Rip darren wilson you will die—

If he was not robbing a store...he would be alive today.

Those irritating facts. Sure are irritating.

He was shot while robbing a store? wow, the news has been reporting it very differently.

But yes, I see that if he had robbed a store he should be executed on the spot by the first policeman that gets to him. Why waste all that time with a trial and stuff, huh?
If he was not robbing a store...he would be alive today.

Those irritating facts. Sure are irritating.

He was shot while robbing a store? wow, the news has been reporting it very differently.

But yes, I see that if he had robbed a store he should be executed on the spot by the first policeman that gets to him. Why waste all that time with a trial and stuff, huh?
Executed? ..the drama :rolleyes;

So the death threats work for you?
If he was not robbing a store...he would be alive today.

Those irritating facts. Sure are irritating.

He was shot while robbing a store? wow, the news has been reporting it very differently.

But yes, I see that if he had robbed a store he should be executed on the spot by the first policeman that gets to him. Why waste all that time with a trial and stuff, huh?
Executed? ..the drama :rolleyes;

So the death threats work for you?

If, as witnesses have reported, Brown's hands were in the air, it was an execution.

And no, the death threats do not work for me. Do you suggest the officer should not be prosecuted, since it might involve death threats?

You're right. Today's culture (with the left) is to excuse the violence because they assume the cop was racist. We don't know all the details yet.

Violence is never acceptable, no matter what the "reasons" are for it.

Other people are killed every day because of people who have no conscience and the left tends to excuse it. IF this cop shot the kid for no justifiable reason, that is bad. What the rioters did was intentional, planned and inexcusable and they need to admit to that.

Shootings by police are always investigated and action is taken depending on the findings. Keeping a spotlight on them ensures that they will act in a fair manner. The rioters don't care about details. They heard a few things and that was all it took for them to take to the streets and terrorize the neighborhood.

For angry mobs to burn down cities, shoot at people and carry on with violence says more about them than the Ferguson police dept. At worst, the dept. has a bad cop and we know nothing about the guy yet. We know plenty about the rioters at this point and they have no excuse for the violence they have demonstrated. They used the shooting as an excuse for looting and destroying the neighborhood. They don't have the maturity or intelligence to discuss it in a reasonable fashion or wait for more facts. They were too quick to start with the violence and that makes them worse than the cop, even if he is guilty as hell.

I find it much more frightening that people (like ones in Chicago) kill people routinely and think nothing of it. How can some so readily accept that as the world we live in, yet jump to conclusions and act as judge, jury and executioner when some irresponsible talking heads start crying racism. You'd think that was the worst crime one could commit. And violence is treated as a normal response to the mere allegation of racism. It's no different than excusing Muslim terrorists of murder because they were insulted.

Being offended is normal and not a crime punishable by death. It takes a mature person to rise above it.

The violence has gone on for days, though seems to be ebbing. It will end when there are no more places to loot, not when the truth has come out. That indicates the real reason behind much of this. Are people talking about the shooting as they sit at home going through their new merchandise stolen from the local shops? I doubt it.

The militarization of police has escalated under Obama. The same people who send SWAT teams armed to the teeth even when it's one person they seek doesn't agree that the average person would ever need to protect themselves against criminals.

Some store owners fought for their property. They were armed. They still have their stores and the means to support their families. That is a good thing. When these riots break out, the innocent people are quickly outnumbered.
If, as witnesses have reported, Brown's hands were in the air, it was an execution.
If is the operative word, but that didn't matter to you when you cry execution. Interesting

And no, the death threats do not work for me. Do you suggest the officer should not be prosecuted, since it might involve death threats?

What a ridiculous leap in logic
I wouldn't say violence is never acceptable. If someone is trying to kill or hurt you or your family then violence is acceptable, though it shouldn't be the first option if avoidable.
If he was not robbing a store...he would be alive today.

Those irritating facts. Sure are irritating.

Except that is not a fact. It has almost nothing to do with facts at all. If that cop had called in sick that day he would also still be alive. How irritating is that 'fact.' If he had robbed the store one county down the road he would also be alive. Is that 'fact irritating to you?

Here is a real fact - 'if that PO had not shot him he would be alive.' THERE is a fact that matters. The other facts that matter are weather or not that was a justified shooting. At least 2 people witnessing the shooting state that the person in question had his hands in the air when he was shot.

Now THAT is an irritating fact. IF (and that still is an if) that is true than this cop deserves to fry.
He was shot while robbing a store? wow, the news has been reporting it very differently.

