RNC convention fact check LOL

What they were referring to was the Intelligence assessment. Trump claimed the report said China wanted Biden because he would weaken the US economically. The report said China wanted Trump to lose because he was too unpredictable. Trump can have his opinion but he is not entitled to lie about what the report said.
what report? post the report you're referencing.
I have never given Obama credit for it. It happened on his watch and continued under Trump. The last President to have a measurable effect on the economy was President Reagan and his large tax cuts.
if you're not giving obammy credit, why did you post the stats? So who does get credit? Bush? Clinton? or are you saying that policies are bullshit?

It shows that the economy was getting better before Trump and Trump had nothing to do with it. By your standard, if Trump deserves credit for the economy so does Obama. You are the one being inconsistent.
Jesus Christ! How stupid are you fukkers? You only have to go through the first four or five to see that it (the "fact checking") is nothing but partisan bullshit.

Again, I constantly have to ask myself, "Are Leftists stupid or subversive?" There are no other alternatives.
The unemployment one was funny.

They list the claims made, then confirm the claims are correct................BUT say the shutdown has hurt the numbers. And call it a lie.

CNN is a bunch of morons, but the idiots who buy their bullshit are bigger morons............like the OP>

The unemployment numbers were at 4.7% when he took office. 3.5% is hardly earth shattering.
That's a 25% drop, and the lowest in 50 years, which was the claim that CNN said wan't true.

You are playing games with numbers to make it look better. The unemployment rate was 7.2% when Obama took office. When he left it was 4.7%. That was a 2.5 percentage point drop vs Trump's 1.2 percentage point drop. The percentage decrease in unemployment under Obama was twice that of Trump.

You do realize the lower the unemployment levels get, the harder it becomes to lower them further right?

Low unemployment results in a tighter job market, making the openings that do occur more competed for by the availible unemployed.

Trump had nothing to do with that. The trajectory of the unemployment rate was downward when Trump took office.

More opinion parading as fact.

And just to make sure you know how much I despise you:

Busybee takes it up the ass, doo dah doo dah
Busybee takes it up the ass, all the doo dah day

That is fact.

View attachment 379864

The rate was 5.5 in May. In August it was 6.2. October was 6.6. November was 6.8. December was 7.2. Jan was 7.6.

View attachment 379866

This was the trend when Trump took office. Trending downward.

Try again you lying little weasel.
What was the unemployment rate in the years between your cherry picked graphs?

You are cherry picking. I have yet to see a Trump supporter admitting the unemployment rate was dropping BEFORE Trump took office.
Sez the clown who left out 4 years of unemployment figures during Barry's reign. :abgg2q.jpg:

The unemployment rate started dropping in 2009. It shows the same thing. Dropping unemployment.
After it went up with Obama's stimulous

After it went up due to the bursting of the housing bubble.
It was going DOWN then after Obama's stimulous it went UP
Jesus Christ! How stupid are you fukkers? You only have to go through the first four or five to see that it (the "fact checking") is nothing but partisan bullshit.

Again, I constantly have to ask myself, "Are Leftists stupid or subversive?" There are no other alternatives.
The unemployment one was funny.

They list the claims made, then confirm the claims are correct................BUT say the shutdown has hurt the numbers. And call it a lie.

CNN is a bunch of morons, but the idiots who buy their bullshit are bigger morons............like the OP>

The unemployment numbers were at 4.7% when he took office. 3.5% is hardly earth shattering.
That's a 25% drop, and the lowest in 50 years, which was the claim that CNN said wan't true.

You are playing games with numbers to make it look better. The unemployment rate was 7.2% when Obama took office. When he left it was 4.7%. That was a 2.5 percentage point drop vs Trump's 1.2 percentage point drop. The percentage decrease in unemployment under Obama was twice that of Trump.

You do realize the lower the unemployment levels get, the harder it becomes to lower them further right?

Low unemployment results in a tighter job market, making the openings that do occur more competed for by the availible unemployed.

Trump had nothing to do with that. The trajectory of the unemployment rate was downward when Trump took office.

More opinion parading as fact.

And just to make sure you know how much I despise you:

Busybee takes it up the ass, doo dah doo dah
Busybee takes it up the ass, all the doo dah day

That is fact.

