Riots breakout in Germany!

haw , net even original call for riot but your probably a Ferguson riot supporter ehh Odium !!
Last Thursday a few anarchists burned a few tires in Frankfurt. The OP thinks this is breaking world news with exclamation marks and all.
Well, the Anarchists did manage to destroy a lot of property and injure many cops.
The European Union is not agreeing to spending hard earned money to give to countries who want to stop giving out free shit to freeloaders. The freeloaders are protesting. I'm surprised the German police have been so lenient. Usually there are piles of cracked heads stacked up waiting for an ambulance.
As usual you are wrong. Read the link. They are pissed for one because over a BILLION dollars was spent to build that piece of shit building..If only they would wake up and realize its those running the banks that are bringing in the invaders and destroying their countries..
They are pissed because the bankers are stealing from the poor to help the rich assholes keep a EUROPEAN UNION kind of like here in the US. Imagine if the US decided to bring all countries its raped and invaded into an Empire...our money is already used to pay for the wars.
FFS, this was a "Sunday Morning Sidewalk" by Greek standards. A few dingbat organizing on social media does not a revolution make, especially when the far right is gaining everywhere except Greece, but give that time too.
Yep and this is something both the far right and these people agree on. EU is a way for the rich in the EU to steal the resources of others legally and people are getting tired of it.
The European Union is not agreeing to spending hard earned money to give to countries who want to stop giving out free shit to freeloaders. The freeloaders are protesting. I'm surprised the German police have been so lenient. Usually there are piles of cracked heads stacked up waiting for an ambulance.
As usual you are wrong. Read the link. They are pissed for one because over a BILLION dollars was spent to build that piece of shit building..If only they would wake up and realize its those running the banks that are bringing in the invaders and destroying their countries..

so far it is not clear to me why people are rioting over there-----but the pictures DO look
The European Union is not agreeing to spending hard earned money to give to countries who want to stop giving out free shit to freeloaders. The freeloaders are protesting. I'm surprised the German police have been so lenient. Usually there are piles of cracked heads stacked up waiting for an ambulance.
As usual you are wrong. Read the link. They are pissed for one because over a BILLION dollars was spent to build that piece of shit building..If only they would wake up and realize its those running the banks that are bringing in the invaders and destroying their countries..

so far it is not clear to me why people are rioting over there-----but the pictures DO look
It's a screwed up mess but it all started when Greece initiated an austerity program and the hoi polloi went bugfuk.It has spread to Spain, Italy and Germany that I know of. It's going to happen in the US when the Government starts cracking down on Medicare fraud, welfare, foodstamp and assisted housing fraud. The Democreeps will explode by the bushel.
The European Union is not agreeing to spending hard earned money to give to countries who want to stop giving out free shit to freeloaders. The freeloaders are protesting. I'm surprised the German police have been so lenient. Usually there are piles of cracked heads stacked up waiting for an ambulance.
As usual you are wrong. Read the link. They are pissed for one because over a BILLION dollars was spent to build that piece of shit building..If only they would wake up and realize its those running the banks that are bringing in the invaders and destroying their countries..

so far it is not clear to me why people are rioting over there-----but the pictures DO look
It's a screwed up mess but it all started when Greece initiated an austerity program and the hoi polloi went bugfuk.It has spread to Spain, Italy and Germany that I know of. It's going to happen in the US when the Government starts cracking down on Medicare fraud, welfare, foodstamp and assisted housing fraud. The Democreeps will explode by the bushel.

has it hit France?
The European Union is not agreeing to spending hard earned money to give to countries who want to stop giving out free shit to freeloaders. The freeloaders are protesting. I'm surprised the German police have been so lenient. Usually there are piles of cracked heads stacked up waiting for an ambulance.
As usual you are wrong. Read the link. They are pissed for one because over a BILLION dollars was spent to build that piece of shit building..If only they would wake up and realize its those running the banks that are bringing in the invaders and destroying their countries..

so far it is not clear to me why people are rioting over there-----but the pictures DO look
It's a screwed up mess but it all started when Greece initiated an austerity program and the hoi polloi went bugfuk.It has spread to Spain, Italy and Germany that I know of. It's going to happen in the US when the Government starts cracking down on Medicare fraud, welfare, foodstamp and assisted housing fraud. The Democreeps will explode by the bushel.

has it hit France?
5 times in the recent past.

French government forces through austerity measures without vote in parliament
By Alex Lantier
18 February 2015

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls’ government yesterday forced through an unpopular bill imposing large-scale liberalization of the French economy without a parliamentary vote. Instead, Valls used the anti-democratic provision 49-3 of the French Constitution, which allows the executive to force the National Assembly to either adopt the bill or bring down the government.

A motion of censure to bring down Valls’ government, a coalition of the Socialist Party (PS) and the small Radical Left Party (PRG), will go to a vote on Thursday. Its sponsors—the right-wing Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) and Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI), together with the Left Front—reportedly do not expect it to pass. The PS-PRG coalition controls 306 of the Assembly’s 577 seats, with 288 seats from the PS and 18 from the PRG.

Valls resorted to this move after discussion with President François Hollande, as it became clear that even the PS delegation was hesitating to vote for the law, named after PS Economy Minister and former investment banker Emmanuel Macron. Sources at the Elysée presidential palace told Reuters that they wanted to avoid failure of the bill, a risk that “the executive did not want to take given the bill’s importance for our economy.”

French government forces through austerity measures without vote in parliament - World Socialist Web Site

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