Rightist Trash Caught On Camera Accosting Woman Wearing Hijab


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2016
Disgusting deplorable scum. :mad-61:


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – It was an unpleasant experience for Smith’s shoppers in Albuquerque Wednesday morning, particularly for a woman wearing a hijab, when another customer accosted her.

Barney Lopez was in the store at Coal and Yale when it happened around 9:30 a.m. He remembers walking in and passing the woman with the head scarf as she was checking out.

“I went down the aisle to go get sodas and then all of a sudden I hear somebody starting to yell at her,” he recalls, “And they’re saying things like ‘Get out of our country, you don’t belong here, you’re a terrorist!'”

At that point, Lopez says, practically everyone in the store stopped what they were doing and ran to the defense of the woman in hijab.

Lopez snapped a picture, albeit a bit shaky, of the person screaming at the woman in the hijab. The lady is wearing a hat and sunglasses. A Smith’s employee appears to stand in the way to keep her back.

“There was even another woman that like went over to the woman in the hijab and put her arm around her and gave her hug and held her while the Smith’s employees came,” he says.

Picture captures person accosting woman wearing hijab at Smith’s (Watch Here)
Disgusting deplorable scum. :mad-61:


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – It was an unpleasant experience for Smith’s shoppers in Albuquerque Wednesday morning, particularly for a woman wearing a hijab, when another customer accosted her.

Barney Lopez was in the store at Coal and Yale when it happened around 9:30 a.m. He remembers walking in and passing the woman with the head scarf as she was checking out.

“I went down the aisle to go get sodas and then all of a sudden I hear somebody starting to yell at her,” he recalls, “And they’re saying things like ‘Get out of our country, you don’t belong here, you’re a terrorist!'”

At that point, Lopez says, practically everyone in the store stopped what they were doing and ran to the defense of the woman in hijab.

Lopez snapped a picture, albeit a bit shaky, of the person screaming at the woman in the hijab. The lady is wearing a hat and sunglasses. A Smith’s employee appears to stand in the way to keep her back.

“There was even another woman that like went over to the woman in the hijab and put her arm around her and gave her hug and held her while the Smith’s employees came,” he says.

Picture captures person accosting woman wearing hijab at Smith’s (Watch Here)

Holy shit! Let me know when they start shooting them and cutting their heads off....mkaaaay...
Disgusting deplorable scum. :mad-61:


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – It was an unpleasant experience for Smith’s shoppers in Albuquerque Wednesday morning, particularly for a woman wearing a hijab, when another customer accosted her.

Barney Lopez was in the store at Coal and Yale when it happened around 9:30 a.m. He remembers walking in and passing the woman with the head scarf as she was checking out.

“I went down the aisle to go get sodas and then all of a sudden I hear somebody starting to yell at her,” he recalls, “And they’re saying things like ‘Get out of our country, you don’t belong here, you’re a terrorist!'”

At that point, Lopez says, practically everyone in the store stopped what they were doing and ran to the defense of the woman in hijab.

Lopez snapped a picture, albeit a bit shaky, of the person screaming at the woman in the hijab. The lady is wearing a hat and sunglasses. A Smith’s employee appears to stand in the way to keep her back.

“There was even another woman that like went over to the woman in the hijab and put her arm around her and gave her hug and held her while the Smith’s employees came,” he says.

Picture captures person accosting woman wearing hijab at Smith’s (Watch Here)
Maybe Fox News will air this story
Holy shit! Let me know when they start shooting them and cutting their heads off....mkaaaay...

Because only that would be bad...but not what that deplorable scumbag did...right?

Fucking conservatard logic.
Holy shit! Let me know when they start shooting them and cutting their heads off....mkaaaay...

Because only that would be bad...but not what that deplorable scumbag did...right?

Fucking conservatard logic.

No, it is bad, however I don't see you doing anything but deflecting when some right winger posts a thread about a Muslim committing some heinous crime. You trot this idiots actions out as if it is somehow on the same level and I think you're a fucking moron for doing so.
Holy shit! Let me know when they start shooting them and cutting their heads off....mkaaaay...

Because only that would be bad...but not what that deplorable scumbag did...right?

Fucking conservatard logic.

Donald Trump and Michael Pence are having a meal in the White House.
A guest approaches and asks:
- What are you guys talking about?
- We're drawing up plans for the WWIII, We are going to kill 17 million Muslims and 1 dentist.
A dentist?! Why are you going to kill a dentist?!
Trump gives a pat on Pence's shoulder.
- What did I tell you? ... No one will ask about the Muslims
I think these scenarios are contrived for articles like this to be written. Does anyone doubt that media would do such a thing after all the false reports of right wing "atrocities" have been brought to light? I have never met a right winger who would treat a person in the manner described. I am betting it is a left wing plant.
Ask yourself this. Why the guy who allegedly had a phone and took a snapshot did not take a video. You can certainly tell more of what is going on in a video can't you?
All of them were later seen cashing their checks from the Democrat National Committee.....courtesy of bob creamer and Scott foval.........
Disgusting deplorable scum. :mad-61:


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – It was an unpleasant experience for Smith’s shoppers in Albuquerque Wednesday morning, particularly for a woman wearing a hijab, when another customer accosted her.

Barney Lopez was in the store at Coal and Yale when it happened around 9:30 a.m. He remembers walking in and passing the woman with the head scarf as she was checking out.

“I went down the aisle to go get sodas and then all of a sudden I hear somebody starting to yell at her,” he recalls, “And they’re saying things like ‘Get out of our country, you don’t belong here, you’re a terrorist!'”

At that point, Lopez says, practically everyone in the store stopped what they were doing and ran to the defense of the woman in hijab.

