Rise in bullying being documented more precisely

And on that fake survey....

Talk about fake...the Southern Poverty Law Center is a left wing hate group...they no longer represent Civil Rights.....they represent another arm of the democrat hate machine......

Fake News: Media Pushes Bogus Survey As Proof Trump Causes Bullying

Multiple U.S. media outlets are citing an online survey by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as proof Donald Trump’s election is causing a surge of bullying in schools. But the survey is flawed in several obvious ways, and shouldn’t be taken as proof of anything at all.


If SPLC’s survey represented the genuine, nearly-unanimous sentiment of American teachers, it would warrant a great deal of concern. But the survey, in fact, isn’t even close to scientific. Instead, it’s simply a collection of anecdotes from a self-selecting group of teachers who are almost certainly on the political left and overwhelmingly hostile to Trump.

There are more than three million teachers in the United States. Despite SPLC’s rhetoric about the “tremendous response” to their survey, the 10,000 responses they received represents less than one-third of one percent of all teachers. Responses to the survey were solicited through left-leaning publications and organizations like Teaching Tolerance and the American Federation of Teachers, a major teachers union that was one of the first unions in the country to endorse Hillary Clinton for president. Unsurprisingly then, teachers who responded are likely left-leaning themselves, hostile towards Trump, and more likely to attribute negative events at school to some kind of “Trump effect.”

Read more: Fake News: Media Pushes Bogus Survey As Proof Trump Causes Bullying
Meaning its false? Ok, since you've finally taken a position what is your proof that its false. This is the tricky part for deniers. Take your time

Bullshit isn't "false". it means that whatever is presented is suspect, and more than likely the imagination of someone looking for said bullying trend.

So its neither true nor false? What evidence do you see that shows its "more than likely" someones imagination?

it's a freaking survey. It has no data of actual incidents, just a summation of teacher's opinions on an increase in bullying.

hence, bullshit.

So your opinion is more valid than theirs? I say your opinion is bullshit and they are the ones on the ground. ROFL you want to see some bully data? Like what? Increase incident of spitballs in an excel sheet?


Fuck off, twat.

Also, the survey is being used to make a point, and if the survey is bullshit, which it is, the point being made is bullshit.

The survey isnt being used to make a point. The Survey MAKES A POINT which is bullying has went up since Trump and his bullshit.

I have a survey that says if you put a match to something it catches fire. You wouldnt say "Oh this survey is being used to make a point" because everyone knows that surveys have a point Sherlock Holmes.

The point and the results dont care if you yell or stomp your feet. Reality doesnt change because you cry loud
People have been surpressing their feelings for 8 years under Obama. It is likely to come gushing out, but it will blow over and return to "normal."
Bullshit isn't "false". it means that whatever is presented is suspect, and more than likely the imagination of someone looking for said bullying trend.

So its neither true nor false? What evidence do you see that shows its "more than likely" someones imagination?

it's a freaking survey. It has no data of actual incidents, just a summation of teacher's opinions on an increase in bullying.

hence, bullshit.

So your opinion is more valid than theirs? I say your opinion is bullshit and they are the ones on the ground. ROFL you want to see some bully data? Like what? Increase incident of spitballs in an excel sheet?


Fuck off, twat.

Also, the survey is being used to make a point, and if the survey is bullshit, which it is, the point being made is bullshit.

The survey isnt being used to make a point. The Survey MAKES A POINT which is bullying has went up since Trump and his bullshit.

I have a survey that says if you put a match to something it catches fire. You wouldnt say "Oh this survey is being used to make a point" because everyone knows that surveys have a point Sherlock Holmes.

The point and the results dont care if you yell or stomp your feet. Reality doesnt change because you cry loud

Since the survey is bullshit, the point is bullshit. It's come out less than a month since the election. How large of a data set is that? What was the question used? How broad of a sample was taken? Are the people surveyed competent in determining if the cases in question were actual bullying or mere mentions that "Trump Won" that some snowflakes take as a form of bullying?

A match making something catch fire is a single discrete event, that doesn't reply on opinion on what constitutes "bullying"

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