Rise of the Warrior Cop: time to reconsider the militarization of policing?

Oh, wait, here's the solid citizen that Quantum Nutbag is upset about.

Police say her husband fired first with a sawed-off shotgun and they responded. He was shot at least three times and died later at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.

Love how you leave out the fact they never announced they were cops and the couple thought it was a home invasion,those 2 pigs need to be prosecuted for murder.

John Adams was watching television when his wife heard pounding on the door. Police claim they identified themselves and wore police jackets. Loraine Adams said she had no indication the men were police.

“I thought it was a home invasion. I said ‘Baby, get your gun!,” she said, sitting amid friends and relatives gathered at her home to cook and prepare for Sunday’s funeral.

You are partially right, insults are all you have because you cannot come up with an argument that actually makes sense.

Frankly, that attitude is the root of the problem. Tell the cops that them going home to their families is more important than whether or not the guy they shoot is actually trying to kill them and they end up shooting people who are running away from them.

Concord police kill suspect in Antioch - SFGate

They also end up shooting people when they break down the wrong door and innocent people react to their houses being invaded.

Man Dies in Police Raid on Wrong House - ABC News

You can call me crazy all day long, it won't change the fact that you are defending people who get away with murder if anyone else did it.

So don't shoot back and don't run away... Not seeing a problem here.

The problem is that it is illegal for police to shoot people simply because they are running away. It is also legal for a citizen of the United States to resist the illegal entry into his home with deadly force, even if cops are the ones doing it.

But you don't see a problem with cops breaking the law.
Oh, wait, here's the solid citizen that Quantum Nutbag is upset about.

Police say her husband fired first with a sawed-off shotgun and they responded. He was shot at least three times and died later at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.

They broke into his house "by mistake." That is another way of saying they did not have a valid warrant, probable cause, or even exigent circumstances, but you think it is all good because they are cops.
Oh, wait, here's the solid citizen that Quantum Nutbag is upset about.

Police say her husband fired first with a sawed-off shotgun and they responded. He was shot at least three times and died later at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.

Love how you leave out the fact they never announced they were cops and the couple thought it was a home invasion,those 2 pigs need to be prosecuted for murder.

John Adams was watching television when his wife heard pounding on the door. Police claim they identified themselves and wore police jackets. Loraine Adams said she had no indication the men were police.

“I thought it was a home invasion. I said ‘Baby, get your gun!,” she said, sitting amid friends and relatives gathered at her home to cook and prepare for Sunday’s funeral.

They even admitted they were at the wrong house, yet he still thinks the couple should have let the cops break in.
You aren't seeing the warrior cop but the terrified cop. Once standards were lowered to allow in women and small statured men who could be easily overpowered deadly force became the default.

Yesterday a woman police officer shot and killed an unarmed homeless man. He made a threatening move toward her and called her a bitch. She knew he could take her down with one punch so she shot him.

Stop the social engineering nonsense. People are dying because of it.
You aren't seeing the warrior cop but the terrified cop. Once standards were lowered to allow in women and small statured men who could be easily overpowered deadly force became the default.

Yesterday a woman police officer shot and killed an unarmed homeless man. He made a threatening move toward her and called her a bitch. She knew he could take her down with one punch so she shot him.

Stop the social engineering nonsense. People are dying because of it.

The only nonsense is this post.
You aren't seeing the warrior cop but the terrified cop. Once standards were lowered to allow in women and small statured men who could be easily overpowered deadly force became the default.

Yesterday a woman police officer shot and killed an unarmed homeless man. He made a threatening move toward her and called her a bitch. She knew he could take her down with one punch so she shot him.

Stop the social engineering nonsense. People are dying because of it.

The only nonsense is this post.

Yeah I had no idea what to make of that one. Loved the link though.
You aren't seeing the warrior cop but the terrified cop. Once standards were lowered to allow in women and small statured men who could be easily overpowered deadly force became the default.

Yesterday a woman police officer shot and killed an unarmed homeless man. He made a threatening move toward her and called her a bitch. She knew he could take her down with one punch so she shot him.

Stop the social engineering nonsense. People are dying because of it.

The only nonsense is this post.

It is true though. Big beefy quarterback size cops have been replaced by smaller personnel who are facing off against the same bruisers. The result is use of excessive force.
You guys are basically arguing "chicken versus egg". In other words both positions have merit.

At the base of it is the root of the problem, and that is gun culture. Or more broadly, a culture of violence and vanquishment. A dichotomy of good versus evil, begetting a philosophy of "might makes right".

You’re correct ‘more broadly,’ it’s the sanctioned violence in American culture, having little or nothing to do with guns or its ‘culture.’

As long as violence in America is perceived and sanctioned as a legitimate form of conflict resolution, we will continue to be an excessively violent society – and militarized police forces are a sanctioned form of violence pursuant to conflict resolution.

Bingo. THAT was the point. :eusa_clap:

The culture of violence and the whole good-evil dichotomy behind it predate the invention of firearms by a long way. Some here, all they see is "guns" and they salivate, and the point sails over their head.

And you ignore a simple fact. 80% of ALL violent crime is committed by 6% of the criminal population. Those are the very criminals that are constantly let out. Lock them up forever and look at all the crime that go's away. It's silly liberals who think they can be rehabbed that cause that. And those who WANT the crime to continue so they can pass ever more onerous laws.

I admire your belief that mankind is basically good, as I believe that too. However, there is also a sub group that look at the rest of us as targets. They will always look at us as targets. I want to have the ability to deal with them.
Oh, wait, here's the solid citizen that Quantum Nutbag is upset about.

Police say her husband fired first with a sawed-off shotgun and they responded. He was shot at least three times and died later at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.

Love how you leave out the fact they never announced they were cops and the couple thought it was a home invasion,those 2 pigs need to be prosecuted for murder.

