Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

You did? Please highlight it in BLUE so it is clear and I will go away if if actually says that [MENTION=33829]Faun[/MENTION].

Can't do it? Yeah, I know. What can I say - you're a typical Dumbocrat. Completely ignorant of the U.S. Constitution.

The Supreme Court has zero Constitutional authority to rule on the Constitution. They can only rule on laws, cases, etc. (ie are those laws passed Constitutional).

You must really like being my bitch on USMB because you sure insist on doing it 24x7.

I already highlighted the relevant section. The judicial power is vested in the U.S.S.C. and ALL CASES under the Constitution. You do understand that "ALL CASES" includes cases about the Constitution itself, right?

Nah, of course you don't because you really are a fucking rightard.

Now begone, Loser! :lol:

Ahhhhhhhh!!!! You can't do it!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

PROOF here and now that you are wrong and that you are my personal bitch on USMB!


You can deny it until you choke the jism stuck in your throat, out of your nose; but you were shown.

You said, "If you can provide the article and section of the Constitution which authorizes the Supreme Court to alter the Constitution (or even rule on the Constitution itself), I'll leave USMB and I will never come back.

I showed you:

Article III.

Section. 1.

The judicial Power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.

Section. 2.

The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority;--to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls;--to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction;--to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party;--to Controversies between two or more States;-- between a State and Citizens of another State,--between Citizens of different States,--between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects.​

Now begone, ChoadBreath! :lol:
Still waiting sweetie.. :lol:

What's wrong - not able to do it? Come on, please highlight in blue where it says the Supreme Court has the authority to alter the Constitution (which deciding what it means is in fact altering it).

You flaming loser, I never said they could "alter" the Constitution. That you are trying so desperately to alter the terms of your offer as well as what I showed you is evidence that you know you should leave this forum forever, as you said you would.

But of course, you're too stupid and lack any character whatsoever to keep your word, that of course, you won't leave as you said you would.

You challenged the forum to show you where the Constitution empowers the U.S.S.C. to rule on the Constitution itself. Not "alter" it, "rule" on it.

You were shown.

Now begone, loser! :lol:

If you INTERPRET what it means, then you are altering what it means. How dumb is fauny?!? :eek:

Interpret | Define Interpret at Dictionary.com

Interpret =/= "altering".
So...you cannot have it both ways...either the Supreme Court interprets the Constitution when there are questions or they do not. Which is it?

"Both ways"? When did I ever say the Supreme Court is authorized to interpret the Constitution? Please provide a direct link to where I said that or the thread and post number.

So...you are saying that the Supreme Court is NOT authorized to interpret the Constitution?
Even worse than that -- he is saying the U.S.S.C. cannot even rule on the Constitution itself.

He really is that moronic.

And he has no character or integrity. He offered to leave the forum forever if he could be shown where the Constitution authorizes that. I showed him, but the loser won't honor his word and leave. :dunno:
Still waiting sweetie.. :lol:

What's wrong - not able to do it? Come on, please highlight in blue where it says the Supreme Court has the authority to alter the Constitution (which deciding what it means is in fact altering it).

You flaming loser, I never said they could "alter" the Constitution. That you are trying so desperately to alter the terms of your offer as well as what I showed you is evidence that you know you should leave this forum forever, as you said you would.

But of course, you're too stupid and lack any character whatsoever to keep your word, that of course, you won't leave as you said you would.

You challenged the forum to show you where the Constitution empowers the U.S.S.C. to rule on the Constitution itself. Not "alter" it, "rule" on it.

You were shown.

Now begone, loser! :lol:

If you INTERPRET what it means, then you are altering what it means. How dumb is fauny?!? :eek:

Seriously? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Still waiting sweetie.. :lol:

What's wrong - not able to do it? Come on, please highlight in blue where it says the Supreme Court has the authority to alter the Constitution (which deciding what it means is in fact altering it).

You flaming loser, I never said they could "alter" the Constitution. That you are trying so desperately to alter the terms of your offer as well as what I showed you is evidence that you know you should leave this forum forever, as you said you would.

But of course, you're too stupid and lack any character whatsoever to keep your word, that of course, you won't leave as you said you would.

You challenged the forum to show you where the Constitution empowers the U.S.S.C. to rule on the Constitution itself. Not "alter" it, "rule" on it.

You were shown.

Now begone, loser! :lol:

If you INTERPRET what it means, then you are altering what it means. How dumb is fauny?!? :eek:

Loser, forget "interpret." You said, "rule."