View attachment 379864

The rate was 5.5 in May. In August it was 6.2. October was 6.6. November was 6.8. December was 7.2. Jan was 7.6.

View attachment 379866

This was the trend when Trump took office. Trending downward.

Try again you lying little weasel.
What was the unemployment rate in the years between your cherry picked graphs?

You are cherry picking. I have yet to see a Trump supporter admitting the unemployment rate was dropping BEFORE Trump took office.
Sez the clown who left out 4 years of unemployment figures during Barry's reign. :abgg2q.jpg:

The unemployment rate started dropping in 2009. It shows the same thing. Dropping unemployment.
After it went up with Obama's stimulous

After it went up due to the bursting of the housing bubble.
The housing bubble George W Bush was warning about since April 2001, and Barney Fwank and Dimwingers told us was BS? That housing bubble?

Another instance where Fake News CNN confirms a statement, then claims it is a lie.............

Xenophobic accusation
Donald Trump Jr. claimed that Joe Biden had called President Donald Trump a racist and xenophobe for having imposed travel restrictions on China.

Facts First: Biden did accuse Trump of "xenophobia" in an Iowa campaign speech the same day, Jan. 31, that Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar announced the Trump administration's travel restrictions on China -

The trouble is that Biden never mentioned China. Many of Trump's policies are xenophobic. He made that speech on the same day the policy was announced. Unless Biden got advance word, there was no way he could have known in time. I doubt that Trump would give Biden advance word.
He made that speech on the same day the policy was announced.

Yeah. In this age of carrier pigeon how in the world would anyone know what the President said on the day he said it. :cuckoo:

There is absolutely no evidence and ordinary Americans understand it.

Wipe the tears from your vagina......

Trump is the one trailing. You had better wipe your tears.

Busycunt is busy flitting around being "busy" doing the business of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies....

Go, "busycunt, go, girl!!! GO!!!! You are definitely changing hearts and minds here with one illterate and fool-fueled ranty of nothingness at a time!!!!

Why aren't you knocking on doors for Jesuit Joe Biden instead of boring this forum with your rants of nothingness?

Do you have a real source?

You have no clue what a real source is. You want someone to tell you exactly what you want to hear. You are clearly in denial.
I have already demonstrated how the hacks at CNN fucked up their claim on the unemployment comments. I didn't bother to wast any more time on the idiots who tell you what to think.

You poor, lying sycophant. They did not get their claims wrong.

Are you ever not a moron?




Multiple speakers — including Rep. Vernon Jones, Rep. Jim Jordan and Mark McCloskey — touted the low unemployment rate America has witnessed under the Trump administration. Both Jordan and McCloskey credited the President for the "lowest unemployment in 50 years," while Jones said President Trump "built the most inclusive economy ever, with record low unemployment for African Americans."


Facts First:
This is misleadingly outdated, as it ignores the economic destruction caused by the coronavirus pandemic. While the US unemployment rate fell to a seasonally adjusted rate of 3.5% last September -- its lowest level since 1969 -
The unemployment rate for Black workers, meanwhile, fell to 5.4% in August of 2019, a record low for the data, which have been collected since 1972.

There ya go, Fawn. CNN confirmed the claims, then says they are lies.

And you are so fucking stupid you buy into their bullshit.
The lower rates started under Obama in 2014.
Yep. Started not long after the policies implemented by the newly Republican controlled Congress.

The Republicans took control in 2010. That means the economy continued to sink when they took office. Congress can't do anything without the President.
Congress is made up of the House and Senate, Stupid. Republicans gained control of Congress in 2014, like I said.

Learn basic civics.

Republicans took the House in 2010. Again you are splitting hairs. You need to learn some basic civics.
"Congress' has 2 chambers, the House and the Senate. I posted that they took control of "Congress" in 2014. Go back to first grade and pay attention this time.

Because that suits your purposes. You are cherry-picking.
Facts always suit my purposes, unlike you. Nothing "cherry-picking" about knowing what makes up Congress. You can thank me late for educating you on that.
First night of the Republican National Convention features more dishonesty than four nights of DNC

With one exception I don't buy into the argument that one group of proven liars is any better than another group of liars. My exception being is when their lie is in regards to going to war costing American soldiers lives.
I have never given Obama credit for it. It happened on his watch and continued under Trump. The last President to have a measurable effect on the economy was President Reagan and his large tax cuts.
if you're not giving obammy credit, why did you post the stats? So who does get credit? Bush? Clinton? or are you saying that policies are bullshit?

