RNC. I thought it was a Misquote.


Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2019

When I heard that:

The McClosky's
Abby Johnson
The trump family, including Ivanka, Don Jr, Melania, Barron, Eric, VP Pence and 2nd Lady Pence.

Etc.......were to be speaking, I thought LOL.

But no, it's true.

What a show.
Starting Monday.
Get your Popcorn.

Bring it.

When I heard that:

The McClosky's
Abby Johnson
The trump family, including Ivanka, Don Jr, Melania, Barron, Eric, VP Pence and 2nd Lady Pence.

Etc.......were to be speaking, I thought LOL.

But no, it's true.

What a show.
Starting Monday.
Get your Popcorn.

Bring it.
I probably will not be watching. Heck, I didn't watch the Democratic convention except for Joe's speech, the final night and I am voting for Joe. Glad the nepotist in chief is going to have a couple of non-family member for the base so cheer for. He ought to have Stormy speak. He going to give her another $44,000, so she is sort of on the payroll.
I probably will not be watching. Heck, I didn't watch the Democratic convention except for Joe's speech, the final night and I am voting for Joe. Glad the nepotist in chief is going to have a couple of non-family member for the base so cheer for. He ought to have Stormy speak. He going to give her another $44,000, so she is sort of on the payroll.

I did not watch a single second of the DNC.
It will be the same for this weeks circus. Not watching.

But I will check ALL news sources. Looking for spin from BOTH sides.

Has the NFL season started yet? Looking forward to some NFL Football.
Contards (Many) are boycotting the NFL.

When I heard that:

The McClosky's
Abby Johnson
The trump family, including Ivanka, Don Jr, Melania, Barron, Eric, VP Pence and 2nd Lady Pence.

Etc.......were to be speaking, I thought LOL.

But no, it's true.

What a show.
Starting Monday.
Get your Popcorn.

Bring it.
How deep is your head in your ass?
You honestly didn't know there's a "culture war" in full swing right now?
Trump should have the John Weed family to tell us how it feels to have the killers of their family member sent to anger management instead of prison. Democrats intend to legalize the killing of whites.
I probably will not be watching. Heck, I didn't watch the Democratic convention except for Joe's speech, the final night and I am voting for Joe. Glad the nepotist in chief is going to have a couple of non-family member for the base so cheer for. He ought to have Stormy speak. He going to give her another $44,000, so she is sort of on the payroll.

I did not watch a single second of the DNC.
It will be the same for this weeks circus. Not watching.

But I will check ALL news sources. Looking for spin from BOTH sides.

Has the NFL season started yet? Looking forward to some NFL Football.
Contards (Many) are boycotting the NFL.

You wouldn't expect America hating Democrats to stand against those whom protest during our national anthem...would you?

When I heard that:

The McClosky's
Abby Johnson
The trump family, including Ivanka, Don Jr, Melania, Barron, Eric, VP Pence and 2nd Lady Pence.

Etc.......were to be speaking, I thought LOL.

But no, it's true.

What a show.
Starting Monday.
Get your Popcorn.

Bring it.
From the link:

Sandmann, for those unfamiliar, was filmed in 2019 at Lincoln Memorial plaza wearing a MAGA hat and allegedly mocking activist Nathan Phillips, a Native American elder who had been part of an Indigenous Peoples March held at the plaza.

which was a total lie perpetrated by the dishonest lib news media

and Sandmann has won a court settlement from major players in the media amounting to millions of dollars because it was a lie
You wouldn't expect America hating Democrats to stand against those whom protest during our national anthem...would you?
WOW. You do know the USSC said that was a constitutional right. So those hundreds of thousands who died for their oath to protect support and defend the constitution would turn over in their graves to hear you speak that way.
and Sandman has won a court settlement from major players in the media amounting to millions of dollars because it was a lie

Actually we have no idea how much the settlement was for. It could have been tens of millions, or it could have been for cab fare.
You wouldn't expect America hating Democrats to stand against those whom protest during our national anthem...would you?
WOW. You do know the USSC said that was a constitutional right. So those hundreds of thousands who died for their oath to protect support and defend the constitution would turn over in their graves to hear you speak that way.

I'm certain you'd feel the same way if law abiding white folks decided to protest criminality on Martin Luther King Day...right?

When I heard that:

The McClosky's
Abby Johnson
The trump family, including Ivanka, Don Jr, Melania, Barron, Eric, VP Pence and 2nd Lady Pence.

Etc.......were to be speaking, I thought LOL.

But no, it's true.

What a show.
Starting Monday.
Get your Popcorn.

Bring it.
Cry now lol
I probably will not be watching. Heck, I didn't watch the Democratic convention except for Joe's speech, the final night and I am voting for Joe. Glad the nepotist in chief is going to have a couple of non-family member for the base so cheer for. He ought to have Stormy speak. He going to give her another $44,000, so she is sort of on the payroll.

I did not watch a single second of the DNC.
It will be the same for this weeks circus. Not watching.

But I will check ALL news sources. Looking for spin from BOTH sides.

Has the NFL season started yet? Looking forward to some NFL Football.
Contards (Many) are boycotting the NFL.

and Sandman has won a court settlement from major players in the media amounting to millions of dollars because it was a lie

Actually we have no idea how much the settlement was for. It could have been tens of millions, or it could have been for cab fare.
One qualified independent observer thinks the settlement with CNN alone is at least one million dollars

and Sandmann stuck it to the WAPO also for an undisclosed amount but probably no less than CNN paid

and there is no dispute that Sandmann was lied about by the liberal press

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Nick Sandman is a fine young man who used the classic technique of passive resistance as a much older bully was acting aggressively. All he got for his poise and courage is a very corrupt media attacking him like jackals.