John Adams was watching television when his wife heard pounding on the door. Police claim they identified themselves and wore police jackets. Loraine Adams said she had no indication the men were police.

“I thought it was a home invasion. I said ‘Baby, get your gun!,” she said, sitting amid friends and relatives gathered at her home to cook and prepare for Sunday’s funeral.

Sawed off shotguns are illegal. Just having it was against the law. And sorry, there had to be a point where it was pretty clear they were cops.
You aren't seeing the warrior cop but the terrified cop. Once standards were lowered to allow in women and small statured men who could be easily overpowered deadly force became the default.

Yesterday a woman police officer shot and killed an unarmed homeless man. He made a threatening move toward her and called her a bitch. She knew he could take her down with one punch so she shot him.

Stop the social engineering nonsense. People are dying because of it.

The only nonsense is this post.

It is true though. Big beefy quarterback size cops have been replaced by smaller personnel who are facing off against the same bruisers. The result is use of excessive force.

Except female cops are almost never involved in questionable shootings and are less likely to resort to shooting as a response.

Sorry, what was she supposed to do whena crazy stewbum attacked her?

So let me get this straight. A police officer who clearly identified herself as a cop was not justified in shooting a crazy homeless person who attacked her.

But Zimmerman who was not a cop was justified in shooting a kid who was out buying candy.

Got it.
Oh, wait, here's the solid citizen that Quantum Nutbag is upset about.

Police say her husband fired first with a sawed-off shotgun and they responded. He was shot at least three times and died later at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.

They broke into his house "by mistake." That is another way of saying they did not have a valid warrant, probable cause, or even exigent circumstances, but you think it is all good because they are cops.

Um... yeah. I think firing an illegal weapon at cops instead of just saying. "Dude, you got the wrong house and you owe me a door", you probably are going to get killed.
Oh, wait, here's the solid citizen that Quantum Nutbag is upset about.

Love how you leave out the fact they never announced they were cops and the couple thought it was a home invasion,those 2 pigs need to be prosecuted for murder.

John Adams was watching television when his wife heard pounding on the door. Police claim they identified themselves and wore police jackets. Loraine Adams said she had no indication the men were police.

“I thought it was a home invasion. I said ‘Baby, get your gun!,” she said, sitting amid friends and relatives gathered at her home to cook and prepare for Sunday’s funeral.

Sawed off shotguns are illegal. Just having it was against the law. And sorry, there had to be a point where it was pretty clear they were cops.

No they aren't. Shotguns are illegal if they are cut off at a certain length. This was a reported writing this article ya know same retards that proclaim something an assault rifle....yeah not much hope for them knowing a difference. I can go right now and buy a pistol grip shotgun that would be called a sawed off shotgun because it has a short barrel. Yeah they knew they were cops AFTER they had murdered a man where they had no business being for they had no warrant to enter the home. You are just a boot licking statist plain and simple.
Love how you leave out the fact they never announced they were cops and the couple thought it was a home invasion,those 2 pigs need to be prosecuted for murder.

John Adams was watching television when his wife heard pounding on the door. Police claim they identified themselves and wore police jackets. Loraine Adams said she had no indication the men were police.

“I thought it was a home invasion. I said ‘Baby, get your gun!,” she said, sitting amid friends and relatives gathered at her home to cook and prepare for Sunday’s funeral.

Sawed off shotguns are illegal. Just having it was against the law. And sorry, there had to be a point where it was pretty clear they were cops.

No they aren't. Shotguns are illegal if they are cut off at a certain length. This was a reported writing this article ya know same retards that proclaim something an assault rifle....yeah not much hope for them knowing a difference. I can go right now and buy a pistol grip shotgun that would be called a sawed off shotgun because it has a short barrel. Yeah they knew they were cops AFTER they had murdered a man where they had no business being for they had no warrant to enter the home. You are just a boot licking statist plain and simple.

He took three shots at them with an illegal weapon.

Now, if they shot him while he was asleep in his bed, you might have a point.
He shot at them with a shotgun when he thought they were burglars. Are you this damn dense? I think so. They had no warrant or probable cause to break into his house...guess when someone breaks into your house you should just wait and see if they announce they are cops or not before firing...ya know because cops always just bust down a door first then announce they are cops...fucking tard.
Wisconsin DNR conducts armed SWAT raid on animal shelter.

Questions raised after armed agents kill baby deer named Giggles - National Social Issues | Examiner.com

Killing bambi wasn't the issue. CWD is one serious prion disease, so little Giggles had to die. It's how they did it. In a civilized world, a van with two unarmed DNR agents would have showed up at the animal shelter, politely informing them they were violating the law and that they had to give up Giggles. If they refuse, then you escalate a little bit at a time. But in kookland, even the DNR is fully militarized, and needs to show off their armed might. Apparently, you never can tell how much armed resistance an animal shelter might put up, hence the need for shock-and-awe tactics.
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Oh, wait, here's the solid citizen that Quantum Nutbag is upset about.

Love how you leave out the fact they never announced they were cops and the couple thought it was a home invasion,those 2 pigs need to be prosecuted for murder.

John Adams was watching television when his wife heard pounding on the door. Police claim they identified themselves and wore police jackets. Loraine Adams said she had no indication the men were police.

“I thought it was a home invasion. I said ‘Baby, get your gun!,” she said, sitting amid friends and relatives gathered at her home to cook and prepare for Sunday’s funeral.

Sawed off shotguns are illegal. Just having it was against the law. And sorry, there had to be a point where it was pretty clear they were cops.

Sawed off shotguns are not, by your decree or law, de facto illegal. I am pretty sure it was obvious they were cops after they got away with murder, can you explain why innocent people should think "Cops" when people start breaking into their house?

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