Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

If I had been on the jury I MIGHT have voted to convict the cop after hearing ALL the evidence

It has always seemed that way to me

but I never claimed that our legal system is perfect

Juries sometimes make mistakes - for and against the cops
Like I said, we hold cops to a far lower bar than other people. This case is just that kind of example.
Leaving the cities for lower tax areas in other states. All of the chutzpuh of the Prog movement. But not wanting to pay for the destruction caused by it. So they move and start the process all over again.
What a moron.

People have been leaving the cities for the burbs or a 100 years. Look up automobile and road construction.
Geez, got history? got reading?
The fail is on your part. The lies they are reporting as facts will backfire on you idiots again. All they are doing is reminding peoole of the massive fraud that bought the people there and the murder of an unarmed woman.
And by PEOOLE I'm guessing you mean fools who pretend to think the election was "stolen" despite ZERO proof and idiots who think violently attempting to overthow the US government is just "touring the capitol."

Didn't you you and yours would need reminding of your foolishness.
That issue is about police brutality and police brutality only. It is about nothing else related to left wing politics. It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the behavior of liberals or democrats. Most of the people dead (13) from those riots were the black people involved.

The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics. Their intentions were related to keep Trump in power. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event.

I agree the BLM riots were well warranted.
The police have always been incredibly abusive, not just the few racists who beat or shoot innocent Blacks, but attempting to extorts money over things like failure to use a turn signal or having an air freshener hanging from your mirror, the whole War on Drugs, mandated sentences, asset forfeiture, etc.

But the capital riot was also well warranted.
The reason police are abusive is because of congress.
It does not matter if the last election had fraud or not, it is congress who has been behind the militarization of police, the invasion of innocent countries, the incarceration of over half a million people in the illegal war on drugs, etc.

It is congress who rewards bad police behavior with massive payoffs and military equipment and training.
It is congress who fails to defend individual rights.
It is congress who murders millions of innocents with impunity.

And the capital riot only had 2 deaths, one caused a deliberate shooting by police, and one accidental trampling.
The repercussions of holding police accountable is that they stop policing and crime runs rampant.
Thats a true statement

we need the police and they need public support

Thanks to obama the left has overplayed its hand on the systemic-white-racist-cops-against-black-people ploy

reasonable people can see through the left’s politics and are not going to support this broad attack on the police
And by PEOOLE I'm guessing you mean fools who pretend to think the election was "stolen" despite ZERO proof and idiots who think violently attempting to overthow the US government is just "touring the capitol."

Didn't you you and yours would need reminding of your foolishness.
Do you believe trump conspired with the russians to steal the 2016 election?
Yeah, it's pretty clear why you commies want to deflect from the 574 riots during the summer of 2020, 2 billion in damage, dozens killed, thousands of police officers injured. Yep, really clear. LMAO


Those riots would not have been necessary if police and government were not so abusive.
Until the police stop murdering people, we will have to keep rioting.
Riots are necessary when people murder innocents.

The Breonna Taylor example shows that it is the police, prosecutors, and judges who should all be in jail.
Everyone knows the War on Drugs is totally illegal.
No-knock-warrants are totally illegal except when there is a hostage situation.
Police can not just start shooting everyone they see, even if they were shot at.
And it is totally illegal for a judge to issue a warrant without any evidence of guilt.
Thats a true statement

we need the police and they need public support

Thanks to obama the left has overplayed its hand on the systemic-white-racist-cops-against-black-people ploy

reasonable people can see through the left’s politics and are not going to support this broad attack on the police

That's ridiculous.
In no way do we NEED police.
We did fine for over a century without significant police.
The ONLY advantage of police is that then in theory you have fewer lynchings.
When police do illegal things, like the War on Drugs, they do not help at all and we would be much better off without them.
Do you believe trump conspired with the russians to steal the 2016 election?

If your point is that the impeachments were so illegal and ridiculous that it shows congressional contempt for the law, I agree.
But I also doubt there was 2020 election fraud.
Not nearly as bad as the 2000 election fraud.
The issue of riots concerns selling off black victimization to prepare for elections. That is about most things Democrat, they sell victim roles daily and project all the time.

