RNC steals Paul's delegates

Agreed. The way to bring the LP to prominance is not throuh repeated failuer to elect one to POTUS, but to elect a bunch of them to local offices. We need to concern ourselves with building the LP from the bottom up. We are wasting effort on this GOP convention non-sense. The day that a LP candidate can be a major contender without pretending to be a Republican is the day we are on the right track.

Ive never understood why they havent done that. You can get people to vote for you if you campaign hard locally. You marginalize yourself when you focus on only the Presidential races. It makes no sense.
So they left are now supporting a Fox news report. What happened to Fox lies? :)
The Democrats got rid of any competition against the incumbent a long time ago.Notice that no one is running against President Obama?
Randall Terry received a large enough percentage of votes in the Oklahoma Primary to receive as many as seven delegates. However, the DNC has declared him as "illegitimate" and may not permit his delegates to attend, as happened with Lyndon LaRouche's delegates in 1996. Keith Russell Judd and John Wolfe, Jr., who have also both qualified for delegates to the convention by virtue of their performances in West Virginia (in Judd's case), Arkansas and Louisiana (in Wolfe's), face similar obstacles to having their delegates seated. Wolfe has commenced legal proceedings to have delegates in his name seated.
Now the Repubs are going down the same road.
The difference is the right are fighting the big party control.
We the people want choices and competition.

The braodcast is through Raycom. It is not owned by the Fox Entertainment Group.

And no, the RNC does not want competition. That is the entire point of them cheating. Log jammed in the hive mind it appears. Good show, old chap.
I see it like this. If the RNC and Romney campaign are this scared of the RP delegates and RP himself that they have to cheat,lie and steal to win...its obvious to me that they are grasping for straws,they are losing power and they know it. We have control over state parties and committee's and chairmanships the old guard is losing its power and its trying to take down whoever it can with it...

Who really cares what the republicans are doing? They certainly are NOT the party of Ron Paul or Gary Johnson, and others like them. They are pretty much the party of rush limbaugh and sean hannity. It's pretty obvious, you can see how they mocked him during the debates.

Keep the Libertarian party mindset and grow the party. That's what I want to do. I think that there's an untapped market that the Libertarians could market to all the while keeping their same platform.

Agreed. The way to bring the LP to prominance is not throuh repeated failuer to elect one to POTUS, but to elect a bunch of them to local offices. We need to concern ourselves with building the LP from the bottom up. We are wasting effort on this GOP convention non-sense. The day that a LP candidate can be a major contender without pretending to be a Republican is the day we are on the right track.

Damn right!
I would like to see a Paul/Johnson ticket now. Damnit..adding more shit to my things to do tomorrow...don't want to be associated with the biggest fraud in politics history...If there was no Gary Johnson running I would vote for Obama just to make sure he wins re election.

Exactly! Voting for Obama is the best way to get limited government. :cuckoo:
<You have given out too much reputation in 24 hours. Try again later.>

I agree! And if the whole world hadn't gone to hell in a handbasket this morning, and I hadn't used my reps for multiple sympathies with the worries and plights, you'd be getting a rep right now, Mr. Patriot.

Some libertarians seem to think Obama is going to reduce the size of government after his 5-trillion$-in-4 $pendathon, and need to see the head examiner in the front office sooner rather than later. :rolleyes:
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Hilarious. "minor gaffe" they cheated him out of his delegates so he had a chance to be nominated from the floor. I supported Paul in 2008 and again this time I gave money both times as well. I am not a sleeper democrat but I would rather keep romney from being president simply because of what he is doing to win the nomination if that means giving my vote to Obama simply to make sure Romney loses than so be it. I don't care what you or anyone else thinks about it.

A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Obama, and you know it too, punk. :D

A vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for Obama's policies.
The reason I'm not buying that nonsense is because Obama's policy seems to be "spend on friends, tax on likely conservatives, spend $5 trillion in 4 years, and blame Republicans. After all, the One is saying it's all their fault, especially Boooooooosh." And moreover, ... :blahblah:
I would like to see a Paul/Johnson ticket now. Damnit..adding more shit to my things to do tomorrow...don't want to be associated with the biggest fraud in politics history...If there was no Gary Johnson running I would vote for Obama just to make sure he wins re election.

Exactly! Voting for Obama is the best way to get limited government. :cuckoo:
<You have given out too much reputation in 24 hours. Try again later.>

I agree! And if the whole world hadn't gone to hell in a handbasket this morning, and I hadn't used my reps for multiple sympathies with the worries and plights, you'd be getting a rep right now, Mr. Patriot.

