Ritual public shaming,,,

cant say we werent warned,,,
"Ritual public shaming" is a typical DEMOCRAT labor union strong arm tactic. Family members with labor connections started doing such things to me years ago, when they had me "committed" to the state insane asylum, and permanently adjudicated as a mental defective for the rest of my life, in pursuance of Title XVIII U.S. Code §922 ¶¶(d)(4), (g)(4), (h).
cant say we werent warned,,,
"Ritual public shaming" is a typical DEMOCRAT labor union strong arm tactic. Family members with labor connections started doing such things to me years ago, when they had me "committed" to the state insane asylum, and permanently adjudicated as a mental defective for the rest of my life, in pursuance of Title XVIII U.S. Code §922 ¶¶(d)(4), (g)(4), (h).
Sorry to hear that. Crooks and thugs are a vicious bunch of bastards.
It wasn't long after the local thugs, thug judiciary and fraudsters bankers went after me I took a job where I was covered in very caustic chemicals on the job. The Dem creep lawyers tried to pull the mental thing on me saying it was the only way they could get the injuries sustain covered. I told them piss off and to this day they haven't had to pay for the physical or financial damage that the employer's ignorance and neglect caused.
Crooks and thugs are a vicious bunch of bastards … chemicals on the job.
Yep. There's a party and they're doing chemicals. Caustics, hair dyes, psychedelic drugs, the whole gamut. The girls keep the guys supplied for their dirty deeds.

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