RNC votes unanimously to withdraw from the Commission on Presidential Debates

Wow, a sign of intelligence from the Republican Party

Both intelligence and uncharacteristic gravitas. BOTH no doubt gleaned from exposure to Trump, and a very good preamble for Trump's return. With Donald's help, maybe the GOP will grow a pair and start calling the shots more now instead of always being lead around by the nose.

And in a way, this is better: if the two parties end up doing their own public Q&A, this will hurt the democrats badly and aid the GOP platform immensely.
I’m sure there will be debates. Just not run by the swamp.

When the GOP starts getting a panel of moderators to include the likes of Mark Levine, Tucker, Pirro, Lou Dobbs, Bannon, and Steve Gruber, etc., then I will have considered the debates fixed.
Because they've got nothing decent to stand up for in a debate.
Or because the CPD wouldn't even agree to simple reforms like holding a debate before early voting starts and not having moderators who were former employees of any of the candidates' campaigns. Those don't seem like unreasonable asks to me. You?
Not a surprise. They always look bad in the debates.
By design. MADE to look bad. The DNC couldn't win election to dog catcher if they were ever honest and fair. That's why the Debate Commission's idea of a "right wing" moderator representative was the jackheel Chris Wallace, who already had his tongue far up the left's ass.
By design. MADE to look bad. The DNC couldn't win election to dog catcher if they were ever honest and fair. That's why the Debate Commission's idea of a "right wing" moderator representative was the jackheel Chris Wallace, who already had his tongue far up the left's ass.
yeah who can forget about the 2012 debates when Obama, and the Cuomo News Network mods mocked Romney about Russia.

That turned out so well for the world
If I were running the RNC I’d give them 3 moderators, take it or leave it.
1. Dennis Prager
2. Ben Shapiro
3. Mark Steyn

Yes, all conservatives but are honest and know the importance of being neutral as a moderator.
yeah who can forget about the 2012 debates when Obama, and the Cuomo News Network mods mocked Romney about Russia.

That turned out so well for the world
Who can forget when Candy Crowley became one of the debate contestants on Obama's side?

Candy Crowley Injects Herself Into the Presidential Debate

Crowley fact-checks Mitt

Romney was RIGHT! Candy Crowley admits Mitt was correct to attack Obama over Libya killings after siding with President . . . as cameras catch Michelle breaking rules by clapping husband

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