Some libertarians seem to think Obama is going to reduce the size of government after his 5-trillion$-in-4 $pendathon, you need to see the head examiner in the front office sooner rather than later. :rolleyes:
No... I don't think that. I don't think that a libertarian has a chance in hell of changing the Democratic platform. It does have a chance of changing the Republican platform, as all that is happens to be go back to doing what you all did before Reagan more or less.

Because frankly

Some republicans seem to think Willard is going to reduce the size of government after his 5-trillion$-in-4 $pendathon (Whatever Bush did), you need to see the head examiner in the front office sooner rather than later. :rolleyes:
Funniest thing that happened today? Some idiot on tv was blathering how it didn't matter who would be president, because they would HAVE to address paying the National Debt.

Oh, yeah, Obama, who is disinterested in passing a budget so he can unleash more spending sans the restraint of a budget is gonna suddenly be transformed into this vision of pecuniary obedience? Nuh-uh.

I'm thinking the voters can put him out of his fiscal misery by letting someone else bail America out of its spendthrift and national debt modes as President, and Romney's the only one who has such a history of cleaning house on fiscal improprieties like Obama calling the Treasury and telling them how the cow ate the jobs cabbage if they didn't write a check out to Solyndra forthwith. :evil:

Obama needs practice on his golf championship form, anyhow, so his loafing for the rest of his life on the golfcourse is worth our investment of making it happen. :muahaha:
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Exactly! Voting for Obama is the best way to get limited government. :cuckoo:
<You have given out too much reputation in 24 hours. Try again later.>

I agree! And if the whole world hadn't gone to hell in a handbasket this morning, and I hadn't used my reps for multiple sympathies with the worries and plights, you'd be getting a rep right now, Mr. Patriot.

Some libertarians seem to think Obama is going to reduce the size of government after his 5-trillion$-in-4 $pendathon, and need to see the head examiner in the front office sooner rather than later. :rolleyes:
No... I don't think that. I don't think that a libertarian has a chance in hell of changing the Democratic platform. It does have a chance of changing the Republican platform, as all that is happens to be go back to doing what you all did before Reagan more or less.

Because frankly

Some republicans seem to think Willard is going to reduce the size of government after his 5-trillion$-in-4 $pendathon (Whatever Bush did), you need to see the head examiner in the front office sooner rather than later. :rolleyes:
I don't think that a libertarian has a chance in hell of changing the Democratic platform.

That's probably why conservatives aren't flocking around you anymore.

It does have a chance of changing the Republican platform,
as all that is happens to be go back to doing what you all did before Reagan more or less.

The Republican platform is established largely by the Republican primary winner.

Enjoying your visit on planet earth, are ya e.t.? :D

Some republicans seem to think Willard is going to reduce the size of government after his 5-trillion$-in-4 $pendathon (Whatever Bush did), you need to see the head examiner in the front office sooner rather than later.

You need to do the conservative choir practice. It's called "getting ready," and you can memorize it in just a few seconds of your valuable time: "President-Elect Mitt Romney," and "Vice-President-Elect Paul Ryan."

See how easy that was and will be after November? :)
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A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Obama, and you know it too, punk. :D

A vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for Obama's policies.
The reason I'm not buying that nonsense is because Obama's policy seems to be "spend on friends, tax on likely conservatives, spend $5 trillion in 4 years, and blame Republicans. After all, the One is saying it's all their fault, especially Boooooooosh." And moreover, ... :blahblah:

And what baseline cuts is Mitt Romney advocating? None.
Agreed. The way to bring the LP to prominance is not throuh repeated failuer to elect one to POTUS, but to elect a bunch of them to local offices. We need to concern ourselves with building the LP from the bottom up. We are wasting effort on this GOP convention non-sense. The day that a LP candidate can be a major contender without pretending to be a Republican is the day we are on the right track.

Ive never understood why they havent done that. You can get people to vote for you if you campaign hard locally. You marginalize yourself when you focus on only the Presidential races. It makes no sense.

Also, if LP policies are put into play locally, people will come to realize the truth rather than believe the lies from the GOP and the DNC.
Funniest thing that happened today? Some idiot on tv was blathering how it didn't matter who would be president, because they would HAVE to address paying the National Debt.

Oh, yeah, Obama, who is disinterested in passing a budget so he can unleash more spending sans the restraint of a budget is gonna suddenly be transformed into this vision of pecuniary obedience? Nuh-uh.