But yes, I see that if he had robbed a store he should be executed on the spot by the first policeman that gets to him. Why waste all that time with a trial and stuff, huh?
Executed? ..the drama :rolleyes;

So the death threats work for you?

If, as witnesses have reported, Brown's hands were in the air, it was an execution.

And no, the death threats do not work for me. Do you suggest the officer should not be prosecuted, since it might involve death threats?

I'm surprised at how many folks want to declare the officer innocent without a trial ....
or guilty without a trial .....

What's at work here? Ideology or prejudices that are more important than evidence?

Scary stuff.
It changes my feeling a little now seeing Brown grabbong the little store clerk and shoving him around. Not quite the nice kid his profile first appeared to show. Was he racist against Indian people? he sure didnt seem to be the compassionate boy as described. Its all to bad. This should be a lesson put out. Do bad things and Karma or whatever you want to call it comes around to bite you in the ass, and sometimes the bite is dissproportionate.
I dont believe still that Michael Brown deserved to be shot 8 times if his hands were up, but now I see that him and his friend are responsible for starting the events that unfolded. His friend needs to also be held accountable in some way for Michael browns death, it was both their decision to bully the store clerk because they knew they had the advantage and thought nothing would happen to them.

I see now it is likely that Brown did strike the officer, the other thing is Michael was like 6'5 and almost 300 pounds. His friend claimed the officer grabbed him by the neck with one hand from inside the patrol vehicle? Obviously the witness testimony from him is worthless as he also partook in the robbery.

At least for that day, Michael Brown was acting like a thug and put himself in a position of danger. Robbery doesnt merrit being shot to death, but there was also some kind of assault for sure. The whole thing is a crying shame, the officer should not have shot him if he was surrendering and still needs to be held responsible if thats true. But it needs to be recognized he didnt simply pull aside two Black kids and threathen to shoot them as first reported. Funny how the truth usually lies somewhere in between the two extremes... just like in real life.
It's not just the officer, it's his entire family who are now at tremendous risk from violent apes. If they can't get the Samsung 99 Inch Plasma, they'll take Wilson's life.

Who's going to pay for the officer's security for the next three years while this clusterfuck plays out?

Violent apes? Seriously?

You realize saying these stupid things helps progressives lie about what conservatives stand for, don't you?

Progressives don't have to lie, this stuff is thrown around by the minute.
Yet you attempt to deny it.
If, as witnesses have reported, Brown's hands were in the air, it was an execution.
If is the operative word, but that didn't matter to you when you cry execution. Interesting

And no, the death threats do not work for me. Do you suggest the officer should not be prosecuted, since it might involve death threats?

What a ridiculous leap in logic

So far, neither of us have any actual evidence. I called it an execution based on eye witness accounts. If I am wrong I will happily apologize.

As for my leap in logic, it was a shorter leap than whatever prompted you to asked whether the death work for me. Nothing I posted showed any approval or acceptance of the death threats. Shorten you own leaps and I will do the same.
It's not just the officer, it's his entire family who are now at tremendous risk from violent apes. If they can't get the Samsung 99 Inch Plasma, they'll take Wilson's life.

Who's going to pay for the officer's security for the next three years while this clusterfuck plays out?

You racist taxpayers.
I wouldn't say violence is never acceptable. If someone is trying to kill or hurt you or your family then violence is acceptable, though it shouldn't be the first option if avoidable.

So if it turns out there was a struggle for the officers gun during an attempted arrest or questioning then........
If, as witnesses have reported, Brown's hands were in the air, it was an execution.
If is the operative word, but that didn't matter to you when you cry execution. Interesting

And no, the death threats do not work for me. Do you suggest the officer should not be prosecuted, since it might involve death threats?

What a ridiculous leap in logic

So far, neither of us have any actual evidence. I called it an execution based on eye witness accounts. If I am wrong I will happily apologize.

As for my leap in logic, it was a shorter leap than whatever prompted you to asked whether the death work for me. Nothing I posted showed any approval or acceptance of the death threats. Shorten you own leaps and I will do the same.

I made no leaps I simply wondered why you didn't address the op
It's not just the officer, it's his entire family who are now at tremendous risk from violent apes. If they can't get the Samsung 99 Inch Plasma, they'll take Wilson's life.

Who's going to pay for the officer's security for the next three years while this clusterfuck plays out?

Pennywise, pound foolish, intellectually broke, spiritually bankrupt.

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