It shows that the economy was getting better before Trump and Trump had nothing to do with it. By your standard, if Trump deserves credit for the economy so does Obama. You are the one being inconsistent.
Pleez the unemployment dropped like a rock after the Republicans got rid of the 99 weeks of unemployment.

Trump had alot to do with it, he wasn't a anti business, anti pipeline, anti fracking president like Obama was.
Washington (CNN) The Republican National Convention started off with a parade of dishonesty, in stark contrast with last week's Democratic convention. While CNN also watched and fact-checked the Democrats, those four nights combined didn't have the number of misleading and false claims made on the first night of the Republicans' convention.

Here are some of the most noteworthy falsehoods from night one of the RNC.

FACT CHECK First night of the GOP convention features more dishonesty than four nights of Democratic National Convention

The dishonesty was unbelievable! The above link provides proof.
What a “fact check”....claiming it’s not true China wants to see Biden get elected, because technically they just want President Trump to lose! LMAO.

What they were referring to was the Intelligence assessment. Trump claimed the report said China wanted Biden because he would weaken the US economically. The report said China wanted Trump to lose because he was too unpredictable. Trump can have his opinion but he is not entitled to lie about what the report said.
I know what they are referring to. In case you didn’t notice, President Trump can only lose if Beijing Biden wins. Thanks for playing.
How can that be the truth when it's lacking truth? It fails to mention about half of those who left the workforce were retiring baby boomers. Starting around 2008 when baby boomers first starting hitting the retirement age of 62, the number of folks retiring began to increase. By 2009, about twice as many people retired each year than they did prior to 2008.

Specifically how many people ENTERED the workforce starting in 2008. Please include all the illegal aliens who came into the country during those years. You know, so your post actually resembles being factual.
Imbecile, illegal aliens were fleeing the country during Bush's Great Recession.

According to your own source, we had 11.4 million immigrants in 2009. That does not count the number of people turning 18 years old and entering the labormarket.

Thanks for proving me right...again!
Jesus Christ! How stupid are you fukkers? You only have to go through the first four or five to see that it (the "fact checking") is nothing but partisan bullshit.

Again, I constantly have to ask myself, "Are Leftists stupid or subversive?" There are no other alternatives.
The unemployment one was funny.

They list the claims made, then confirm the claims are correct................BUT say the shutdown has hurt the numbers. And call it a lie.

CNN is a bunch of morons, but the idiots who buy their bullshit are bigger morons............like the OP>

The unemployment numbers were at 4.7% when he took office. 3.5% is hardly earth shattering.
That's a 25% drop, and the lowest in 50 years, which was the claim that CNN said wan't true.

You are playing games with numbers to make it look better. The unemployment rate was 7.2% when Obama took office. When he left it was 4.7%. That was a 2.5 percentage point drop vs Trump's 1.2 percentage point drop. The percentage decrease in unemployment under Obama was twice that of Trump.

You do realize the lower the unemployment levels get, the harder it becomes to lower them further right?

Low unemployment results in a tighter job market, making the openings that do occur more competed for by the availible unemployed.

Trump had nothing to do with that. The trajectory of the unemployment rate was downward when Trump took office.

More opinion parading as fact.

And just to make sure you know how much I despise you:

Busybee takes it up the ass, doo dah doo dah
Busybee takes it up the ass, all the doo dah day

That is fact.

View attachment 379864

The rate was 5.5 in May. In August it was 6.2. October was 6.6. November was 6.8. December was 7.2. Jan was 7.6.

View attachment 379866

This was the trend when Trump took office. Trending downward.

Try again you lying little weasel.

When Obama assumed office, the unemployment rate was still rising sharply. It topped out at 10 percent in October 2009, hovering just below that level for the next year, before beginning a steady decline at the end of 2010 that has persisted into early-2016 and breaking through the 5 percent mark at the beginning of 2016.

