RNC steals Paul's delegates

Is ti really about the chance, or is it about the integrity of the process?

If it is about the chance, then Romney should have been selected up front and saved everyone the time as we the people for participating in the process. If it is about the process then the RNC has no integrity adn therefore will run over anyone roughshod to get a desired result. Bar none even - cheat if necessary.

Everyone keeps focusing on the chance of ron paul, when the real story here is that the rnc is not interested in your voice. They want you vote in November only. The process of the convention is also to establish platform and such for the coming GE. Which takes place amongst the delegates selected by the states voters and those who wish to participate in the process of delegate selection.

This isnt' about anythign other than that. And has nothing to do with whether Ron Paul coud have reached the nomination.

We call this conflict in cognition "cognitive dissonance" in social science theory. It means you want to believe your two conflicting things simultaneously. I see it on full display in this discussion.
Ron Paul's inability to attract voters is Ron Paul himself. He is a lunatic, his policies are childish. He lost.

The convention is the time when republicans (or democrats for their convention) join into one cohesive group to support the nominee. That's the purpose. Voting for Ron Paul cannot possibly do him any good, and only serves to interfere with the object of joining together for one purpose.
Paulites are the people who go to a birthday party, then complain that the people there should be celebrating the birthday of the person down the street.
Is ti really about the chance, or is it about the integrity of the process?

If it is about the chance, then Romney should have been selected up front and saved everyone the time as we the people for participating in the process. If it is about the process then the RNC has no integrity adn therefore will run over anyone roughshod to get a desired result. Bar none even - cheat if necessary.

Everyone keeps focusing on the chance of ron paul, when the real story here is that the rnc is not interested in your voice. They want you vote in November only. The process of the convention is also to establish platform and such for the coming GE. Which takes place amongst the delegates selected by the states voters and those who wish to participate in the process of delegate selection.

This isnt' about anythign other than that. And has nothing to do with whether Ron Paul coud have reached the nomination.

We call this conflict in cognition "cognitive dissonance" in social science theory. It means you want to believe your two conflicting things simultaneously. I see it on full display in this discussion.

I understand what you are saying, but really, is it an issue? Integrity in politics? Serious?
Is ti really about the chance, or is it about the integrity of the process?

If it is about the chance, then Romney should have been selected up front and saved everyone the time as we the people for participating in the process. If it is about the process then the RNC has no integrity adn therefore will run over anyone roughshod to get a desired result. Bar none even - cheat if necessary.

Everyone keeps focusing on the chance of ron paul, when the real story here is that the rnc is not interested in your voice. They want you vote in November only. The process of the convention is also to establish platform and such for the coming GE. Which takes place amongst the delegates selected by the states voters and those who wish to participate in the process of delegate selection.

This isnt' about anythign other than that. And has nothing to do with whether Ron Paul coud have reached the nomination.

We call this conflict in cognition "cognitive dissonance" in social science theory. It means you want to believe your two conflicting things simultaneously. I see it on full display in this discussion.

I understand what you are saying, but really, is it an issue? Integrity in politics? Serious?

So you agree that if voting actually mattered, it would be illegal? Because essentially, that is what the rnc is saying through their actions. These are delegates and voters who believe in the process and have selected a candidate to back. Whether he can "win" or not. They want to be heard the same as anyone else. But the RNC does not care for their voice. If there is no integrity, then the entire process of elections are a sham. Full blown sham.

If you can not see this very simply principle, then by all means. Keep participating in process that only matters if you lockstep. There is no room for any discussion or other ideas. Only what you're told to believe, say or repeat. We have another name for this behavior, but Ai'll hold my tongue on what that is.
If they believed in the process, they wouldnt be trying to undermine the primary process with these shenanigans.
I see it like this. If the RNC and Romney campaign are this scared of the RP delegates and RP himself that they have to cheat,lie and steal to win...its obvious to me that they are grasping for straws,they are losing power and they know it. We have control over state parties and committee's and chairmanships the old guard is losing its power and its trying to take down whoever it can with it...

Who really cares what the republicans are doing? They certainly are NOT the party of Ron Paul or Gary Johnson, and others like them. They are pretty much the party of rush limbaugh and sean hannity. It's pretty obvious, you can see how they mocked him during the debates.

Keep the Libertarian party mindset and grow the party. That's what I want to do. I think that there's an untapped market that the Libertarians could market to all the while keeping their same platform.
Is ti really about the chance, or is it about the integrity of the process?

If it is about the chance, then Romney should have been selected up front and saved everyone the time as we the people for participating in the process. If it is about the process then the RNC has no integrity adn therefore will run over anyone roughshod to get a desired result. Bar none even - cheat if necessary.

Everyone keeps focusing on the chance of ron paul, when the real story here is that the rnc is not interested in your voice. They want you vote in November only. The process of the convention is also to establish platform and such for the coming GE. Which takes place amongst the delegates selected by the states voters and those who wish to participate in the process of delegate selection.

