Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

Billy000: "It was the most violent 'insurrection' in global history!!!!!!!"

Also Billy000: "Well they were just too dumb to remember to bring their firearms"

LMAO!! Folks, you just cannot make this stuff up. When a leftist is hit with logic and reason, they panic and then throw something idiotic out in desperate hope of covering up their ignorant claims - rather than just absorbing the logic and reason and accepting it.
Hey, one guy had some zip ties.
The short and sweet of it is really quite simple: 10s of millions of Americans wanted an audit of the election. No real "democracy" should oppose this. But the Feds basically said "No, and fuck you for asking."

Had the people in power listened to their constituents and made an honest effort at election transparency, Jan 6th never would have happened.

This ain't rocket science.
How exactly would their riot even accomplish this? There is documented evidence of them saying they were actively looking for officials like Pelosi and Pence. There is video evidence of one guy carrying zip ties. They obviously intended violence. We know that mostly because of the amount of people who were killed or injured. This happened on the day of Biden’s win being certified. That was obviously their intentions to stop. Why didn’t they do this before if they wanted an audit? Why did they wait so long after the election night? They didn’t want a fucking audit. They just wanted Trump in power no questions asked.
How exactly would their riot even accomplish this? There is documented evidence of them saying they were actively looking for officials like Pelosi and Pence. There is video evidence of one guy carrying zip ties. They obviously intended violence. We know that mostly because of the amount of people who were killed or injured. This happened on the day of Biden’s win being certified. That was obviously their intentions to stop. Why didn’t they do this before if they wanted an audit? Why did they wait so long after the election night? They didn’t want a fucking audit. They just wanted Trump in power no questions asked.
There is video evidence of one guy carrying zip ties.

Funny shit that that is the only "armed" person you clowns have. One guy with zip ties. :laughing0301:
How exactly would their riot even accomplish this? There is documented evidence of them saying they were actively looking for officials like Pelosi and Pence. There is video evidence of one guy carrying zip ties. They obviously intended violence. We know that mostly because of the amount of people who were killed or injured. This happened on the day of Biden’s win being certified. That was obviously their intentions to stop. Why didn’t they do this before if they wanted an audit? Why did they wait so long after the election night? They didn’t want a fucking audit. They just wanted Trump in power no questions asked.

A riot is an angry outburst. That their actions were unlikely to achieve their goals is not a reason to think it was not a riot.
How exactly would their riot even accomplish this? There is documented evidence of them saying they were actively looking for officials like Pelosi and Pence. There is video evidence of one guy carrying zip ties. They obviously intended violence. We know that mostly because of the amount of people who were killed or injured. This happened on the day of Biden’s win being certified. That was obviously their intentions to stop. Why didn’t they do this before if they wanted an audit? Why did they wait so long after the election night? They didn’t want a fucking audit. They just wanted Trump in power no questions asked.

Are you stupid or what? The riot was the RESPONSE to not having their voices heard in the proper channels.

I and untold millions of others care far more about the INTEGRITY of elections rather than who actually wins them and only a fool would claim that the 2020 presidential election was anything but a gigantic, national clusterfuck. And when we ask in various legal venues for it to be reviewed, we're told to pound sand.

How did you expect people to react if the "system" won't do it's job?
Really, Rigby? When I lived in bad neighborhoods the Police were always a welcome sight. It meant you were safe. Abusive? Sorry, most of the Police I've interacted with were actually pretty nice.

Police do not mean you are safe.
I have had police point guns at me at least a dozen times, and that is not safe nor legal.

When I am dressed well for work, then the police are always pretending to be nice.
But when I am dressed for remodeling, carrying a load to the dump in the old pickup truck, the police are VERY abusive.
You need to take a history course

we have had law enforcement in one name and variety or another since colonial times

Police were only around harbors, for night time patrol, until around 1910 or so, with the wide spread use of automobiles.
The police before then were only to run the jails, not to patrol or respond to calls.

It would be easy to think that the police officer is a figure who has existed since the beginning of civilization. That’s the idea on display in the proclamation from President John F. Kennedy on the dedication of the week of May 15 as “National Police Week,” in which he noted that law-enforcement officers had been protecting Americans since the nation’s birth.

In fact, the U.S. police force is a relatively modern invention, sparked by changing notions of public order, driven in turn by economics and politics, according to Gary Potter, a crime historian at Eastern Kentucky University.
Police do not mean you are safe.
I have had police point guns at me at least a dozen times, and that is not safe nor legal.

When I am dressed well for work, then the police are always pretending to be nice.
But when I am dressed for remodeling, carrying a load to the dump in the old pickup truck, the police are VERY abusive.

You live in a blue city, right?
Billy000: "It was the most violent 'insurrection' in global history!!!!!!!"

Also Billy000: "Well they were just too dumb to remember to bring their firearms"

LMAO!! Folks, you just cannot make this stuff up. When a leftist is hit with logic and reason, they panic and then throw something idiotic out in desperate hope of covering up their ignorant claims - rather than just absorbing the logic and reason and accepting it.
Do you realize how retarded you sound fraudulently claiming I say things?
Police do not mean you are safe.
I have had police point guns at me at least a dozen times, and that is not safe nor legal.

When I am dressed well for work, then the police are always pretending to be nice.
But when I am dressed for remodeling, carrying a load to the dump in the old pickup truck, the police are VERY abusive.
Why would the Police be pointing guns at you, Rigby?
Those riots would not have been necessary if police and government were not so abusive.
Until the police stop murdering people, we will have to keep rioting.
Riots are necessary when people murder innocents.

The Breonna Taylor example shows that it is the police, prosecutors, and judges who should all be in jail.
Everyone knows the War on Drugs is totally illegal.
No-knock-warrants are totally illegal except when there is a hostage situation.
Police can not just start shooting everyone they see, even if they were shot at.
And it is totally illegal for a judge to issue a warrant without any evidence of guilt.

You need to get your facts straight. The police announced themselves when they entered Taylor's apt. Also her apt had been used as a cash stash house for her ex-boyfriends drug business. Though not illegal, I tend to agree with you on no knock warrants, it's too easy to secure a building. But the war on drugs is not illegal, drugs kill more than 100,000 Americans annually, and that doesn't count the people killed by the dealers and cartels with firearms.

With that said, you thinking the destruction of the lives of more innocent people with your riots, is as sick as it fucking gets, and makes you the enemy.

That article is a total crock and any reasonable person KNOWS it! Court documents? What are you babbling about?
And yet you can’t explain how it is a crock lol

There were also Molotov cocktails and pipe bombs found as well.


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