View attachment 380051

  1. All unemployment data are drawn from the official figures put out by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Specifically, they are from “U-3 Total unemploued, as percent of the civilian labor force (official unemployment rate)” The Bureau of Labor Statistics offers a detailed explanation of how it measures unemployment here.

We already know that. Trump did not take office until 2017. If Trump deserves credit then so can Obama.
Washington (CNN) The Republican National Convention started off with a parade of dishonesty, in stark contrast with last week's Democratic convention. While CNN also watched and fact-checked the Democrats, those four nights combined didn't have the number of misleading and false claims made on the first night of the Republicans' convention.

Here are some of the most noteworthy falsehoods from night one of the RNC.

FACT CHECK First night of the GOP convention features more dishonesty than four nights of Democratic National Convention

The dishonesty was unbelievable! The above link provides proof.
What a “fact check”....claiming it’s not true China wants to see Biden get elected, because technically they just want President Trump to lose! LMAO.

What they were referring to was the Intelligence assessment. Trump claimed the report said China wanted Biden because he would weaken the US economically. The report said China wanted Trump to lose because he was too unpredictable. Trump can have his opinion but he is not entitled to lie about what the report said.
I know what they are referring to. In case you didn’t notice, President Trump can only lose if Beijing Biden wins. Thanks for playing.

There is no evidence to support that. Trump has more ties to China than Biden.
The convention will produce an avalanche of misinformation, falsehoods, and lies. Expect also an avalanche of whining and denials, but rarely will we see actually viable defenses. Even the preachers were lying on the first night.

and yet the best CNN could come up with is the vague term "dishonesty", which can just mean "I don't agree with you"

Those clearly are facts whether you like them or not. It was a lot more than "I disagree with you."

Then why didn't they say it that way?

All they do is frame differences of opinion as dishonesty, it's a shell game, and you approve of it.

(It is not a difference of opinion. What was said at the RNC was lies. Demonstrable lies. THE RNC convention is dishonest.

Biden does not support single payer.

They are using racist dog whistles to claim that Biden wants to abolish the suburbs.

That was delivered by people who acted irresponsibly with a gun. Whether they should be charged with a crime is debatable but they are not heroes in any sense of the word.

The unemployment rate was 4.7% when Trump took office. Hardly a daunting task. Ronald Reagan pushed the unemplyment rate from double digits to 5%.

China's relationship with Biden and the recent intelligence assessment were clearly lies.

The idea that Trump has been decisive on the coronavirus is laughable. Trump has abandoned any leadership on the coronavirus and is responsible for cases that are still spreading.

He does, he just won't say it. All Dems support it but won't say it.

He wants to remove single occupancy zoning, that will eliminate the concept of a suburb


Opinion and trying to make anything Trump did look bad

Dems love themselves some china.

All opinion, all spin,

Now of course, as always, go fuck yourself.

That is so much bullshit. That is nothing more than race baiting. You are the one expressing a opinion. Tell us exactly when Biden said that.

Joe Biden’s disastrous plans for America’s suburbs

The Biden Plan for Investing in Our Communities through Housing – Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website

Eliminate local and state housing regulations that limit affordable housing options and contribute to urban sprawl. Housing policy can be used as a tool to battle climate change. Many lower- and middle-income Americans are forced to live far away from job centers due to high housing costs, leading not only to workers being overburdened by long commutes and transportation costs, but also to higher greenhouse gas emissions. Biden will tie new federal investments in housing to a requirement that states and localities eliminate regulations that reduce the availability of affordable housing and contribute to sprawl. He will direct his Secretaries of Housing and Urban Development and Transportation to identify existing federal grant programs that can be amended by adding zoning reform as a requirement. And, Biden will expand investments in Local Housing Policy Grants to give states and localities the technical assistance and planning support they need to modernize housing regulations.

All this is simply code words to eliminate single occupancy zoning and lot size requirements.

Now take this and shove it up your ass.

What's cool is, that kind of BS would never withstand a constitutional challenge.


Yes it would. The Constitution does not deal with housing.
nor healthcare.

The government has the power to regulate healthcare.
not in the constitution. you didn't prove it was.