This isnt' about anythign other than that. And has nothing to do with whether Ron Paul coud have reached the nomination.

We call this conflict in cognition "cognitive dissonance" in social science theory. It means you want to believe your two conflicting things simultaneously. I see it on full display in this discussion.

I understand what you are saying, but really, is it an issue? Integrity in politics? Serious?

So you agree that if voting actually mattered, it would be illegal? Because essentially, that is what the rnc is saying through their actions. These are delegates and voters who believe in the process and have selected a candidate to back. Whether he can "win" or not. They want to be heard the same as anyone else. But the RNC does not care for their voice. If there is no integrity, then the entire process of elections are a sham. Full blown sham.

If you can not see this very simply principle, then by all means. Keep participating in process that only matters if you lockstep. There is no room for any discussion or other ideas. Only what you're told to believe, say or repeat. We have another name for this behavior, but Ai'll hold my tongue on what that is.

Hyperbole much?
What shenanigans? Are you referring to the RNC deliberately changing the rules of the process in order to make sure Ron Paul is not allowed ont eh convention floor? Which ones? The ones where the delegates wont do as they're told?

The republican party is just as mucha totalitarian hive mind mentality as the DNC. This only proves that. Keep that in mind as you bash LOLberals for being collectivist dogmatic morons. The republicans aren't showing a lot of difference with this type of behavior.
I understand what you are saying, but really, is it an issue? Integrity in politics? Serious?

So you agree that if voting actually mattered, it would be illegal? Because essentially, that is what the rnc is saying through their actions. These are delegates and voters who believe in the process and have selected a candidate to back. Whether he can "win" or not. They want to be heard the same as anyone else. But the RNC does not care for their voice. If there is no integrity, then the entire process of elections are a sham. Full blown sham.

If you can not see this very simply principle, then by all means. Keep participating in process that only matters if you lockstep. There is no room for any discussion or other ideas. Only what you're told to believe, say or repeat. We have another name for this behavior, but Ai'll hold my tongue on what that is.

Hyperbole much?

There is no hyperbole there. it is the facts, shall we review them?
I see it like this. If the RNC and Romney campaign are this scared of the RP delegates and RP himself that they have to cheat,lie and steal to win...its obvious to me that they are grasping for straws,they are losing power and they know it. We have control over state parties and committee's and chairmanships the old guard is losing its power and its trying to take down whoever it can with it...

Who really cares what the republicans are doing? They certainly are NOT the party of Ron Paul or Gary Johnson, and others like them. They are pretty much the party of rush limbaugh and sean hannity. It's pretty obvious, you can see how they mocked him during the debates.

Keep the Libertarian party mindset and grow the party. That's what I want to do. I think that there's an untapped market that the Libertarians could market to all the while keeping their same platform.

Agreed. The way to bring the LP to prominance is not throuh repeated failuer to elect one to POTUS, but to elect a bunch of them to local offices. We need to concern ourselves with building the LP from the bottom up. We are wasting effort on this GOP convention non-sense. The day that a LP candidate can be a major contender without pretending to be a Republican is the day we are on the right track.
What shenanigans? Are you referring to the RNC deliberately changing the rules of the process in order to make sure Ron Paul is not allowed ont eh convention floor? Which ones? The ones where the delegates wont do as they're told?

The republican party is just as mucha totalitarian hive mind mentality as the DNC. This only proves that. Keep that in mind as you bash LOLberals for being collectivist dogmatic morons. The republicans aren't showing a lot of difference with this type of behavior.

True dat!
So you agree that if voting actually mattered, it would be illegal? Because essentially, that is what the rnc is saying through their actions. These are delegates and voters who believe in the process and have selected a candidate to back. Whether he can "win" or not. They want to be heard the same as anyone else. But the RNC does not care for their voice. If there is no integrity, then the entire process of elections are a sham. Full blown sham.

If you can not see this very simply principle, then by all means. Keep participating in process that only matters if you lockstep. There is no room for any discussion or other ideas. Only what you're told to believe, say or repeat. We have another name for this behavior, but Ai'll hold my tongue on what that is.

Hyperbole much?

There is no hyperbole there. it is the facts, shall we review them?

Hyperbole often is founded in fact.
So they left are now supporting a Fox news report. What happened to Fox lies? :)
The Democrats got rid of any competition against the incumbent a long time ago.Notice that no one is running against President Obama?
Randall Terry received a large enough percentage of votes in the Oklahoma Primary to receive as many as seven delegates. However, the DNC has declared him as "illegitimate" and may not permit his delegates to attend, as happened with Lyndon LaRouche's delegates in 1996. Keith Russell Judd and John Wolfe, Jr., who have also both qualified for delegates to the convention by virtue of their performances in West Virginia (in Judd's case), Arkansas and Louisiana (in Wolfe's), face similar obstacles to having their delegates seated. Wolfe has commenced legal proceedings to have delegates in his name seated.
Now the Repubs are going down the same road.
The difference is the right are fighting the big party control.
We the people want choices and competition.

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