If there is ANYBODY who deserves to speak, it is him.
You honestly didn't know there's a "culture war" in full swing right now?
Here is a few of my thoughts/beliefs on this Culture War.

A culture war is a cultural conflict between social groups and the struggle for dominance of their values, beliefs, and practices. It commonly refers to topics on which there is general societal disagreement and polarization in societal values is seen.

The term is commonly used to describe contemporary politics in the United States, with issues such as abortion, homosexuality, pornography, multiculturalism, and other cultural conflicts based on values, morality, and lifestyle being described as the major political cleavage

Feel free to respond. Positive or Negative.

Abortion: Woman's body, woman's choice (My body, My Choice). Up to 3 months. 2 months is too short, some women don't know they are pregnant because of MANY situations. Now that RICH bitch ( or Co-Ed) in Alabama, she may be in that same situation. Who Knows. Bottom line. Rape, Incest, brain dead, or 13 year old mistake, all deserve a chance, within 3 months. Otherwise, give the baby up to adoption. Right wingers today on Masks, My Body, My Choice. You see any connection?

Homosexuality: There are obviously people who are born with the gay gene. Why hate on them?

Small Start. Bring it both sides.
You honestly didn't know there's a "culture war" in full swing right now?
Here is a few of my thoughts/beliefs on this Culture War.

A culture war is a cultural conflict between social groups and the struggle for dominance of their values, beliefs, and practices. It commonly refers to topics on which there is general societal disagreement and polarization in societal values is seen.

The term is commonly used to describe contemporary politics in the United States, with issues such as abortion, homosexuality, pornography, multiculturalism, and other cultural conflicts based on values, morality, and lifestyle being described as the major political cleavage

Feel free to respond. Positive or Negative.

Abortion: Woman's body, woman's choice (My body, My Choice). Up to 3 months. 2 months is too short, some women don't know they are pregnant because of MANY situations. Now that RICH bitch ( or Co-Ed) in Alabama, she may be in that same situation. Who Knows. Bottom line. Rape, Incest, brain dead, or 13 year old mistake, all deserve a chance, within 3 months. Otherwise, give the baby up to adoption. Right wingers today on Masks, My Body, My Choice. You see any connection?

Homosexuality: There are obviously people who are born with the gay gene. Why hate on them?

Small Start. Bring it both sides.
The problem is you want to shut down traditional American culture. And your pissing is off,, you don’t want to piss us off
You honestly didn't know there's a "culture war" in full swing right now?
Here is a few of my thoughts/beliefs on this Culture War.

A culture war is a cultural conflict between social groups and the struggle for dominance of their values, beliefs, and practices. It commonly refers to topics on which there is general societal disagreement and polarization in societal values is seen.

The term is commonly used to describe contemporary politics in the United States, with issues such as abortion, homosexuality, pornography, multiculturalism, and other cultural conflicts based on values, morality, and lifestyle being described as the major political cleavage

Feel free to respond. Positive or Negative.

Abortion: Woman's body, woman's choice (My body, My Choice). Up to 3 months. 2 months is too short, some women don't know they are pregnant because of MANY situations. Now that RICH bitch ( or Co-Ed) in Alabama, she may be in that same situation. Who Knows. Bottom line. Rape, Incest, brain dead, or 13 year old mistake, all deserve a chance, within 3 months. Otherwise, give the baby up to adoption. Right wingers today on Masks, My Body, My Choice. You see any connection?

Homosexuality: There are obviously people who are born with the gay gene. Why hate on them?

Small Start. Bring it both sides.

This is an english speaking white nation founded on Christianity, family values, law and order. That's what/who built this nation.
Protect the eagles egg but not the human fetus?
There is no "homosexuality gene" just like there is no pedophilia gene...they are both deviant learned behavior.
You honestly didn't know there's a "culture war" in full swing right now?
Here is a few of my thoughts/beliefs on this Culture War.

A culture war is a cultural conflict between social groups and the struggle for dominance of their values, beliefs, and practices. It commonly refers to topics on which there is general societal disagreement and polarization in societal values is seen.

The term is commonly used to describe contemporary politics in the United States, with issues such as abortion, homosexuality, pornography, multiculturalism, and other cultural conflicts based on values, morality, and lifestyle being described as the major political cleavage

Feel free to respond. Positive or Negative.

Abortion: Woman's body, woman's choice (My body, My Choice). Up to 3 months. 2 months is too short, some women don't know they are pregnant because of MANY situations. Now that RICH bitch ( or Co-Ed) in Alabama, she may be in that same situation. Who Knows. Bottom line. Rape, Incest, brain dead, or 13 year old mistake, all deserve a chance, within 3 months. Otherwise, give the baby up to adoption. Right wingers today on Masks, My Body, My Choice. You see any connection?

Homosexuality: There are obviously people who are born with the gay gene. Why hate on them?

Small Start. Bring it both sides.
You take the typical liberal self-centered position on abortion that only the woman’s life matters, but not the human life she is carrying

both deserve basic human rights

as for the defective gay gene argument that is a lib theory not a fact

you could as easily say that bank robbery was genetic defect rather than a bad personal choice
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When I heard that:

The McClosky's
Abby Johnson
The trump family, including Ivanka, Don Jr, Melania, Barron, Eric, VP Pence and 2nd Lady Pence.

Etc.......were to be speaking, I thought LOL.

But no, it's true.

What a show.
Starting Monday.
Get your Popcorn.

Bring it.

So highlighting innocent people who have been persecuted by commies is somehow a laughing matter, I don't think it's anything to laugh at. Also quid pro joes wife and spawn spoke at the DNC, so what's funny about that? Seems to me you're just nothing but a hypocritical asshole, so carry on commie.


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