You are the one making the claim. You prove it
Washington (CNN) The Republican National Convention started off with a parade of dishonesty, in stark contrast with last week's Democratic convention. While CNN also watched and fact-checked the Democrats, those four nights combined didn't have the number of misleading and false claims made on the first night of the Republicans' convention.

Here are some of the most noteworthy falsehoods from night one of the RNC.

FACT CHECK First night of the GOP convention features more dishonesty than four nights of Democratic National Convention

The dishonesty was unbelievable! The above link provides proof.
What a “fact check”....claiming it’s not true China wants to see Biden get elected, because technically they just want President Trump to lose! LMAO.

What they were referring to was the Intelligence assessment. Trump claimed the report said China wanted Biden because he would weaken the US economically. The report said China wanted Trump to lose because he was too unpredictable. Trump can have his opinion but he is not entitled to lie about what the report said.
I know what they are referring to. In case you didn’t notice, President Trump can only lose if Beijing Biden wins. Thanks for playing.

There is no evidence to support that. Trump has more ties to China than Biden.
Uh-huh, you morons have been saying he started a “trade war” with China. Now you’re claiming he is in China’s pocket. You’re a loon.
Jesus Christ! How stupid are you fukkers? You only have to go through the first four or five to see that it (the "fact checking") is nothing but partisan bullshit.

Again, I constantly have to ask myself, "Are Leftists stupid or subversive?" There are no other alternatives.
The unemployment one was funny.

They list the claims made, then confirm the claims are correct................BUT say the shutdown has hurt the numbers. And call it a lie.

CNN is a bunch of morons, but the idiots who buy their bullshit are bigger morons............like the OP>

The unemployment numbers were at 4.7% when he took office. 3.5% is hardly earth shattering.
That's a 25% drop, and the lowest in 50 years, which was the claim that CNN said wan't true.

You are playing games with numbers to make it look better. The unemployment rate was 7.2% when Obama took office. When he left it was 4.7%. That was a 2.5 percentage point drop vs Trump's 1.2 percentage point drop. The percentage decrease in unemployment under Obama was twice that of Trump.

You do realize the lower the unemployment levels get, the harder it becomes to lower them further right?

Low unemployment results in a tighter job market, making the openings that do occur more competed for by the availible unemployed.

Trump had nothing to do with that. The trajectory of the unemployment rate was downward when Trump took office.

More opinion parading as fact.

And just to make sure you know how much I despise you:

Busybee takes it up the ass, doo dah doo dah
Busybee takes it up the ass, all the doo dah day

That is fact.

View attachment 379864

The rate was 5.5 in May. In August it was 6.2. October was 6.6. November was 6.8. December was 7.2. Jan was 7.6.

View attachment 379866

This was the trend when Trump took office. Trending downward.

Try again you lying little weasel.
What was the unemployment rate in the years between your cherry picked graphs?

You are cherry picking. I have yet to see a Trump supporter admitting the unemployment rate was dropping BEFORE Trump took office.
Sez the clown who left out 4 years of unemployment figures during Barry's reign. :abgg2q.jpg:

The unemployment rate started dropping in 2009. It shows the same thing. Dropping unemployment.
After it went up with Obama's stimulous

After it went up due to the bursting of the housing bubble.
It was going DOWN then after Obama's stimulous it went UP

It was not going down. It started increasing every month starting from July 2008-July 2010.

You are cherry picking. I have yet to see a Trump supporter admitting the unemployment rate was dropping BEFORE Trump took office.

Don't be silly.

As you know, the "recovery" by failed former President Barack Hussein Obama was properly known as the slowest recovery in history. Longer even than that of the Great Depression which FDR extended by SEVEN YEARS.
Another instance where Fake News CNN confirms a statement, then claims it is a lie.............

Xenophobic accusation
Donald Trump Jr. claimed that Joe Biden had called President Donald Trump a racist and xenophobe for having imposed travel restrictions on China.

Facts First: Biden did accuse Trump of "xenophobia" in an Iowa campaign speech the same day, Jan. 31, that Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar announced the Trump administration's travel restrictions on China -

The trouble is that Biden never mentioned China. Many of Trump's policies are xenophobic. He made that speech on the same day the policy was announced. Unless Biden got advance word, there was no way he could have known in time. I doubt that Trump would give Biden advance word.
He made that speech on the same day the policy was announced.

