Rise of the Warrior Cop: time to reconsider the militarization of policing?

The only nonsense is this post.

It is true though. Big beefy quarterback size cops have been replaced by smaller personnel who are facing off against the same bruisers. The result is use of excessive force.

Except female cops are almost never involved in questionable shootings and are less likely to resort to shooting as a response.

Sorry, what was she supposed to do whena crazy stewbum attacked her?

So let me get this straight. A police officer who clearly identified herself as a cop was not justified in shooting a crazy homeless person who attacked her.

But Zimmerman who was not a cop was justified in shooting a kid who was out buying candy.

Got it.

That is an excellent argument to prove how stupid you are.
Oh, wait, here's the solid citizen that Quantum Nutbag is upset about.

They broke into his house "by mistake." That is another way of saying they did not have a valid warrant, probable cause, or even exigent circumstances, but you think it is all good because they are cops.

Um... yeah. I think firing an illegal weapon at cops instead of just saying. "Dude, you got the wrong house and you owe me a door", you probably are going to get killed.

What makes the legally owned weapon illegal?

Is this another attempt to retroactively justify the police breaking the law?

Do you understand that I can provide hundreds of examples of police breaking down the wrong door and killing innocent people?

Are you ever going to admit they are wrong?

Are you just assuming that the fact that police say the words "sawed off shotgun" proves that the weapon was illegal?

Why didn't they charge the wife if the gun was illegal?

Even if the cops are telling the truth, which is not an automatic assumption, sawed off shotguns are legal unless the barrel is shorter than 18 inches.

Maybe you should pull your head out of your ass and think.

Be sure to only try one of those at once, I don't want you to get confused.
Sawed off shotguns are illegal. Just having it was against the law. And sorry, there had to be a point where it was pretty clear they were cops.

No they aren't. Shotguns are illegal if they are cut off at a certain length. This was a reported writing this article ya know same retards that proclaim something an assault rifle....yeah not much hope for them knowing a difference. I can go right now and buy a pistol grip shotgun that would be called a sawed off shotgun because it has a short barrel. Yeah they knew they were cops AFTER they had murdered a man where they had no business being for they had no warrant to enter the home. You are just a boot licking statist plain and simple.

He took three shots at them with an illegal weapon.

Now, if they shot him while he was asleep in his bed, you might have a point.

The weapon was not illegal.

On the other hand, what the police were doing was. They were at the wrong door, which means they did not have a warrant. That means that, even if they did announce themselves, it was perfectly legal to shoot them because they were breaking the law.

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