rittenhouse no longer enrolled at arizona state

He absolutely should have said something. The student backlash just proved his defamation case against EVERYONE who said crazy shit about him. He lost the ability to attend a university like any other kid. What do you suppose thats worth in a lawsuit? I'm guessing its worth quite a bit. tThat alone will be worth millions, on top of all the other damages he has received.
wonder if he will sue anyone? he is being advised to sue all kinds of people.
wonder if he will sue anyone? he is being advised to sue all kinds of people.
You "wonder" if he will sue? Of course they are suing. They are sueing EVERYONE. They already announced they are sueing The View first.
No one lied about him. You guys on the right need to leave him alone so he can get a life and quit trying to turn a kid who made some bad decisions into a cult hero. Let him disappear into obscurity for God’s sakes. The left will move on to the next crisis.
of course many leftists lied about him!!!! that will be proven when he wins his lawsuits and you, along with many others, will have to once again admit you were incorrect!!!!!
Good reason to refund the police and place all universities on notice federal funds will never again to university gpse warmongering against the Constitution and its Amendments. Taxpayers are fed up with schools that destroy human rights one of which gives the common man the right to defend himself.

Kyle was never enrolled at Arizona State.
You haven’t documented anything. However, I agree with what Rittenhouse hopes for. In order to do that tbe left AND THE RIGHT need to leave him alone. He needs to stay off the TV circuit and let it die down. The left will find a new outrage But not if the right is intent on using him as some sort of political “hero” for their own agenda. This is probably why his lawyers suggested he wait.
I suspect his notoriety will follow him possibly for his lifetime. Unfortunately for him, even if he decided to go to school in a very conservative part of the country where more people would approve of what he did than disapproved, unless he's very very abnormal, the notoriety would at best limit his social circle to perhaps where he didn't want it. It would pretty much suck if your "friend group" liked you because you shot three people. Unless you really liked shooting three people.
Knowing that the world of education is primarily leftist, with some exceptions, he might be better off buying a business. It’s really a shame that leftists are so vindictive that they are determined to make him miserable for the rest of his life, and why? - for defending himself against BLM rioters intent on killing him.

He apparently really wants to be a nurse.
I suspect his notoriety will follow him possibly for his lifetime. Unfortunately for him, even if he decided to go to school in a very conservative part of the country where more people would approve of what he did than disapproved, unless he's very very abnormal, the notoriety would at best limit his social circle to perhaps where he didn't want it. It would pretty much suck if your "friend group" liked you because you shot three people. Unless you really liked shooting three people.
It’s not that he “shot three people.” He went to a BLM riot, naively believing he could negate some of their destruction, but well-intentioned nonetheless. That the BLM criminals chased him down, intending to kill him, and he defended himself speaks to his ability to act precisely under extreme stress. He is far a superior human being to the criminals whom he shot, and yes….some people will admire that in him.
Lots of places do, but my point is that he's going to have to go to college to do what he really wants. You suggested he start a business instead.
Only because almost all colleges are liberal, ans the liberals are a vengeful bunch. But if he can find a conservative college with a nursing program, that would be the best bet. Problem is….Hillsdale in really competitive, and he might not have the academic ability for it.
Kyle should have shot his way through college and taught them all a lesson.
Using a vehicle to kill defenseless people in Wisconsin vs. shooting people in self defense in Wisconsin somehow fucks with the Left’s mindset.
yet the pink hat pussies at ASU are still going to need safe spaces to deal with the fact that Kyle Rittenhouse was enrolled at ASU. Pussies.

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