RNC steals Paul's delegates

Correct, it affects nothing. Except of course the rules established by the RNC on choosing a candidate in the primary election. Which is apparently of no meaning or consequence. Next time, they shouldn't even bother holding the primary and just pick the one that is agreed upon and tell the base who it is.

people have really lost any sense of integrity in politics. But I repeat myself.

We had an election. Ron Paul lost. Everything else is fluff

Oh, no wonder the rules of the process dont matter. You don't know the rules or the process.

I understand that we have the formality yet to go through. Some delegates are locked some aren't. They all vote and in the end it matters not because Romney won.

Have a nice day :)
You too, bud. Have a great day.

Cognitive dissonance is the term used in modern psychology to describe the discomfort felt by a person seeking to hold two or more conflicting cognitions (e.g., ideas, beliefs, values, emotional reactions) simultaneously. In a state of dissonance, people may feel surprise, dread, guilt, anger, or embarrassment.[1] The theory of cognitive dissonance in social psychology proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by altering existing cognitions, adding new ones to create a consistent belief system, or alternatively by reducing the importance of any one of the dissonant elements.[1]

Cognitive dissonance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Enjoy your day :thup:

Correct, it affects nothing. Except of course the rules established by the RNC on choosing a candidate in the primary election. Which is apparently of no meaning or consequence. Next time, they shouldn't even bother holding the primary and just pick the one that is agreed upon and tell the base who it is.

people have really lost any sense of integrity in politics. But I repeat myself.

We had an election. Ron Paul lost. Everything else is fluff
The RNC is still a political convention where much business is discussed and policies are decided on...it's not just about nominating Romney. The delegates seated raise business and vote on several different measures over the course of the few days.

So it's got nothing to do with Ron Paul, it's about the delegates having and using the voice they earned.

The GOP doesn't want the Paul delegates to be seated because there COULD be enough of them to shake up the matters of business that will be handled throughout the convention process.
This is what sour grapes look like....It is like what happens when democrats lose....Funny that huh?
So its not OK for them to cheat Paul but its OK if they cheat dems?

Please STFU, will you? This is not about the LOLberals and their cheating.

Go start a thread regarding that and leave this one to its context. Which is about the 2012 RNC primary.
Correct, it affects nothing. Except of course the rules established by the RNC on choosing a candidate in the primary election. Which is apparently of no meaning or consequence. Next time, they shouldn't even bother holding the primary and just pick the one that is agreed upon and tell the base who it is.

people have really lost any sense of integrity in politics. But I repeat myself.

We had an election. Ron Paul lost. Everything else is fluff
The RNC is still a political convention where much business is discussed and policies are decided on...it's not just about nominating Romney. The delegates seated raise business and vote on several different measures over the course of the few days.

So it's got nothing to do with Ron Paul, it's about the delegates having and using the voice they earned.

The GOP doesn't want the Paul delegates to be seated because there COULD be enough of them to shake up the matters of business that will be handled throughout the convention process.

They don't care about any of that. It's a simple minded thing.


Even though he hasn't won yet, even though the RNC cheated their own in the selection process. It doesn't seem to matter to anyone affiliated with the republican party.

I'm not surprised by teh actions. But the loyalty to the cheating is a bit shocking. I suppose when you have no integrity anything really goes.
Primary and State conventions are 2 different things. He got a little more than 1 million votes total in the primaries. He won the majority of delegates in


They are not screwing him. They took 7 of his delegates from Louisiana most of them from Mass and so far looks like ALL from Maine.It shocks me that they would piss off that many people who voted for Paul and then you gotta include people who were democrats that voted for Paul and might have voted for him in the general election...the RNC just insured romney will lose with these stunts.

I cant imagine why they would give the person who got more votes the delegates. Totally crazy there.
No. But you can ostracize him and exclude him from things like neighborhood block parties, tell your kids they are not to play with his kids, etc.
How totalitarian of you to subvert the democratic process.
How absent of the grasp of reality....
This happens all the time.
Ultimately, contemporary community standards and the realization of home and community rule the day.
No legislation,no vote, no political decision can change those things.
What are you gunning for here? An argument over reality?

Don't play stupid. Paul had no chance of wining the nomination. He should not wasted his time running.
Do you people think those delegates simply disappear or do not participate in the convention as voting delegates?
Who cares about Paul anymore. Nobody. He's not part of the equation. He's not participating in the convention. So please, you Paul supporters should go quietly into the night.
Perhaps you over reactors should consider the over all picture and come in for the big win.
Be realistic instead of a fan.

Yes, we should come in for the big "win." After you've cheated us. Yep.
Here's a newsflash. You Paul people did not get cheated. The reality is Romney got more primary votes than all other candidates. Case closed.

Yes, he did. However, the primary votes are not indicative of how delegates are apportioned in all cases. That being the case, Mitt Romney is stealing Ron Paul delegates that were earned fair and square.
Why is the concept of "possession of delegates" so bloody important to you people?
The delegates are useless to Paul.
Now on to something important.

If it's so unimportant then why did they steal them? Ron Paul supporters earned their position as delegates, and it was taken from them. You say it's unimportant regardless, but why the trouble of taking them then?
Stop asking the same question and dying to get the answer you want to see, Cuz it isn't coming.
Grasp this. In the end, it doesn't make a difference. So stop it.

So I have to answer questions, but you don't? Are you scared of the answers?
The same thing happened to Hillary in 2008. The DNC told her delegates to pledge to obama and they did.
Paulbots are humorous.....Like progressives nothing is their fault it has to be some grand conspiracy created by Israel and all those evil Jews LOL
OK. So neither the DNC or the RNC has any integrity for their rules. Which in turn runs roughshod over their constituency.

I'll be sure to vote accordingly. Even though these groups may just change the rules on the fly to foster a desired outcome.

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