Rising anti-Islamic sentiment in America troubles Muslims

Oh yeah it's ok that they kill black people right..haha this so called "Christian" you are just like the KKK

I get it. you cant defend your positions, so you have to make things up. Glad to see you can admit that your intellectually dishonest:)

Look at every thread especially that thread where you just backed off because you Coudnt defend your postions at all hypocrite

funny, ive defended my positions. I also am not changing my positions when i get called on them.
I get it. you cant defend your positions, so you have to make things up. Glad to see you can admit that your intellectually dishonest:)

Look at every thread especially that thread where you just backed off because you Coudnt defend your postions at all hypocrite

funny, ive defended my positions. I also am not changing my positions when i get called on them.

There is a thread where you made up something and once I pointed out your lies you backed off....I'm gonna find it by tomorrow
What the hell? That's all in you're head and you people mental? Im done with this thread this mentally I'll uncensored guy is so lame

If you want even a modicum of respect from Americans, stop wiping your shoes on our flag.
This Muslim tradition has been going on for some time now, and I fear it will lead to videos that you may find offensive..........
What the hell? That's all in you're head and you people mental? Im done with this thread this mentally I'll uncensored guy is so lame

If you want even a modicum of respect from Americans, stop wiping your shoes on our flag.
This Muslim tradition has been going on for some time now, and I fear it will lead to videos that you may find offensive..........

I'm American buddy lol
What the hell? That's all in you're head and you people mental? Im done with this thread this mentally I'll uncensored guy is so lame

If you want even a modicum of respect from Americans, stop wiping your shoes on our flag.
This Muslim tradition has been going on for some time now, and I fear it will lead to videos that you may find offensive..........

I'm American buddy lol

I'm a girl, pal. lol.
And my message to those "concerned" with American sentiment.
Regardless of your location, if you ( those offended by, anti-Islamic sentiment in America, videos, and bonfires ignited with pages from the Quran ), are so concerned, stop acting in a ways that are equally insulting to us.
Little girl/Ram tough :)
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If you want even a modicum of respect from Americans, stop wiping your shoes on our flag.
This Muslim tradition has been going on for some time now, and I fear it will lead to videos that you may find offensive..........

I'm American buddy lol

I'm a girl, pal. lol.
And my message to those "concerned" with American sentiment.
Regardless of your location, if you ( those offended by, anti-Islamic sentiment in America, videos, and bonfires ignited with pages from the Quran ), stop acting in a way that is equally insulting to us.
Little girl/Ram tough :)

The anger is childish...they will think better next time because rioting will make them look weak. I know Muslims there and it's because how the West deals with them and the palestinans for example. But no on should riot...do it diplomatically, etc.etc.
I'm American buddy lol

I'm a girl, pal. lol.
And my message to those "concerned" with American sentiment.
Regardless of your location, if you ( those offended by, anti-Islamic sentiment in America, videos, and bonfires ignited with pages from the Quran ), stop acting in a way that is equally insulting to us.
Little girl/Ram tough :)

The anger is childish...they will think better next time because rioting will make them look weak. I know Muslims there and it's because how the West deals with them and the palestinans for example. But no on should riot...do it diplomatically, etc.etc.
I do find your avatar quite symbolic of how Muslim men are.......Tell me would it be Okay if you wife dressed like that? Try not to lie now.
I'm American buddy lol

I'm a girl, pal. lol.
And my message to those "concerned" with American sentiment.
Regardless of your location, if you ( those offended by, anti-Islamic sentiment in America, videos, and bonfires ignited with pages from the Quran ), stop acting in a way that is equally insulting to us.
Little girl/Ram tough :)

The anger is childish...they will think better next time because rioting will make them look weak. I know Muslims there and it's because how the West deals with them and the palestinans for example. But no on should riot...do it diplomatically, etc.etc.
That is just silly. Muslims rioting is a well established mechanism wherein concessions from the West are a hoped-for prize.

It's not at all surprising that we'd see arabs/muslims foisting blame on America for the pratfalls and train wrecks that define their societies. Muslims can't seem to muster the courage to protest when the Taliban mass murder other Muslims but when someone "hurts Muslims' feelings", the dead bodies pike up. As we know, America and the West are singularly responsible for every ill that befalls Muslims. It's the same tired screed we've heard etc., etc., ad nauseum.

