Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

Thanks to the absentee ballot I believe there was enough democrat ballot harvesting to swing a close election

but it is admittedly difficult to prove
As Superb Defender of Truth and the American way.Mollie Hemingway of
The Federalist wrote - Rigged - { Oct.2021 } explains how the left managed to
attempt to guarantee the Election of 2020.
Using their Poster boy { Marc Elias } Election law,voting rights and
former Counsel to Hillary Clinton, and partner at Perkins Coie.Where he was
instrumental in concocting the basis for Trump's - Russian Collusion - Hoax.
He Gathered many rich from the left to put Money into Left districts to
guarantee changing of election rules and procedures.Keep in mind how and why
102 Million voted absentee in 2020.

One person died. An unarmed white person. At the hands of a cop.


Happened to be black. So, the INSURRECTION involved one gun shot where the left claim the right are the only ones that shoot others with GUNS.

Ironically it's the opposite.

Africans were able to work into freedom. Slavery was pretty much a penalty for crime. Also prisoners captured in battle became slaves. I know of at least one instance where an african slave became a king, King Jaja of Opobo. That could not happen in America. Not everbody black went to Liberia and Liberians really don't consider America the homeland. There were Africans already living in Liberia when the former slaves went back. because only around 18,000 went back.
Https://www.washingtonpost.com>liberianrefugeesexpressbitternessovervisapolicy A quote from the article, " Even Liberians who had no personal ties to the United States tended to think of it as " the motherland ". " I'm sorry but I don't believe you, on this point as well as several others but I'm not going to get into all the details. I don't believe in conspiracy theories I believe in the truth.
Being cheap, I always live in bad urban areas, but the police are the last people I want to see.
They are the most abusive of all.
Really, Rigby? When I lived in bad neighborhoods the Police were always a welcome sight. It meant you were safe. Abusive? Sorry, most of the Police I've interacted with were actually pretty nice.
There were no significant police before 1900.
Since there were no phones, you could not call the police and you had to deal with it yourself.
Since there were no cars, police could take days to get anywhere even after you told them of a crime.

In the west, the sheriff mostly just ran the jail.
It was average citizens who did all the arresting.

Urban societies need police even less than the west where there were gangs of rustlers, bandits, pirates, angry natives, etc.
You need to take a history course

we have had law enforcement in one name and variety or another since colonial times
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While election fraud is possible, the number of people who would have to be involved means a leak would be too likely.
These are low level sewer rats that are too numerous to list but widely deployed
The report further states that most of the violence was done by white nationalist and white paramilitary groups.
Bwahaha!! Yeah, you know how "white nationalists" loooove to join "Black Lives Matters" protests to further their cause. :lmao:

Is there any bullshit insanity you won't peddle? You just keep throwing shit at the wall and praying something sticks.
You do understand that the majority of arrests in the NYC George Floyd protests were on whites don't you?

[URLunfurl="true"]https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/doi/rep... Reponse. GeorgeFloyd Protests.12.18.2020.pdf[/URL]
Yeah stupid...white Democrats. Because you can't get past fucking skin color (as a raging racist), it doesn't occur to you that the rest of us could give a fuck what color skin they had. The point is, the left engaged in an actual insurrection. Then tried to accuse Republicans of it when they had a legal, peaceful protest.
They know what it means and the president would actually know that weaponse were found.
Psst...stupid...the rest of the world would also know "what weapons were found". The Dumbocrats and their propaganda arm (aka the "Mainstream Media") would be screaming it at the top of their lungs.

Your inability to use logic and reason is killing you in this thread. Too blinded by your raging racism, I guess.
There is no such thing.
The raging racist thinks blacks can't be "fragile". Unfuckingbelievable. You can't make this shit up. He literally thinks that skin color makes someone immune to something and superior.

Wow. Just wow. Sit the fuck down, clown. You're setting back the plight of African-Americans more than 250 years.
Slavery in America was not started by Africans. They did not introduce it to Europeans.
Bwahaha!!! The uneducated black man here ( ☝️ ) is feeling a bit humiliated and is now trying to double-down on his ignorance because his own ego won't permit him the humility necessary for this situation.

3:03 - 4:10 here. From the very left-wing BBC:

Game. Set. Match.
:dance: :dance: :dance:
You talk about todays standards based on a 231 year old document. Therefore no excuses will be accepted from racists about slavery.
Bwahaha! When I point to the US Constitution son, it's not because of "standards". It's because it is the law. The current, active, law here in 2022. And, in fact, the highest law in the land.

Would you like to try again? You're piling up "L's" here like nobody I have ever seen!
Don't give a damn where Washington got his slaves
Of course you don't The ignorant/uneducated never care about facts :dunno:
, he was presiddent, he helped write the constitution. He could have ended slavery at the constitutional convention or during the 8 years he was president.
Bwahahaha! The President of the United States is the Executive Branch, son. Laws can only be created, altered, or absolished by the Legislative Branch.

So, in fact, he had 0 authority to "end slavery". Zero. But hey, since when does the left allow a little thing like facts get in the way of their propaganda, right?
Don't need the whitesplanation. No excuses are acceptable white man.
All evidence to the contrary, raging racist black man. You desperately need "whitesplanation". You're wholly uneducated about this entire topic and it's just sad.

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