Rittenhouse sues Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg

OJ Simpson was found not guilty of murder in a court of law. As far as the law was concerned, he didn't do it. He was innocent. It was as though he was never even there.
Still, Simpson was ordered to pay Ron Goldman's family over $33 million dollars after losing a civil suit against him.

Rittenhouse can very easily lose a civil trial...

OJ didn't have all the videos that clearly show he didn't do it.

Kyle has an air tight case that it was self defense.

Big difference.

The shitheads can sue but they aren't going to win. Meanwhile Kyle will get Sandmann type settlements from all the Left Wing assholes that he sues.

Him and Sandmann will wind up owning CNN before this is over.
He wanted to be a police officer. He can’t anymore. He probably couldn’t even without the national spotlight, but let’s say he would make $100k for 30 years, then $50k pension for 30 years.. That’s 4.5 million. If I was going to rule in his favor this is what I would award.

That’s strictly compensatory damages. He also can sue for punitive damages - defaming an innocent person, acquitted by a jury, with lies about white supremacy - and that’s usually where the real money is.
And it was adjudicated that OJ did not kill anyone...how did that work out for him in the civil courts?

Different standards of proof. In criminal court it's beyond a reasonable doubt. In civil cases it's a preponderance of the evidence. OJ's defense was that he didn't commit murders at all. The state could not prove that he did, beyond a reasonable doubt. The civil case proved that he was the likely killer.

In Kyle's case the state never had to prove he was the killer.
The deaths were not wrongful. He had the right of self defense. The verdict agreed. Any civil suit would be knocked out by a Summary Judgement motion because the issue has already been fully litigated. There are no new issues or theories. No family could prove a civil right to kill Kyle Rittenhouse.
I'd save those two lowlifes a lot of money with a plea bargain. They would only have to pay 1 million apiece to Kyle as long as they both become his obedient personal servants for a year. Highlights at 6 every night.

$2 million, after lawyers‘ fees, becomes $1.3 million, and that’s insufficient for the way those two lowlifes treated him.
Seems funny now though, because I haven't found any other source for this.
Who cares if he took a gun across state lines? He took a gun to a riot the next state over.

Be careful or soon fox is going to have to stop lying.

You are either confused or just out right lying.

If you had watched the trial instead of getting fake news you would know that the AR never was out of state.

The charges against him having an illegal rifle were dropped because it was never illegal for him to have possession of the rifle.

Meanwhile that asshole that Kyle gloriously shot in the arm was illegally carrying a Glock and the filthy Democrat AD never charged that dickhead. Why? He committed a crime.
You are either confused or just out right lying.

If you had watched the trial instead of getting fake news you would know that the AR never was out of state.

The charges against him having an illegal rifle were dropped because it was never illegal for him to have possession of the rifle.

Meanwhile that asshole that Kyle gloriously shot in the arm was illegally carrying a Glock and the filthy Democrat AD never charged that dickhead. Why? He committed a crime.
But....but....but....... The TV said it was a big scary black gun and he came rampaging across the state line, just hunting for helpless rioter........er............um.......... peaceful protesters, with the intent of executing them in cold blood!

Agreed, the mass of hamburger that used to be Grosskreutz' arm was a beautiful thing.
Different standards of proof. In criminal court it's beyond a reasonable doubt. In civil cases it's a preponderance of the evidence. OJ's defense was that he didn't commit murders at all. The state could not prove that he did, beyond a reasonable doubt. The civil case proved that he was the likely killer.

In Kyle's case the state never had to prove he was the killer.
The deaths were not wrongful. He had the right of self defense. The verdict agreed. Any civil suit would be knocked out by a Summary Judgement motion because the issue has already been fully litigated. There are no new issues or theories. No family could prove a civil right to kill Kyle Rittenhouse.


How can the family of Rosenbaum win when we have videos and testimony where he threatened to kill Kyle? When we have videos of him attacking Kyle? In a civil suit his criminal record would be evidence.

How can the family of Huber win when we have videos of him attacking and beating Kyle with a skateboard? His criminal record would also be in evidence.

How can this Grosskreutz shithead win when he admitted in court that he pointed his Glock at Kyle and we have pictures and videos of it? A Glock that was illegal for him to carry? His criminal record would also be evidence.

I hope it hurts like hell!
Fake news hurts only your cred; which fortunately for you, was already non-existent anyway.


Will be laughed out of court without as much as a hearing.

What will happen is Rittenhouse being sued for wrongful death, and those families have a solid case.
Not on this one.

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