Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

Cops were really shooting unarmed black men and had been doing that for decades.


A fantasy where there was massive election fraud and the presidency stolen from trump.
Philando Castile
I was not there but a jury that considered all the evidence found the cop not guilty

that does not mean the shooting was unavoidable but it does not prove murder either

thanks to the “woke” and racially biased lib news media you can be sure to find a few incidents each year or every few years when a totally innocent citizen is killed by a trigger-happy cop

and if the citizen is black you are guaranteed to hear about it

Cops are human

but given the reckless behavour of black criminals that the police have to deal with millions of times a year I think they do a good job overall
I was not there but a jury that considered all the evidence found the cop not guilty

that does not mean the shooting was unavoidable but it does not prove murder either

thanks to the “woke” and racially biased lib news media you can be sure to find a few incidents each year or every few years when a totally innocent citizen is killed by a trigger-happy cop

and if the citizen is black you are guaranteed to hear about it

Cops are human

but given the reckless behavour of black criminals that the police have to deal with millions of times a year I think they do a good job overall
"I'm human" as an excuse to kill someone. Imagine if that was the defense for someone "resisting arrest".
That issue is about police brutality and police brutality only. It is about nothing else related to left wing politics. It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the behavior of liberals or democrats. Most of the people dead (13) from those riots were the black people involved.

The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics. Their intentions were related to keep Trump in power. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event.

Why not?

BLM and antifa rioted, burned, looted, stole and killed and attacked people under a idea. Even took over city blocks keeping out police and emergency people calling them safe zones or whatever.

Jan 6th people did what they did under a idea as well.

But ultimately no republican is comparing them directly. Republicans are comparing why democrats call the 6th a disaster, an attack on America and constantly talking about it as if it were a disaster and calling for heads to roll and hating on a entire party, but never ever even so much as speak out against BLM and antifa and in a lot of cases encourage them.

Our question is why one ok and the other not?

And those summer riots lasted a lot longer than just a summer.
We the public put the cops in a very dangerous situation and then expect them to be more perfect than anyone else in society

thats unrealistic
No, the standard we hold cops to is FAR lower than everyone else. We allow them to kill people for no reason with no repercussions.
We the public put the cops in a very dangerous situation and then expect them to be more perfect than anyone else in society

thats unrealistic
Watch this video. The entire thing.

Tell me:
Who put who in a dangerous situation?
Who was expected to be perfect?
Watch this video. The entire thing.

Tell me:
Who put who in a dangerous situation?
Who was expected to be perfect?

I’ve seen it before and was thinking of posting it myself

because it blows the lib “racist white cops” claim out of the water
When the evidence shows that cops misbehave they are usually found guilty
False. They're barely even prosecuted for misbehavior and when they do the jury is loaded with people like yourself who are willing to cut them a break that they wouldn't for the rest of us.
I’ve seen it before and was thinking of posting it myself

because it blows the lib “racist white cops” claim out of the water
But it plays right into the hyperaggressive and dangerous warrior cop mentality that pervades the police force.

It's the rot.

You refused to answer the questions.

Who put who in a dangerous situation and who was expected to be perfect?

The answer is the cop was the one who put Shaver into a dangerous situation. He was the one who was screaming and threatening the man. The man was expected to behave perfectly in this dangerous situation.

He didn't and it cost him his life. The cop was not only found innocent but he was also given disability and a pension as he left the force from the trauma of having needlessly killed a man.

That's injustice.
That issue is about police brutality and police brutality only. It is about nothing else related to left wing politics. It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the behavior of liberals or democrats. Most of the people dead (13) from those riots were the black people involved.

The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics. Their intentions were related to keep Trump in power. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event.

Yes there is no comparison, the summer of love was worse. Hundreds of private businesses were destroyed and lives destroyed. The January 6 protest costed government a few bucks. But showed the democrat party, real Americans will not put of with cheating in our elections.
Cops were really shooting unarmed black men and had been doing that for decades.


A fantasy where there was massive election fraud and the presidency stolen from trump.
Cops were really shooting unarmed black men and had been doing that for decades.

They shoot more unarmed whites than blacks, but lets ignore that for now. Why do you support riots and looting in response to that that ended up putting thousands of black business owners out of business? Great way to protest injustices against blacks, Moron.
False. They're barely even prosecuted for misbehavior and when they do the jury is loaded with people like yourself who are willing to cut them a break that they wouldn't for the rest of us.
You dound like a sore loser

Most of the high profile cases that drive ANTIFA and Black LIES matter libs into the streets to pillage and burn are in big cities like baltimore which are infested with liberals

so the jury pool cant all be white Tea Party patriots
The answer is the cop was the one who put Shaver into a dangerous situation. He was the one who was screaming and threatening the man. The man was expected to behave perfectly in this dangerous situation.
If I had been on the jury I MIGHT have voted to convict the cop after hearing ALL the evidence

It has always seemed that way to me

but I never claimed that our legal system is perfect

Juries sometimes make mistakes - for and against the cops
You dound like a sore loser

Most of the high profile cases that drive ANTIFA and Black LIES matter libs into the streets to pillage and burn are in big cities like baltimore which are infested with liberals

so the jury pool cant all be white Tea Party patriots
I didn't say Tea Party patriots.

The repercussions of holding police accountable is that they stop policing and crime runs rampant. In order to get protection from criminals, we have to look the other way while they break the law.

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