Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

Jefferson owned and was raping at least 1 slave.
Left-wing propaganda works so well on the ignorant.

The whole “Jefferson raped slaves” was debunked. Jefferson was literally exonerated by DNA evidence.

The lie was created by Dumbocrats during the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal in a desperate (and bizarre) attempt to somehow justify Clinton’s behavior (as if Jefferson having sex with slaves would somehow make Clinton’s behavior ok). But, that’s how dumb the left is.

“Interestingly, the “striking resemblance” charge is still invoked today as “proof” that Jefferson fathered Hemings’ children,73 but since the recent DNA testing unequivocally proved that Sally’s son Tom was not the son of Thomas Jefferson, Callender’s allegations that Tom bore a “striking resemblance to the president himself” are completely meaningless.”
Excerpt From: The Jefferson Lies by David Barton This material may be protected by copyright.
There were not 574 riots. Dozens were not killed, thousands of officers were not injurder.

“The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity.”

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project documented the summer protests. The project recorded over 7,500 protests and found that more than 93 percent were peaceful. The project cited over 2,400 locations and found that violence occurred in less than 220. The violence ranged from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials.” This report also found that the over the top government response from President number 45 contributed to the violence. The federal response basically increased tension and violence. For example, in Portland the violence increased by 9 percent after President number 45 sent troops to that city. What ACLED also found was that government intervened more in BLM demonstrations than any other.

“ACLED also highlights a violent government response, in which authorities use force more often than not when they are present at protests and that they disproportionately used force while intervening in demonstrations associated with the BLM movement, relative to other types of demonstrations.”

Another funny thing was discovered during these protests, (well actually not so funny). The violence in many of these protests were from people who were more than likely not associated with Black Lives Matter. The evidence from ACLED shows that much of the violence came from infiltrators and counter protesters, many who were associated with white nationalist and paramilitary organizations. These groups had an ally that often times helped to escalate the situation, then used violence to settle things down. That ally was law enforcement.

“Since Floyd’s killing, dozens of car-ramming attacks by individual perpetrators — in some cases acting independently with no reported affiliation, and in others linked to hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan — have been reported at demonstrations around the country. Other cases have involved those affiliated with the government, such as the military and law enforcement, including an on-duty police officer at a demonstration in Anaheim, California on 25 July; an off-duty police officer at a demonstration in Seattle, Washington on 4 July; an army sergeant at a demonstration in Austin, Texas on 25 July; and an off-duty jail correctional officer at a demonstration in Kokomo, Indiana on 30 May.”

In similar fashion the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard found that that 96.3 percent of the BLM protests had no property damage or police injuries, and in 97.7 percent of events, no injuries were reported at all. In fact, they determined that the majority of violence was directed at BLM protesters. There were arrests in 5 percent of the protests. Protesters/ bystanders were reported injured in 1.6 percent of the protests. Police were reported injured in 1 percent of the protests.

OH STFU race baiter.
This link shows 2,000 officers injured in 3 months.
Of the 8,700 protests, 574 of them were riots that saw mass looting and destruction.
"Looting was also a common occurrence (2,385 instances), with 62% of major city law enforcement agencies indicating that at least one incident of looting occurred in their cities.


The BLM protests didn't happen at the Capitol where there was a vote count to take place that Trump and his goons tried to stop with an attempted coup. That's how it threatened the Republic.
How exactly do you have a "coup" when it's a bunch of unarmed protesters? Are you really naive enough to buy the laughable narrative that this was an insurrection?
So your ignorant, racist ass admits that at minimum, 7% of BLM protests are violent? Contradicts your initial claim, little guy! :laugh:
What I admit is that there was very little violence. 93 percent says that the violence those like you keep talking about rarely happened. The report further states that most of the violence was done by white nationalist and white paramilitary groups. So there is no contradiction except in your mind.
The FBI has said no such thing.
Yes they have you ignorant racist thug. Multiple times. But just to embarrass your racist ass again...

And 2 of those are leftist sources so you can’t complain. Let the spin begin.
Good grief, when a person is that ☝️ ignorant, it’s hard to know where to begin. This is going to be long and painful because you’re so damn uneducated.
  1. Slavery started in Africa among blacks. When one tribe would overthrow another tribe, they would enslave the overthrown. They literally introduced Europeans to slavery when they first made it to Africa.
  2. It was the norm in that era. Judging people from 300 years ago on today’s norms is as ignorant as you are.
  3. George Washington inherited salves from his father and father-in-law. It was illegal to free slaves.
  4. Thomas Jefferson inherited salves from his father and father-in-law. It was illegal to free slaves.
  5. Lincoln ended slavery, imbecile :laugh:
Since you’re so damn uneducated, I’ll explain #3 and #4 to you further, in the near future.
Slavery in America was not started by Africans. They did not introduce it to Europeans.

You talk about todays standards based on a 231 year old document. Therefore no excuses will be accepted from racists about slavery.

Don't give a damn where Washington got his slaves, he was presiddent, he helped write the constitution. He could have ended slavery at the constitutional convention or during the 8 years he was president.

Lincoln freed the slaves only after the Corwin Amendment could not get ratified because southern states seceded before it could happen. He only freed slaves in confederate states and he believed blacks were inferior to whites.

Don't need the whitesplanation. No excuses are acceptable white man.
Yes they have you ignorant racist thug. Multiple times. But just to embarrass your racist ass again...

And 2 of those are leftist sources so you can’t complain. Let the spin begin.

Again they have not. We are seeing more and more each day how your claim is not so.
That issue is about police brutality and police brutality only. It is about nothing else related to left wing politics. It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the behavior of liberals or democrats. Most of the people dead (13) from those riots were the black people involved.

The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics. Their intentions were related to keep Trump in power. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event.

I fully support peaceful demonstrations and oppose violent riots.

If BLM and Antifa want to demonstate because they feel cops have misused their power I am fine with that as long as it is peaceful.

If Trump supporters wish to protest the 2020 election keep the demonstration peaceful. Don’t let it become a riot.

One simple rule for everybody, everywhere.

Peaceful demonstrations = legal. Riots = illegal.

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