Why do you keep changing the terms??

Oh, that's right -- because you know you were shown the Constitution states what you said it doesn't. Now you're just flailing like a dying fish on my hook, trying to save face while not leaving the forum as you said you would.

"If you can provide the article and section of the Constitution which authorizes the Supreme Court to alter the Constitution (or even rule on the Constitution itself), I'll leave USMB and I will never come back." ~ ChoadBreath

"The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution" ~ Article III. Section. 2.

Now begone, Loser! :lol:
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Still waiting sweetie.. :lol:

What's wrong - not able to do it? Come on, please highlight in blue where it says the Supreme Court has the authority to alter the Constitution (which deciding what it means is in fact altering it).

You flaming loser, I never said they could "alter" the Constitution. That you are trying so desperately to alter the terms of your offer as well as what I showed you is evidence that you know you should leave this forum forever, as you said you would.

But of course, you're too stupid and lack any character whatsoever to keep your word, that of course, you won't leave as you said you would.

You challenged the forum to show you where the Constitution empowers the U.S.S.C. to rule on the Constitution itself. Not "alter" it, "rule" on it.

You were shown.

Now begone, loser! :lol:

If you INTERPRET what it means, then you are altering what it means. How dumb is fauny?!? :eek:

Why not simply admit that you hate homosexuals and leave it at that?

Otherwise you just sound ignorant and ridiculous.
You flaming loser, I never said they could "alter" the Constitution. That you are trying so desperately to alter the terms of your offer as well as what I showed you is evidence that you know you should leave this forum forever, as you said you would.

But of course, you're too stupid and lack any character whatsoever to keep your word, that of course, you won't leave as you said you would.

You challenged the forum to show you where the Constitution empowers the U.S.S.C. to rule on the Constitution itself. Not "alter" it, "rule" on it.

You were shown.

Now begone, loser! :lol:

If you INTERPRET what it means, then you are altering what it means. How dumb is fauny?!? :eek:

Why not simply admit that you hate homosexuals and leave it at that?

Otherwise you just sound ignorant and ridiculous.

Huh? How is admitting that going to change how he sounds?
Still waiting sweetie.. :lol:

What's wrong - not able to do it? Come on, please highlight in blue where it says the Supreme Court has the authority to alter the Constitution (which deciding what it means is in fact altering it).

You flaming loser, I never said they could "alter" the Constitution. That you are trying so desperately to alter the terms of your offer as well as what I showed you is evidence that you know you should leave this forum forever, as you said you would.

But of course, you're too stupid and lack any character whatsoever to keep your word, that of course, you won't leave as you said you would.

You challenged the forum to show you where the Constitution empowers the U.S.S.C. to rule on the Constitution itself. Not "alter" it, "rule" on it.

You were shown.

Now begone, loser! :lol:

If you INTERPRET what it means, then you are altering what it means. How dumb is fauny?!? :eek:

I don't think you know what either interpret or alter means.

explain the meaning of (information, words, or actions).

change or cause to change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way.

Give it up Rottweiler. You and all the other lunatic fringe lost. Gay people are out, loud and proud and the more you carry on with proclaiming your utter stupidity for the world to see, gay people and and their supporters will strike back twice as hard.
You flaming loser, I never said they could "alter" the Constitution. That you are trying so desperately to alter the terms of your offer as well as what I showed you is evidence that you know you should leave this forum forever, as you said you would.

But of course, you're too stupid and lack any character whatsoever to keep your word, that of course, you won't leave as you said you would.

You challenged the forum to show you where the Constitution empowers the U.S.S.C. to rule on the Constitution itself. Not "alter" it, "rule" on it.

You were shown.

Now begone, loser! :lol:

If you INTERPRET what it means, then you are altering what it means. How dumb is fauny?!? :eek:

Why not simply admit that you hate homosexuals and leave it at that?

Otherwise you just sound ignorant and ridiculous.

Irony alert!
By the way Rottweiler what exactly am I willing to bend over on? The fact that I don't give a fuck about someone elses personal life? Isn't that the freedom our damn party is supposed to stand for? Personal choice to do as we please as long as it doesn't impact the freedoms of others?

I don't get why my lack of obsession about gays makes me a liberal. We happily point out gays in our party but if I tollerate them im suddenly a sellout?

Give me a fucking break.

