Rob Reiner: Trump is “the new leader of the Confederacy” during “our continuing Civil War.”

the only science I ever liked was physics and earth science
Too bad I was about 50 IQ points short for physics
"All in the Family" was a TV Show that was used by the Left to normalize their loathing of Wasps.
If you dig down to the core issue with Unhinged Democrat Bigots such as Reiner, you will find that is what's really eating at them.
It is what their genocidal rhetoric of "Cancel Culture" is really all about.
That's odd.....I was going to say I thought Biden was the new leader....but then again, he doesn't lead anything....Harris...Harris is.....

Let's face it, the Dems then wanted to break away from the Union, and they still do today.....they do not like our founding principals, they dislike the Constitution, heck they even hate our women's sports!........they want to fundamentally change America....they are the Confederates
Rob Reiner and Sally Struthers played the part of brain dead, PC assholes on Archie Bunker. But there's a good chance they weren't playing at all.
Rob Reiner should keep his mouth shut. He is the liberal equivalent of Donald Trump, except Democrats are too smart to elect their celebrity nutjobs to high political office.

That's only because the Democrats HAVE no celebrities!
the Democrats are unifiers!

the [sic] confederacy [sic] was made up of life long [sic] democrats [sic]

"The USMB board is made up of lifelong illiterates" would be far more accurate. QED.

The Confederacy (proper name, capitalized) was certainly made up of lifelong democrats, i.e. people who if not believed in, at least practiced, some form of democracy, but if your shiftkeyless keyboard somehow meant "Democrats" (proper name, capitalized), i.e. a specific political party, and you're too illiterate to know the difference, well that's just ass-derived horse shit.

Those various states in fact held referenda on whether that state should secede, which is certainly a form of democracy. Those votes didn't go quite as planned for those who wanted to do it --- which were the fat and indolent wealthy, the ones getting fatter off the backs of slaves and throwing their considerable weight around in state legislatures. In fact an entire northwestern section of the major state of Virginia, after being herded into that decision, revolted and seceded from Virginia, which is where West Virginia comes from, Virginia. And East Tennessee, reflecting the impassioned speeches of (Democrat) Senator Andrew (proper name, capitalized) Johnson (proper name, capitalized), who would go on to be Lincoln's running mate and VP, voted 95% against secession and would have done the same thing if not for the presence of Confederacy (proper name, capitalized)-sympathetic troops in place to ensure there wouldn't be another West Virginia...

Number two, the Democratic Party was barely thirty years old when the various states began seceding, so being a "lifelong Democrat" pretty much eliminates anybody over age 50 (assuming one had registered immediately at voting age 21) anyway. But that's kind of a leap since there wasn't much interest in those times in joining political parties, which came and went with the seasons.... and common citizens, even those who were white and male with property, weren't yet electing Presidents yet as we "do" so that would not have been an incentive....

Number three, the Confederacy (proper name, capitalized) never had ANY political parties at all. Some historians maintain that lack of two-way debate contributed to its downfall.

Number four, the position of the actual Democratic Party in 1860 was "Popular Sovereignty", meaning as each new state entered the Union it would decide for itself whether it would allow Slavery or not. This was a wimp-out kick-the-can-down-the-road approach which proved amenable to nobody, the same hands-off approach that led to the demise of most other political parties of the era including the Know Nothings (e.g. John Wilkes Booth) and the Whigs which had included both John Bell and Abraham Lincoln, two of the four major POTUS candidates in the 1860 election. Bell's "Constitutional Union" Party, the last gasp of the Whigs, won three states in that election, two more than the Democrat Douglas who came in dead last. Both Bell and Douglas were against secession. Douglas in fact went on a media blitz in the South after losing that election to try to talk those states out of secession and when that failed advised Lincoln on strong resistance to it. Oh and one of the states the anti-secessionist Bell won was Virginia, the same state whose northwestern counties revolted and seceded into their own state.

The Democratic Party had taken that position because in the mid-19th century it was the party of "states rights" and small decentralized government. Buchanan in fact did little to stave off the revolt specifically because he did not believe his office, and therefore the federal government, had the power to dictate to the states. The party of "big government" was the Whigs, its major opposition. Lincoln, a former Whig before he joined the new Republican Party (proper name, capitalized), didn't have those qualms and is still criticized for overreach today.

So to sum up, the formation of the Confederacy, which was never a story of political parties, was the same old shit of the Haves sending the Have Nots to do their dirty work (war) for them, so that the Haves could continue jerking off while their direct Have Nots, the slaves, were already doing their dirty work in the fields. And that's a story of economics and the morals therein, not some obscure political parties. It's a story of economic classes and the power therein. When we describe the Civil War as "brother against brother" it's a reference to the split loyalties within the Confederacy (proper name, capitalized), based not on any political party but on the question of whether the fat cats in the state capital were going to tell us what to do.

I'm sure it's fun to pull the covers over one's head lest one be exposed to the horror of a history book, believing a "political party" is some kind of fixed entity that never moves and has been the same thing forever, because thinking is hard and shit. I'm sure it's also comforting to find a quarter that the tooth fairy left under your pillow. Now me, I couldn't live like that. But hey, ignorance is bliss, so go have a Happy Meal (proper name, capitalized).

To finally veer back to the actual topic, no Rump doesn't really represent an allegorical Confederacy (proper name, capitalized). He represents a reincarnation of the Know Nothings. The Confederacy was about the rich staying rich on the backs of the poor; the Know Nothings were about identifying a "them" and keeping "them" out.
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