Rise in bullying being documented more precisely

This is why, death angel, you would be wise to not try bullying a lefty.

It was the same way in the sixties. The left stomped the right into the ground.

Yeah......the left always attacks in swarms against law abiding citizens who simply want to leave the area.....they do not fight one on one and prefer to attack those they know the can beat up easily with their numbers....
For what liberals have done to America, they deserve to get their ass beat
This is why, death angel, you would be wise to not try bullying a lefty.

It was the same way in the sixties. The left stomped the right into the ground.
A lot of these people will be deported. Others, who can be here legally, will find a new administration that won't turn a blind eye to your version of "tolerance."

Holding scum like you ACCOUNTABLE will "bring you to heel."
This is why, death angel, you would be wise to not try bullying a lefty.

It was the same way in the sixties. The left stomped the right into the ground.

Yeah......the left always attacks in swarms against law abiding citizens who simply want to leave the area.....they do not fight one on one and prefer to attack those they know the can beat up easily with their numbers....
Quite your whining. Death Angel, you, too: you are just a snowflake. Political violence is not a high school fight. The far right started in the Trump rallies against anti-Trump protestors. The Trumpers were told to stop it. The Trumpers did not. The Trumpers then got the shit beat out of them.
This is why, death angel, you would be wise to not try bullying a lefty.

It was the same way in the sixties. The left stomped the right into the ground.

Yeah......the left always attacks in swarms against law abiding citizens who simply want to leave the area.....they do not fight one on one and prefer to attack those they know the can beat up easily with their numbers....
Quite your whining. Death Angel, you, too: you are just a snowflake. Political violence is not a high school fight. The far right started in the Trump rallies against anti-Trump protestors. The Trumpers were told to stop it. The Trumpers did not. The Trumpers then got the shit beat out of them.

No....you are lying again.....the video shows bob craemer and scott foval taking credit for the violence at Trump rallies...in particular the shutting down of Chicago and Arizona....they stated who they sent in, how they trained them, and that they paid them to do it...also, they recieved orders from the Director of Special Events at the Democrat National Committee...who they said recieved orders from the hilary campaign....

It is all on the video......they even stated that if they needed better thugs....they called the Democrat National Committee who contacted the local AFL-CIO in the state where they were going to incite violence....and the union thugs were more than happy to step up and create violence.......

It is all on the vide...bob craemer and scott foval admit to all of it....
2aguy continues with the lying when he says, "No....you are lying again"

"fake news" by the alt right counts for nothing here.
This guy explains bullying........and why it is the left, not the right doing it....and he is a European leftist....


Its almost like they are saying this behavior has something to do with Trump. IDK why

Because you're too stupid to understand human nature.

Try whipping out your cell phone and recording someone who's having a bad day. If you do that to a man, or an uneducated black woman, you'll likely get your ass kicked.

These idiots recording every incident only provoke people. Their actions do the very opposite of defusing an incident.

The woman was actually more composed than others might be.

The woman behind the phone was an idiot. I despise these kinds of people.

Oh SHE was the victim of the unfair bag charge and she only went crazy because it was someone else's fault. Haha got it.

I mean didnt bullying exist already? Just because there is more of it happening doesnt NECESSARILY mean they are fueled by Trump

It wouldn't have anything to do with millions of angry Liberals reaching for anything they can throw at Trump, would it?
Far right conservatives and libertarians seem to be very angry and hateful towards people that are different. Very hateful.

Far left liberals and socialists can be the same way.

I'm pretty libertarian, and the fact that I completely reject the social justice philosophy and virtually every single one of its tenets means that there are many currently in the mainstream left who would consider me far right.

Yet you would be hard pressed to find me being hateful to someone who disagrees with me politically. Unless they're disrespectful to me, I'm generally amiable as fuck.

If you're gonna generalize, you could more accurately say that -HUMANS- seem to be very angry and hateful towards people that are different. Last I checked, people getting attacked coming out of political rallies during election season and people doing the attacking had a major tendency to suggest that it isn't just the right wing that acts this way. Hell, a good portion of the reason I voted for Trump was in the hopes that the sort of democrat thugs who thought it was okay to be violent toward political opponents would realize that attacking people coming out of rallies will not win you an American election.
I'm saying it is bullshit.

Meaning its false? Ok, since you've finally taken a position what is your proof that its false. This is the tricky part for deniers. Take your time

Bullshit isn't "false". it means that whatever is presented is suspect, and more than likely the imagination of someone looking for said bullying trend.

So its neither true nor false? What evidence do you see that shows its "more than likely" someones imagination?

it's a freaking survey. It has no data of actual incidents, just a summation of teacher's opinions on an increase in bullying.

hence, bullshit.

So your opinion is more valid than theirs? I say your opinion is bullshit and they are the ones on the ground. ROFL you want to see some bully data? Like what? Increase incident of spitballs in an excel sheet?


Fuck off, twat.

Also, the survey is being used to make a point, and if the survey is bullshit, which it is, the point being made is bullshit.

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