I'm thinking the voters can put him out of his fiscal misery by letting someone else bail America out of its spendthrift and national debt modes as President, and Romney's the only one who has such a history of cleaning house on fiscal improprieties like Obama calling the Treasury and telling them how the cow ate the jobs cabbage if they didn't write a check out to Solyndra forthwith. :evil:

Obama needs practice on his golf championship form, anyhow, so his loafing for the rest of his life on the golfcourse is worth our investment of making it happen. :muahaha:

Yeah like ryans plan addresses paying off the debt starting in a decade or so?
A vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for Obama's policies.
The reason I'm not buying that nonsense is because Obama's policy seems to be "spend on friends, tax on likely conservatives, spend $5 trillion in 4 years, and blame Republicans. After all, the One is saying it's all their fault, especially Boooooooosh." And moreover, ... :blahblah:

And what baseline cuts is Mitt Romney advocating? None.

but even more importantly how many baseline cuts can we expect out of congress? Either party in Congress and they are the ones who determine how much money gores where, not the president.
And Ron Paul is quitting.
The reason I'm not buying that nonsense is because Obama's policy seems to be "spend on friends, tax on likely conservatives, spend $5 trillion in 4 years, and blame Republicans. After all, the One is saying it's all their fault, especially Boooooooosh." And moreover, ... :blahblah:

And what baseline cuts is Mitt Romney advocating? None.

but even more importantly how many baseline cuts can we expect out of congress? Either party in Congress and they are the ones who determine how much money gores where, not the president.
And Ron Paul is quitting.

If you had the President using the bully pulpit to demand actual baseline cuts? Probably still none. At least such a President would veto any budget and any bills that increase spending, however.

As for Ron Paul quitting, there's Justin Amash from Michigan running for reelection and Thomas Massie from Kentucky is likely to be elected. So there will still be a few Representatives willing to cut spending.
So you're ok with the gop changing its own rules after the fact n order to get what they want?

That's very telling of so called conservatives. In every instance that this type of behavior takes place, from sports, to business, to politics, we call that cheating.

If you don't mind cheating, that is fine. Just say so.

Libs keep insisting that there have been VERY few prosecutions (and even fewer convictions) for voter fraud. Thus, they conclude, voter fraud is not worthy of the effort to eradicate it.

If we run with that logic (ignoring the obvious flaws in their analysis), then it sure seems that there's no particular need to get overly worked up over the GOP ignoring its own rules where the result is the same either way.

The GOP should abide by its own rules. On the other hand, Ron Paul shouldn't even be pretending to be a Republican.

When you say libs---do you mean liberals or libertarians.

It is seems like you are mixing and matching Libs with libs--oH crap, I did it too.
I see it like this. If the RNC and Romney campaign are this scared of the RP delegates and RP himself that they have to cheat,lie and steal to win...its obvious to me that they are grasping for straws,they are losing power and they know it. We have control over state parties and committee's and chairmanships the old guard is losing its power and its trying to take down whoever it can with it...

You don't seriously believe that RP has any chance at all do you?

Now? no...they made sure of that. Obviously the RNC and the romney campaign thought he had a chance or else they wouldn't have gone through so much effort to commit fraud and lie and steal his delegates. There is still 3 states that will not vote for Romney so he can choke on that.
I see it like this. If the RNC and Romney campaign are this scared of the RP delegates and RP himself that they have to cheat,lie and steal to win...its obvious to me that they are grasping for straws,they are losing power and they know it. We have control over state parties and committee's and chairmanships the old guard is losing its power and its trying to take down whoever it can with it...

You don't seriously believe that RP has any chance at all do you?

Now? no...they made sure of that. Obviously the RNC and the romney campaign thought he had a chance or else they wouldn't have gone through so much effort to commit fraud and lie and steal his delegates. There is still 3 states that will not vote for Romney so he can choke on that.

What I meant was you don't really believe he would have gotten the nomination even if they'd have played fair do you?
I see it like this. If the RNC and Romney campaign are this scared of the RP delegates and RP himself that they have to cheat,lie and steal to win...its obvious to me that they are grasping for straws,they are losing power and they know it. We have control over state parties and committee's and chairmanships the old guard is losing its power and its trying to take down whoever it can with it...

You don't seriously believe that RP has any chance at all do you?

Now? no...they made sure of that. Obviously the RNC and the romney campaign thought he had a chance or else they wouldn't have gone through so much effort to commit fraud and lie and steal his delegates. There is still 3 states that will not vote for Romney so he can choke on that.

A vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for Obama's policies.
The reason I'm not buying that nonsense is because Obama's policy seems to be "spend on friends, tax on likely conservatives, spend $5 trillion in 4 years, and blame Republicans. After all, the One is saying it's all their fault, especially Boooooooosh." And moreover, ... :blahblah:

And what baseline cuts is Mitt Romney advocating? None.
What did you miss on spending cuts on Mitt Romney's issues page entitled "Spending, subtitle 'Mitt's Plan'?" Enquiring minds want to know. :muahaha:

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