Yeah. In this age of carrier pigeon how in the world would anyone know what the President said on the day he said it. :cuckoo:

There is absolutely no evidence and ordinary Americans understand it.

Wipe the tears from your vagina......

Trump is the one trailing. You had better wipe your tears.

Busycunt is busy flitting around being "busy" doing the business of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies....

Go, "busycunt, go, girl!!! GO!!!! You are definitely changing hearts and minds here with one illterate and fool-fueled ranty of nothingness at a time!!!!

Why aren't you knocking on doors for Jesuit Joe Biden instead of boring this forum with your rants of nothingness?


Trump supporters are too illiterate to understand facts. Trump supporters are the ones ranting and have no facts to back them up.
Another instance where Fake News CNN confirms a statement, then claims it is a lie.............

Xenophobic accusation
Donald Trump Jr. claimed that Joe Biden had called President Donald Trump a racist and xenophobe for having imposed travel restrictions on China.

Facts First: Biden did accuse Trump of "xenophobia" in an Iowa campaign speech the same day, Jan. 31, that Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar announced the Trump administration's travel restrictions on China -

The trouble is that Biden never mentioned China. Many of Trump's policies are xenophobic. He made that speech on the same day the policy was announced. Unless Biden got advance word, there was no way he could have known in time. I doubt that Trump would give Biden advance word.
He made that speech on the same day the policy was announced.

Yeah. In this age of carrier pigeon how in the world would anyone know what the President said on the day he said it. :cuckoo:

There is absolutely no evidence and ordinary Americans understand it.

Wipe the tears from your vagina......

Trump is the one trailing. You had better wipe your tears.

Busycunt is busy flitting around being "busy" doing the business of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies....

Go, "busycunt, go, girl!!! GO!!!! You are definitely changing hearts and minds here with one illterate and fool-fueled ranty of nothingness at a time!!!!

Why aren't you knocking on doors for Jesuit Joe Biden instead of boring this forum with your rants of nothingness?


Trump supporters are too illiterate to understand facts. Trump supporters are the ones ranting and have no facts to back them up.

Love how you broad brush people. You’re so smart and thoughtful.
Do you have a real source?

You have no clue what a real source is. You want someone to tell you exactly what you want to hear. You are clearly in denial.
I have already demonstrated how the hacks at CNN fucked up their claim on the unemployment comments. I didn't bother to wast any more time on the idiots who tell you what to think.

You poor, lying sycophant. They did not get their claims wrong.

Are you ever not a moron?




Multiple speakers — including Rep. Vernon Jones, Rep. Jim Jordan and Mark McCloskey — touted the low unemployment rate America has witnessed under the Trump administration. Both Jordan and McCloskey credited the President for the "lowest unemployment in 50 years," while Jones said President Trump "built the most inclusive economy ever, with record low unemployment for African Americans."


Facts First:
This is misleadingly outdated, as it ignores the economic destruction caused by the coronavirus pandemic. While the US unemployment rate fell to a seasonally adjusted rate of 3.5% last September -- its lowest level since 1969 -
The unemployment rate for Black workers, meanwhile, fell to 5.4% in August of 2019, a record low for the data, which have been collected since 1972.

There ya go, Fawn. CNN confirmed the claims, then says they are lies.

And you are so fucking stupid you buy into their bullshit.
The lower rates started under Obama in 2014.
Yep. Started not long after the policies implemented by the newly Republican controlled Congress.

The Republicans took control in 2010. That means the economy continued to sink when they took office. Congress can't do anything without the President.
Congress is made up of the House and Senate, Stupid. Republicans gained control of Congress in 2014, like I said.

Learn basic civics.

Republicans took the House in 2010. Again you are splitting hairs. You need to learn some basic civics.
"Congress' has 2 chambers, the House and the Senate. I posted that they took control of "Congress" in 2014. Go back to first grade and pay attention this time.

Because that suits your purposes. You are cherry-picking.
Facts always suit my purposes, unlike you. Nothing "cherry-picking" about knowing what makes up Congress. You can thank me late for educating you on that.

The unemployment rate started dropping in 2009. The Republicans did not gain complete control of Congress until 2015.

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