Hey asshole - thank you for proving once again that you don't understand the issue :lol:

You really are one typical ignorant liberal RINO

(Hint: I don't give a fuck about their personal life either - but that's not what we're discussing now, is it? You're too dumb to even know what's being discussed. The discussion is GOVERNMENT RECOGNITION dumb ass. Not personal life).

That IS what I was talking about in MY OP. You guys are the ones that took it off into some arbitrary legal direction. Which by the way is just as stupid. Obamacare was deemed constitutional and we bitched. Gays issues shot down in court and we cheer. Says far more about us and how shallow we are than anything else.

And if you think im a lib you are a total moron. Im just not a big enough hater for you and thats fine. I don't answer to you or any other nutjob on this board. Simply put if your analytical skills lead you to the conclusion that im a lib you're as lost in the woods as Franco

Gramps, I agree with you more than not, but people should hold whatever opinions they deem fit to. That's freedom of expression. Political discourse. People can hold ill informed opinions of others if they want. Who are we to regulate the opinions of others? Just because people don't have the same exact opinions as you do on gay marriage does not automatically qualify you to judge them as haters.

I don't condone gay marriage as a stipulation of my faith, and I am compelled by my beliefs not to sacrifice that for the laws of men, but Jesus did say 'love one another.' So if that means affording equal protections under the law for those whose lifestyles I don't approve of, so be it.
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I reserve the right to react negatively to male homosexual behavior; however certain female homosexual activities and participants can be delightful to the eye and other organs.
I reserve the right to react negatively to male homosexual behavior; however certain female homosexual activities and participants can be delightful to the eye and other organs.

As long as "reacting negatively" doesn't occur outside the confines of your own person-hood, no problem.

That observation has certain metaphysical implications...however I agree in general.
Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Never let it go. Be proud of who you hate.

And don't forget all the "blacks are on welfare" stuff.

And how Hispanics are invading the country.

And how women who abort after rape are murderers.

Yea, keep running on those "core" beliefs.

Be honest and be proud of who you are.
Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Never let it go. Be proud of who you hate.

And don't forget all the "blacks are on welfare" stuff.

And how Hispanics are invading the country.

And how women who abort after rape are murderers.

Yea, keep running on those "core" beliefs.

Be honest and be proud of who you are.

Right wingers think I'm trying to incite anger by repeating their positions. All I'm doing is "repeating their core beliefs". Don't yell at me for holding up GOP positions. If you don't like them, tell us why they aren't true. Give examples. I do.

EXCLUSIVE: Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives - The Washington Post
Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Never let it go. Be proud of who you hate.

And don't forget all the "blacks are on welfare" stuff.

And how Hispanics are invading the country.

And how women who abort after rape are murderers.

Yea, keep running on those "core" beliefs.

Be honest and be proud of who you are.

Right wingers think I'm trying to incite anger by repeating their positions. All I'm doing is "repeating their core beliefs". Don't yell at me for holding up GOP positions. If you don't like them, tell us why they aren't true. Give examples. I do.

EXCLUSIVE: Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives - The Washington Post

Obabble 'holds up right wing positions" all he time...and they are lies...don't make that mistake...
Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Never let it go. Be proud of who you hate.

And don't forget all the "blacks are on welfare" stuff.

And how Hispanics are invading the country.

And how women who abort after rape are murderers.

Yea, keep running on those "core" beliefs.

Be honest and be proud of who you are.

Right wingers think I'm trying to incite anger by repeating their positions. All I'm doing is "repeating their core beliefs". Don't yell at me for holding up GOP positions. If you don't like them, tell us why they aren't true. Give examples. I do.

EXCLUSIVE: Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives - The Washington Post

Obabble 'holds up right wing positions" all he time...and they are lies...don't make that mistake...

Then the right wing should love him.

How come when you point out a Republican position on anything, they always answer with:





Are they ashamed of their own policies? Seems like it.
Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Never let it go. Be proud of who you hate.

And don't forget all the "blacks are on welfare" stuff.

And how Hispanics are invading the country.

And how women who abort after rape are murderers.

Yea, keep running on those "core" beliefs.

Be honest and be proud of who you are.

Right wingers think I'm trying to incite anger by repeating their positions. All I'm doing is "repeating their core beliefs". Don't yell at me for holding up GOP positions. If you don't like them, tell us why they aren't true. Give examples. I do.

EXCLUSIVE: Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives - The Washington Post

Tell us what your core beliefs are individually and we will tell you what our core beliefs are individually.
And out of respect we shall each respect each other's INDIVIDUAL core beliefs.

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