Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

1. Although blacks did enslave onei another the process was accelerated and encouraged by the Europeans who sought cheap labor to work the plantations in the New world. Most all of the black Americans are descended from a small area in West Africa. After the Civil War, the US bought land from that same area and allowed any blacks that wanted to go back to Africa to do so. Those who went back established the country of Liberia. Interestingly enough, to this day Liberians consider the U.S. as the motherland. Their flag is modeled after the US flag, and although their government is very corrupt, it is modeled after our constitution and government.
Africans were able to work into freedom. Slavery was pretty much a penalty for crime. Also prisoners captured in battle became slaves. I know of at least one instance where an african slave became a king, King Jaja of Opobo. That could not happen in America. Not everbody black went to Liberia and Liberians really don't consider America the homeland. There were Africans already living in Liberia when the former slaves went back. because only around 18,000 went back.
Those on the Left are in no position to lecture conservatives. For starters, you have a Vice President irreverently comparing the January 6th riot at the Capitol to 9-11 and other Leftists adding in the Pearl Harbor attack. There were 3,000 lives lost in 9-11 and 2,400 lives lost in Pearl Harbor. There were FIVE lives lost in the January 6th Riot at the Capitol; one of which is celebrated by the Left and the one time they laud the police for firing at an unarmed person.

While Law Enforcement states officially that this was not an insurrection, the Left keeps this mantra alive which is laughable because the weapons used by the small force of rioters for the so-called “insurrection” were largely Podiums and Flag Poles. Where are the pitchforks and rifles? Where were the tanks like the Left’s heroes Castro and Che used in 1959? They play this event up while ignoring a Bernie Sanders supporter opening fire on an open field of Republican Congressional supporters.
The fact that fellow Americans brought this disgrace on our nation is the most disturbing fact of all.
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We are in the best position to because we are right. Law enforcement has not said shit. Last year there was an insurrection. You guys can play with words all you want, but the rest of the sane world knows exactly what happened. In fact, so do you, buy you have chosen to repeat lies.

You people need to understand the definition of insurrection, how the FBI and other law enforcement apply the term, and stop playing with words yourselves to retrofit your agenda.

You people need to understand the definition of insurrection, how the FBI and other law enforcement apply the term, and stop playing with words yourselves to retrofit your agenda.

You need to understand that what we saw last January 6th was an attempted overthrow of a legally elected president and quit playing with definitions to fit YOUR agenda.
You need to understand that what we saw last January 6th was an attempted overthrow of a legally elected president and quit playing with definitions to fit YOUR agenda.
What definitions am I playing with? I sited what the FBI classifies as an insurrection. According to their criteria - not mine, not yours - January 6th was not an insurrection. Your ongoing sense of entitlement for your opinions to be mandated as fact is failing you.
You people need to understand the definition of insurrection, how the FBI and other law enforcement apply the term, and stop playing with words yourselves to retrofit your agenda.

They don't give a tinker's dam what the word means. So long as they believe it frightens people Democrats will use it through the midterms and beyond. Democrats govern by fear.

Our Democrat friends enticed the Jan 6 riot. They could easily have prevented the riot but that would not have served purpose.

What they misjudged was just how bad a job President Biden would be doing. Worse still the vast majority of voters acknowledge just how bad things are and who is at fault and are showing their disapproval.

They would have kept their screeds a bit lower key were things not so bad. Now they're like a wild, cornered animal. They're scared so they lash out wildly.

Really, comparing a one day riot to Dec. 7th, 9/11, and the HAULOCAUST. Those are some some sick, miserable people. More than anything, I believe that they merit our prayers and sympathy.
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Fighting for racial justice is not the same as a violent insurrection to overturn a legal presidential election and prevent the peaceful transfer of power!
They were violent, but at no point where they ever going to overthrow the election, nor did they try. They simply walked into a building.
Let me see if I have this right. You somehow believe that a group of rioters were so heavily armed that they could take on the armed forces of the US. That they had so much backing in place that they would have been able to install anyone they wanted as head of the US and continue to govern?
To call that delusional is being way too kind
Yea the Left likes to play this “insurrection” up to keep the fear going. Stop and think: Does anyone on the Left REALLY believe that a Democracy can be overtaken by a couple hundred people with a few of them carrying flagpoles and a couple of podiums they lifted on their way in? Are they that stupid or do they think people are that stupid to think this was a “credible” insurrection?
You need to understand that what we saw last January 6th was an attempted overthrow of a legally elected president and quit playing with definitions to fit YOUR agenda.
I contend that when a political party embraces the Village doctrine, that the political people and others live just like those in the huts. They do not. They live outside that realm with all of the comforts that they can take while throwing the citizens living in huts a few crumbs.
Philando Castile was shot because he was getting his drivers license out of his pocket as instructed.
That is one extreme. What percentage is that? Have whites and non-Blacks not suffered similar fates? Let’s see some numbers.
I believe trump and Stone thought it was a workable scheme. They can't help it, that's the way psychopaths think.
Lol. I really have to hand it to you you have shown a complete mental breakdown. Seek help.
Yea the Left likes to play this “insurrection” up to keep the fear going. Stop and think: Does anyone on the Left REALLY believe that a Democracy can be overtaken by a couple hundred people with a few of them carrying flagpoles and a couple of podiums they lifted on their way in? Are they that stupid or do they think people are that stupid to think this was a “credible” insurrection?
No they have such low IQs they will believe anything someone in the media tells them, especially if it feeds their own bias.
Plus they really want to believe that everything they do is fine. If others do the same it is wrong, so they hide their riots and wanting to have a different form of government while complaining about others.
Philando Castile was shot because he was getting his drivers license out of his pocket as instructed.
I can only presume from your post that the English language is your second or third language.

It is a difficult language but keep at it! Welcome!
You're going to learn how fairly soon.
It's been over a year now, IM2. That one day riot didn't do anywhere near the damage that a year of riots all over the country did yet you on the left now portray it as something as bad as Pearl Harbor or 9/11? That borders on farce!
The biggest danger to our democracy at the moment is Joe Biden's progressive agenda. He's opened our border with illegals and illegal drugs pouring across in unprecedented numbers! He's given us inflation numbers that we haven't seen since the 1980's! Violent crime is spiking around the country! Our enemies abroad are emboldened by a President they see as feeble.

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