Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

If your point is that the impeachments were so illegal and ridiculous that it shows congressional contempt for the law, I agree.
But I also doubt there was 2020 election fraud.
Not nearly as bad as the 2000 election fraud.
Name the 2000 Election fraud pally.It was about The Recount.
How heavy Democrat Counties like Miami-Dade and Broward used
Democrat run Pollling places to manipulate as many " hanging chads "
as time permitted.
Broward again in 2018 attempted to manipulate the vote.
In the Governors race { Ron DeSantis vs. Andrew Gillum }
Gillum was another leftie who was tutored in a Soros-backed
Revolutionary training ground known as the Rockford Leadership Institute.Sarsour is
If fellow Graduate Linda Sarsour is name recognition enough.
Broward virtually tried to steal that 2018 Governors Race from DeSantis.
The long time Election Supervisor of Broward { Brenda Snipes } almost got
away with her usual shenanigans.But got caught too often with her telltale
signs of Election Interference and tampering.She was forced to quit.
I guess,or face the penalty as did Melowese Richardson after the 2012 election.
We did fine for over a century without significant police.
Which century was that?

Even the wild wild west needed lawmen

and in our urban society police are needed more than ever
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False, truck drivers on interstates were attacked during BLM riots, shop owners in Dallas, St Paul and DC burned, law abiding citizens attacked for no reason. BLM represents a bunch of violent thug motherfuckers that act like a bunch of fucking animals on the street and wonder why they get shot. We still shoot rabid dogs. BLM/Antifa was much more violent. The January 6th riot was frustration over 4 states that either stopped counting votes for illegitimate reasons or gave people to revote two and three times. None of that was allowed 10 years ago. This last election was a fucking joke and all Americans should be ashamed of how it was administered. Of course the knuckle dragging left supports criminals so they are joyous. The great UNIFIER Biden gives a speech about 1/6 creating more division. Democrats are a bunch of fucking crybabies.
Righto.But never forget who you are dealing with here.
Not Liberals.Thomas Jefferson was a Liberal.Today's Democrats and their
loyal followers are Not Liberals.Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan was a Liberal.
As was Basketball Great and Democrat Senator Bill Bradley.
Yer talkin' outright Lying cheats the likes of which this Country has seldom witnessed.
We're Talkin' .... Lefties.
Outright ... Leftist'
If your point is that the impeachments were so illegal and ridiculous that it shows congressional contempt for the law, I agree.
But I also doubt there was 2020 election fraud.
Not nearly as bad as the 2000 election fraud.
Thanks to the absentee ballot I believe there was enough democrat ballot harvesting to swing a close election

but it is admittedly difficult to prove
Righto.But never forget who you are dealing with here.
Not Liberals.Thomas Jefferson was a Liberal.Today's Democrats and their
loyal followers are Not Liberals.Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan was a Liberal.
As was Basketball Great and Democrat Senator Bill Bradley.
Yer talkin' outright Lying cheats the likes of which this Country has seldom witnessed.
We're Talkin' .... Lefties.
Outright ... Leftist'
About the most imbecilic and childlike statement I ever done heard on a
message board.Take that line of insanity and go tell it on the Joe Madison
Radio show { Sirius XM 126 }.
Rudy Giuliani Became Americas Mayor because he cleaned-up
The Big Apple.Even going after Street Bums who force themself on Motorist
by wiping down their windshields.
Plus of Course Giuliani getting rid of most N.Y.city Mafia types.

So you support Guiliani?
I don't.
I think his "Stop and Frisk" policy was totally illegal and he should have been hanged for it!
Almost all the police are criminals.
From the illegal War on Drugs, to shooting Blacks in the back.
We have the largest % imprisoned in the world, and more illegal laws than any other country, like mandated sentences, asset forfeiture, no-knock-warrants, stop and frisk, etc.
We would be much better off if more people just were armed and there were no police at all.
Name the 2000 Election fraud pally.It was about The Recount.
How heavy Democrat Counties like Miami-Dade and Broward used
Democrat run Pollling places to manipulate as many " hanging chads "
as time permitted.
Broward again in 2018 attempted to manipulate the vote.
In the Governors race { Ron DeSantis vs. Andrew Gillum }
Gillum was another leftie who was tutored in a Soros-backed
Revolutionary training ground known as the Rockford Leadership Institute.Sarsour is
If fellow Graduate Linda Sarsour is name recognition enough.
Broward virtually tried to steal that 2018 Governors Race from DeSantis.
The long time Election Supervisor of Broward { Brenda Snipes } almost got
away with her usual shenanigans.But got caught too often with her telltale
signs of Election Interference and tampering.She was forced to quit.
I guess,or face the penalty as did Melowese Richardson after the 2012 election.

The 2000 election was full of fraud, like 40,000 Black votes being illegally pulled because their names were similar to those of convicted felons.
The hanging chads, butterfly ballots, etc.

But the 2 impeachments of Trump were also illegal slander and libel that had to have illegal influenced the 2020 election as well.
So both parties are all crooks.
Politifact is full of shit, Bodecea...the people that stormed the Capital building were not armed with guns.

Which century was that?

Even the wild wild west needed lawmen

and in our urban society police are needed more than ever

There were no significant police before 1900.
Since there were no phones, you could not call the police and you had to deal with it yourself.
Since there were no cars, police could take days to get anywhere even after you told them of a crime.

In the west, the sheriff mostly just ran the jail.
It was average citizens who did all the arresting.

Urban societies need police even less than the west where there were gangs of rustlers, bandits, pirates, angry natives, etc.
Thanks to the absentee ballot I believe there was enough democrat ballot harvesting to swing a close election

but it is admittedly difficult to prove

While election fraud is possible, the number of people who would have to be involved means a leak would be too likely.
They burned down a police station. This is actually anarchy. But still parallel to an insurrection.

There is nothing there that does not make you look like a tool.

Did you read anything in that besides the headline, Bodecea? Those people weren't in the Capital building! Most of them weren't even close! Dumbest post of the day...
There were no significant police before 1900.
Since there were no phones, you could not call the police and you had to deal with it yourself.
Since there were no cars, police could take days to get anywhere even after you told them of a crime.

In the west, the sheriff mostly just ran the jail.
It was average citizens who did all the arresting.

Urban societies need police even less than the west where there were gangs of rustlers, bandits, pirates, angry natives, etc.
You don't live in a bad urban area...do you, Rigby?

But it is not clear anyone arrested for a gun charge was doing or intended anything illegal.
For example, DC has a magazine capacity law, but it is illegal for DC police to enforce that law at all, much less on those just passing through.
The comparison between the two is simply a distraction by Trumpists for their failed coup attempt. BLM and those other riots never threatened the Republic, except in the minds of the most delicate of Trumpers.

The summer riots occurred because certain people thought they were excluded from the system; the Trumpist riots occurred because they wanted to over throw the system and install an autocrat.

Be that as it may, all law breakers deserve to be in jail
Yeah, we know, every time we point out your craven hypocrisy, it's a "distraction." "Never mind what I said and did in the past. This is what I'm saying now."
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