Now, you take these themes of the noble, oppressed people who are wronged by the evil, heartless, imperialistic tyrant, and you have the ideological nexus where the far left and Muslims come together in unity. One is secular and the other pseudo-religious. But what matters is that they both have an unrealistic ideal of a totalitarian politico-religious ideology; an unrealized utopia which is bound to fail due to its opposition and utter hostility to simple human nature. So instead of being honest and acknowledging the abysmal vacancy of their delusional ideologies, they blame America. The noble savage cannot be responsible for the choices he makes.
The perception of anti muslim sentiments is why we don't have muslim riots the way they are occurring in other countries.
The perception of anti muslim sentiments is why we don't have muslim riots the way they are occurring in other countries.

If Muslims started rioting here, they'd be pelted with burning Korans.

I tried to burn a Koran once, but it seems that it was too wet from me pissing on it to catch fire....
The perception of anti muslim sentiments is why we don't have muslim riots the way they are occurring in other countries.

If Muslims started rioting here, they'd be pelted with burning Korans.

I tried to burn a Koran once, but it seems that it was too wet from me pissing on it to catch fire....

We haven't yet been overwhelmed with legions of third-world types as is the case with France, the Netherlands, the UK, etc.

In places where islamists reach a certain population threshold (strength of numbers), is when problems begin to emerge: demands for sharia courts, "no go" zones, placards with "behead those who insult muhammud", etc.
The perception of anti muslim sentiments is why we don't have muslim riots the way they are occurring in other countries.

If Muslims started rioting here, they'd be pelted with burning Korans.

I tried to burn a Koran once, but it seems that it was too wet from me pissing on it to catch fire....

We haven't yet been overwhelmed with legions of third-world types as is the case with France, the Netherlands, the UK, etc.

In places where islamists reach a certain population threshold (strength of numbers), is when problems begin to emerge: demands for sharia courts, "no go" zones, placards with "behead those who insult muhammud", etc.


This is in netherlands....
We haven't yet been overwhelmed with legions of third-world types as is the case with France, the Netherlands, the UK, etc.

I'm in California, we've absolutely been overwhelmed with third-world peasants, but they're all Mexican and have a more common culture, i.e. they are Christian.

In places where islamists reach a certain population threshold (strength of numbers), is when problems begin to emerge: demands for sharia courts, "no go" zones, placards with "behead those who insult muhammud", etc.

Muslims will never take America, the Mexicans aren't going to give it up.....
Like I always say, the best weapon against Islam is the Quran. Prove it cannot be the words of God and there will be no room left for Muslims. I know that converting them to Christianity has been tried, without success for hundreds of years, but if you show them the Quran is rubbish, they may end up as burnt out drunken atheists.
The best weapon against religious zealotry is often humor and indifference.

Unless those wankers start breaking the laws, of course.

Then their punishment ought to fit their crimes.

This is in netherlands....

"freedom can go to hell" :lmao: I'm sure for that guy that if he couldn't buy a wife, no woman would want to get naked with him, that's for sure! So islam is his only option to get laid. :D
If Muslims started rioting here, they'd be pelted with burning Korans.

I tried to burn a Koran once, but it seems that it was too wet from me pissing on it to catch fire....

We haven't yet been overwhelmed with legions of third-world types as is the case with France, the Netherlands, the UK, etc.

In places where islamists reach a certain population threshold (strength of numbers), is when problems begin to emerge: demands for sharia courts, "no go" zones, placards with "behead those who insult muhammud", etc.


This is in netherlands....

Why would all the signs be in English in photoshopland, I mean the Netherlands?
We haven't yet been overwhelmed with legions of third-world types as is the case with France, the Netherlands, the UK, etc.

In places where islamists reach a certain population threshold (strength of numbers), is when problems begin to emerge: demands for sharia courts, "no go" zones, placards with "behead those who insult muhammud", etc.


This is in netherlands....

Why would all the signs be in English in photoshopland, I mean the Netherlands?

Well, can you understand any other language? Here, help yourself if you can;


They have plenty of signs in different languages in here. Pick yourself. Like it is going to change anything.
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