapons much time to move them around...I'm sure the Pentagon brass are growing weary of changing their plans as the story changes hourly from Obama...

This whole thing stinks, is political...and Obama needs to account for this charade...

If Congress is smart and value their jobs? They will say NO...regardless of the threat to blame it on ________________________.

It's a game.

They were trying to get immediate reaction and failed horridly. Oh my it's really for a whole different thread on how badly those ego maniacs in Washington have handled this.

This time they have been shamed internationally. They in their realm of Chicagoland diplomacy have failed miserably.

Every report I have read out of the G20 has Obama being treated like the red haired tantrum throwing step child.

Putin comes off as a world class leader that everyone is actually thrilled to be around.

Can you believe we are at this point in time? Aye carumba.
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Don't back-peddle now, you dishonest hack.

You made your admission of your dishonesty. Stand by it.

Later on, feel free to tell us whatever you want to tell us about your welshing.

look at the welcher deflecting again. You going to change your name again Princess? Run off again?
I bet you will

You HAVE been deflecting quite a bit.

Good for you for acknowledging it.

Meanwhile, your usual insipid and mostly dishonest efforts notwithstanding, let's try to get you focused again (for however long your tiny mind can hold a thought) ON the topic, you worthless dishonest hack:

Your argument has been entirely predicated on trying to pawn off a false equivalence.

That says much about you. None of it good.

Now, hurry back with more of your typically dishonest deflection efforts. You are indeed a pussy, but your false equivalence argument is (as is so often the case with the tripe you post) nothing but a fail.

you say a lot, but that doesnt excuse you for welching like you did.
And he looks weaker with every passing day.
THAT is why our progressive pals are out beating the war drums to rally support.
We GOTTA *do* something soon, else Obama looks like a waffler.

Now he plans on addressing the nation Tuesday night. 3/4 more days of him-hawing.

I could have supported the man if, as soon as he KNEW that "red line" had been crossed, he struck and struck hard.

Now he's like, "Uh...well let;s see what congress thinks" or "We have a very strong polling agency engaged in the WH that will help determine our next move".

For GOD'S sake, man!!!!
Make a decision!
Own it!

A WEEK AGO...John F'ing Kerry (whom served in 'Nam), came out in a presser saying this was dire, immediate...stating Obama belived it was too...hours later? Obama says He is going to Consult Congress after backlash (Kerry was the trial balloon)...

If it was so dire and we needed to act so quickly? WHY the delay as we telegraph our moves...gives those whom have those weapons much time to move them around...I'm sure the Pentagon brass are growing weary of changing their plans as the story changes hourly from Obama...

This whole thing stinks, is political...and Obama needs to account for this charade...

If Congress is smart and value their jobs? They will say NO...regardless of the threat to blame it on ________________________.

It's a game.

They were trying to get immediate reaction and failed horridly. Oh my it's really for a whole different thread on how badly those ego maniacs in Washington have handled this.

This time they have been shamed internationally. They in their realm of Chicagoland diplomacy have failed miserably.

Every report I have read out of the G20 has Obama being treated like the red haired tantrum throwing step child.

Putin comes off as a world class leader that everyone is actually thrilled to be around.

Can you believe we are at this point in time? Aye carumba.

Indeed...RARE that I agree with a known Communist...and don't anyone be fooled...Putin hasn't dropped the KGB mentality...You raise a good point. Putin is looking good as WE are laughed at again courtesy of the inept/corrupt/petulant Obama.
look at the welcher deflecting again. You going to change your name again Princess? Run off again?
I bet you will

You HAVE been deflecting quite a bit.

Good for you for acknowledging it.

Meanwhile, your usual insipid and mostly dishonest efforts notwithstanding, let's try to get you focused again (for however long your tiny mind can hold a thought) ON the topic, you worthless dishonest hack:

Your argument has been entirely predicated on trying to pawn off a false equivalence.

That says much about you. None of it good.

Now, hurry back with more of your typically dishonest deflection efforts. You are indeed a pussy, but your false equivalence argument is (as is so often the case with the tripe you post) nothing but a fail.

you say a lot, but that doesnt excuse you for welching like you did.

As you know, I didn't welsh at all. That remains true no matter how often you intone your lie.

Meanwhile, your deflection effort is noted. We all know why, too.

Your false equivalence argument just doesn't stand up.
You HAVE been deflecting quite a bit.

Good for you for acknowledging it.

Meanwhile, your usual insipid and mostly dishonest efforts notwithstanding, let's try to get you focused again (for however long your tiny mind can hold a thought) ON the topic, you worthless dishonest hack:

Your argument has been entirely predicated on trying to pawn off a false equivalence.

That says much about you. None of it good.

Now, hurry back with more of your typically dishonest deflection efforts. You are indeed a pussy, but your false equivalence argument is (as is so often the case with the tripe you post) nothing but a fail.

you say a lot, but that doesnt excuse you for welching like you did.

As you know, I didn't welsh at all. That remains true no matter how often you intone your lie.

Meanwhile, your deflection effort is noted. We all know why, too.

Your false equivalence argument just doesn't stand up.

hey your lying again....welcher.
you say a lot, but that doesnt excuse you for welching like you did.

As you know, I didn't welsh at all. That remains true no matter how often you intone your lie.

Meanwhile, your deflection effort is noted. We all know why, too.

Your false equivalence argument just doesn't stand up.

hey your lying again....welcher.

No. You're the liar. No question. (You take spelling lessons from TderpM?) But your deflection effort is crystal clear.

Meanwhile, an argument like yours, premised on a false equivalence, remains invalid.

I enjoy your fails, constant though they are.

Post more, Plazmaball-less. :thup:
As you know, I didn't welsh at all. That remains true no matter how often you intone your lie.

Meanwhile, your deflection effort is noted. We all know why, too.

Your false equivalence argument just doesn't stand up.

hey your lying again....welcher.

No. You're the liar. No question. (You take spelling lessons from TderpM?) But your deflection effort is crystal clear.

Meanwhile, an argument like yours, premised on a false equivalence, remains invalid.

I enjoy your fails, constant though they are.

Post more, Plazmaball-less. :thup:
the princess is lying, hahahahhahhahhahahahhaahahha
There's plenty of difference between Syria and Iraq, Synthaholic.

1) Intelligence. Although it may have been false, we acted on what was at the time concrete intelligence that Saddam Hussein had WMD. Here in Syria, all we know is that some unknown force launched a chemical attack on Aleppo and the Gouta.

2) International consensus. President Bush had a full contingent of international support for an invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. As opposed to Bush, Obama has none.

3) Congressional approval. In 2002, the Iraq Resolution passed 77-23 in the Senate and 297-133 in the House. Ironically then, 40% (82 of 209) of Democrats in the House passed the resolution, while 58% (29 of 50) them passed it in the Senate. Rumors are now that Obama does not have enough votes in either house to approve a strike.

4) Those who ignore their past mistakes are doomed to repeat them. Apparently Obama didn't learn well enough from Bush the consequences of not looking before leaping. We as Conservatives, Libertarians, and Republicans learned from our mistakes. You Liberals and Democrats continue to and insist on making them as far as Syria is concerned.
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