It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the natural behavior of liberals or democrats, they're dependent on others, and there's no such thing as a left liberal anymore anyway. Most of the people dead from those riots were the black people involved, so I guess that makes it alright in Billy terms.

The erection one year ago today was directly related to the Democrats making a spectacle of the election process, including victimization tactics surrounding covid for which the Democrats knew they'd benefit. The intentions of the communist elite was to remove Trump from power. They made up a story about how 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event, because the left are dramatic, and there just wasn't enough juice to splash all of the frustrated single women and white social justice warriors.
That was 3 People Dying and One person Murdered { Ashli Babbett }.
The only person killed was Babbett.The stiunkin' capitol cop who Murdered
her had his name and Identity shielded { protected } until this past summer.
The 3 who died are by Name
Benjamin Phillips { 50 }
Kevin Greeson { 56 }
Roseanne Boyland { 34 }
Strokes and or heart Attacks.
By the way Boyland who was addicted to Amphetamine did not die
from an overdose.See how even those facts are fudged.She was Trampled to death.
Plus Babbett did not die from injuries to the shoulder.
Any Have ass who watched most Westerns know that getting shot in the shoulder
basically is rarely fatal.
Ashli Babbett took a shot in her neck.
Thats a true statement

we need the police and they need public support

Thanks to obama the left has overplayed its hand on the systemic-white-racist-cops-against-black-people ploy

reasonable people can see through the left’s politics and are not going to support this broad attack on the police
So basically we have a mafia protection racket for a police force.

We look the other way when they break the law and they’ll provide protection.

And you wonder why people protest?
What a moron.

People have been leaving the cities for the burbs or a 100 years. Look up automobile and road construction.
Geez, got history? got reading?
The exodus has accelerated since the George Floyd riots.
That's ridiculous.
In no way do we NEED police.
We did fine for over a century without significant police.
The ONLY advantage of police is that then in theory you have fewer lynchings.
When police do illegal things, like the War on Drugs, they do not help at all and we would be much better off without them.
About the most imbecilic and childlike statement I ever done heard on a
message board.Take that line of insanity and go tell it on the Joe Madison
Radio show { Sirius XM 126 }.
Rudy Giuliani Became Americas Mayor because he cleaned-up
The Big Apple.Even going after Street Bums who force themself on Motorist
by wiping down their windshields.
Plus of Course Giuliani getting rid of most N.Y.city Mafia types.
Has anyone identified the number of violent protestors?

I know MSM lied yesterday, they wrote 10s of thousands, I say fucktards "10s of thousands rioted".

Trump is fucking up our democracy because he calls out the media :scared1:

They've charged what is it 750 about now, ooooooooo, ahhhhhhhhh! The large percentage for trespassing is a guess, and probably a good one.

Want to know how fucked up our govt. is? That's the US Capitol, there has to be cameras everywhere or someone fucked up, you know, like congress? I believe that's Pelosi's responsibility:stir:

So where's the footage? Instead they feature cuts for what they want us to think off video filmed by someone else.
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That issue is about police brutality and police brutality only. It is about nothing else related to left wing politics. It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the behavior of liberals or democrats. Most of the people dead (13) from those riots were the black people involved.

The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics. Their intentions were related to keep Trump in power. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event.

False, truck drivers on interstates were attacked during BLM riots, shop owners in Dallas, St Paul and DC burned, law abiding citizens attacked for no reason. BLM represents a bunch of violent thug motherfuckers that act like a bunch of fucking animals on the street and wonder why they get shot. We still shoot rabid dogs. BLM/Antifa was much more violent. The January 6th riot was frustration over 4 states that either stopped counting votes for illegitimate reasons or gave people to revote two and three times. None of that was allowed 10 years ago. This last election was a fucking joke and all Americans should be ashamed of how it was administered. Of course the knuckle dragging left supports criminals so they are joyous. The great UNIFIER Biden gives a speech about 1/6 creating more division. Democrats are a bunch of fucking crybabies.
That issue is about police brutality and police brutality only. It is about nothing else related to left wing politics. It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the behavior of liberals or democrats. Most of the people dead (13) from those riots were the black people involved.

The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics. Their intentions were related to keep Trump in power. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event.

The Summer Riots were anti-white race riots, with a whiff of marxism added as spice.


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