Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

I would suggest you move your black ass to a country you think has a perfect history, but you're such a miserable bastard, I don't think you'd be happy anywhere.
That's really the core of this issue. People like IM2 never spent a single, solitary day as a slave. Nor did his parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents. He was born 100% free and equal.

But freedom requires personal responsibility, and he doesn't want any part of that. He wants to play the "victim" and hope he can parlay that into a lifetime of handouts and freebies.
Yeah and the moon is made of green cheese.
The sad part is, you probably believe that. After all, you believe you're a "victim" in the greatest country in the world, and you believe that the Dumbocrat Party is here to "help" you despite the fact that the lives of African-Americans drastically worsen when the Dumbocrats are in power.

The sad reality is, you believe a ton of nonsense. You're in desperate need of some "whitesplanation".
We attack non credible right wing racist biased sources.

So "The Major Cities Chiefs Association" is right wing source, damn, who knew? You do know virtually every major city is ran by your comrades, RIGHT?

You are disaiisfied with a government that has given whites every preference there is. So I suggest you move your white ass back to Europe and stop making excuses forcshit you would never accept if it was happening to you.
And what exactly is "happening to you", snowflake? What injustice have you endured?

(Cannot wait to hear her made up answer to this one!)
The "insurrection" where everyone forgot their guns and literally nobody has been charged with insurrection?

Shut the fuck up.
Well they were morons as evidenced by them heavily documenting the event. Just what were their intentions exactly if it weren’t to keep Trump in power?
Note: being a magaturd isn't a real ideology. It used to be isolated to just politics, but it has sadly festered into modern society in the aftermath of the installment of the Orange Lard and Savior. It's a cycle of ugliness born out of ignorance, a false sense of superiority and entitlement.
Note: believing that anyone views Donald Trump as a "Lord & Savior" is born out of ignorance. There is a term for it: it's called Trump Derangement Syndrome. Symptoms include crying a lot, a deep ignorance and lack of education, and a total outrage that someone finally had the balls to stand up to you fascists and tell you to fuck off.

Isn't it something how the left has been in a total tizzy over 7 years because Trump wasn't afraid of them or their false accusations? They were so used to people hiding over their false accusations of "racism" that the felt invincible. They are shaken to their core that someone stood up and said "make whatever false accusations you want, I'm not backing down".
You are disaiisfied with a government that has given whites every preference there is. So I suggest you move your white ass back to Europe and stop making excuses forcshit you would never accept if it was happening to you.

Hate to tell ya racist, there are miserable little people like you from every race. You think your pathetic little life is determined by someone else, instead of your own decisions. And on that you'd be WRONG! You are the sum total of your own decisions, grow up and own it.

This idiot thinks that rampaging lunatics defecating on public property on national TV are the patriots.
Uh, no we don't. We don't think any of the Occupy Wall Street filthy animals were "patriots". I'm not quite certain why you're so committed to proving to the entire USMB that your uneducated and ignorant of recent events.
Well they were morons as evidenced by them heavily documenting the event. Just what were their intentions exactly if it weren’t to keep Trump in power?

The short and sweet of it is really quite simple: 10s of millions of Americans wanted an audit of the election. No real "democracy" should oppose this. But the Feds basically said "No, and fuck you for asking."

Had the people in power listened to their constituents and made an honest effort at election transparency, Jan 6th never would have happened.

This ain't rocket science.
Treason was committed.
By Democrats? 100% agree. Here is a photo of Washington D.C. in May 2020 when the left attempted to a coup:

Well they were morons as evidenced by them heavily documenting the event.
Billy000: "It was the most violent 'insurrection' in global history!!!!!!!"

Also Billy000: "Well they were just too dumb to remember to bring their firearms"

LMAO!! Folks, you just cannot make this stuff up. When a leftist is hit with logic and reason, they panic and then throw something idiotic out in desperate hope of covering up their ignorant claims - rather than just absorbing the logic and reason and accepting it.
Billy000: "It was the most violent 'insurrection' in global history!!!!!!!"

Also Billy000: "Well they were just too dumb to remember to bring their firearms"

LMAO!! Folks, you just cannot make this stuff up. When a leftist is hit with logic and reason, they panic and then throw something idiotic out in desperate hope of covering up their ignorant claims - rather than just absorbing the logic and reason and accepting it.

It really is something isn't it?

An "insurrection" by the most heavily armed demographic in world history... and they all forgot their guns. Incredible!

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