Lopez snapped a picture, albeit a bit shaky, of the person screaming at the woman in the hijab. The lady is wearing a hat and sunglasses. A Smith’s employee appears to stand in the way to keep her back.

“There was even another woman that like went over to the woman in the hijab and put her arm around her and gave her hug and held her while the Smith’s employees came,” he says.

Picture captures person accosting woman wearing hijab at Smith’s (Watch Here)

Please elaborate.

Not one reference to a rightist.

Whatever a rightist is.

Thread fail.

Disgusting deplorable scum. :mad-61:


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – It was an unpleasant experience for Smith’s shoppers in Albuquerque Wednesday morning, particularly for a woman wearing a hijab, when another customer accosted her.

Barney Lopez was in the store at Coal and Yale when it happened around 9:30 a.m. He remembers walking in and passing the woman with the head scarf as she was checking out.

“I went down the aisle to go get sodas and then all of a sudden I hear somebody starting to yell at her,” he recalls, “And they’re saying things like ‘Get out of our country, you don’t belong here, you’re a terrorist!'”

At that point, Lopez says, practically everyone in the store stopped what they were doing and ran to the defense of the woman in hijab.

Lopez snapped a picture, albeit a bit shaky, of the person screaming at the woman in the hijab. The lady is wearing a hat and sunglasses. A Smith’s employee appears to stand in the way to keep her back.

“There was even another woman that like went over to the woman in the hijab and put her arm around her and gave her hug and held her while the Smith’s employees came,” he says.

Picture captures person accosting woman wearing hijab at Smith’s (Watch Here)

It cost 16 million to protect Clinton's home and she charges the secret service rent. Clinton has two home and travel expense.

Trump is not taking a income other than $1 a year.

Obama's home is $2.2 million, plus his personal security. His grandmother had security at tax payer expense.

Trump already had security at NY and Florida. Security is required no matter. The extreme hate and violence of the left only increase the cost of security.

This is really the issue you want to take on?

How about the billion in Clinton corruption, criminal filing of finances as a charity, the abuses of those the charity is "supposed to" be caring for, child trafficking, improper drugs, pay to play...............

Go after the criminal, not expenses Trump has no control over. You might want, but Trump cannot turn down or cut funds for the Secret service.

The cost to protect Trump is for his whole family and it is in part city and state, not just federal. Always the family is also protected from nomination to the president's last days. That will not change. Does not matter if they live in the city or out in rural areas, of both. Two children or five children, it won't change.

Cut the protests, accept the new president elect, work to help him make america great, fight against terrorism and hate............... "maybe" the cost of security might go down.

Right now there are citizen groups preparing to protect the inauguration at personal expense. That is how much some care about the next president and his vision for all americans. They would jump in front of a bullet and stop any threats they see to protect him and the rest of the people there.

Care about hate, violence and security, call in all threats and threats and report all rumors to protect others instead of trying to incite anger or violence.

Do something constructive and stop breeding anger that "might" lead to violence against our new president.

If Trump ask for it or not, the secret service is obligated to protect the new president when ever or where ever.

Why did you not make as issue of the expense of Obama's vacations and golfing trips? You did not detail the cost of running the WH under Obama or the cost of planting a vegetable garden when buy the food even organic would have been pennies by comparison.

How much would Clinton and stolen or illegally profited from if she had won?

Help find other pork to cut from the budget, locally and federally instead instead. Help create jobs that generate tax dollars not just spend them. Help report abuses in your community. Devote time to volunteer in ways to help save tax payers money. Become part of a neighborhood watch to reduce crime, help tutor children so they can excel in school, help provide clothes and teach them how to behave so they can get a good job, help by volunteering at fire stations, libraries, medical clinics to comfort patients who are waiting or help them fill out paper work or running errands for staff, assist those with difficulty walking or moving, help women with children, even food banks, help at senior or community centers. Help victims of crime repair damage or get back on their feel. Do something for your fellow man beside complaining about the need for security of our next president.
it won't be long before liberals start wearing a hijab in order to support their Muslim allies.
Disgusting deplorable scum. :mad-61:


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – It was an unpleasant experience for Smith’s shoppers in Albuquerque Wednesday morning, particularly for a woman wearing a hijab, when another customer accosted her.

Barney Lopez was in the store at Coal and Yale when it happened around 9:30 a.m. He remembers walking in and passing the woman with the head scarf as she was checking out.

“I went down the aisle to go get sodas and then all of a sudden I hear somebody starting to yell at her,” he recalls, “And they’re saying things like ‘Get out of our country, you don’t belong here, you’re a terrorist!'”

At that point, Lopez says, practically everyone in the store stopped what they were doing and ran to the defense of the woman in hijab.

Lopez snapped a picture, albeit a bit shaky, of the person screaming at the woman in the hijab. The lady is wearing a hat and sunglasses. A Smith’s employee appears to stand in the way to keep her back.

“There was even another woman that like went over to the woman in the hijab and put her arm around her and gave her hug and held her while the Smith’s employees came,” he says.

Picture captures person accosting woman wearing hijab at Smith’s (Watch Here)

It's a positive story actually, almost everyone in the store came to the woman's defence. Thats actually pretty encouraging, usually people don't get involved
Holy shit! Let me know when they start shooting them and cutting their heads off....mkaaaay...

Because only that would be bad...but not what that deplorable scumbag did...right?

Fucking conservatard logic.

could have been a charade though. This is pretty common practice from the leftists when they try to hard to prove a point.
Fake news.

Mentally ill soros provocateur nuts out in a store, all the Republicans helped out. Meh.
Holy shit! Let me know when they start shooting them and cutting their heads off....mkaaaay...

It's far more important to the Alt-Left to protect the little darlings wearing hijabs from being harassed than it is for Christians to keep their heads.

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