Robert Fico won Slovakia's general elections with a strident anti-refugee platform

All this over refugees when US born are a grater terrorist threat than they are.

In the first place, that's a big fat lie.

In the second place, we can't deport American citizens, but we don't even have to lift a finger to prevent muzzie savages from coming here.
It is?

Show it then. Show us how, in THIS nation, refugees are a major source of terrorism pr that they exceed the threat posed by Americans that have been radicalized.

What difference does that make? We don't gain a thing by importing muzzie savages, so why should we take any risk whatsoever?
America and Western Europe could learn a thing or two from Slovokia.

Leftist Prime Minister Robert Fico won Slovakia's general elections on Saturday on the back of a strident anti-refugee platform. Fico vowed to "never bring even a single Muslim to Slovakia" and filed a lawsuit against an EU-wide plan to redistribute refugees across the bloc. Fico's strongly anti-refugee policies echo those of other hardliners in the EU's poorer ex-communist east, including Czech President Milos Zeman, Hungarian Premier Viktor Orban and Poland's Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

Since you don't believe in government , how do you propose to limit immigration?

That won't be an issue until we get rid of all government. Then aliens won't be able to come into the country unless they are invited.

That requires a government. As soon as you say 'we' you are conceding a government is in place.

So when you say "we played basketball at the health club," does that require government?

Basketball hobbyists aren't making immigration policy.
America and Western Europe could learn a thing or two from Slovokia.

Leftist Prime Minister Robert Fico won Slovakia's general elections on Saturday on the back of a strident anti-refugee platform. Fico vowed to "never bring even a single Muslim to Slovakia" and filed a lawsuit against an EU-wide plan to redistribute refugees across the bloc. Fico's strongly anti-refugee policies echo those of other hardliners in the EU's poorer ex-communist east, including Czech President Milos Zeman, Hungarian Premier Viktor Orban and Poland's Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

Since you don't believe in government , how do you propose to limit immigration?

That won't be an issue until we get rid of all government. Then aliens won't be able to come into the country unless they are invited.

That requires a government. As soon as you say 'we' you are conceding a government is in place.

So when you say "we played basketball at the health club," does that require government?

Basketball hobbyists aren't making immigration policy.

I would accuse you of pretending to be stupid, but I'm not sure you're pretending.
Funny how the Left, even in Slovakia, is much like they are here. If you do not want Muslim refugees in your country, you are automatically labeled a Fascist.
Muslim ladies and gentlemen are wonderful people.

They have religious beliefs that differ from various aspects of American and European culture.

So it is understandable that Slovakia prefers to remain a homogeneous society (like Japan, for example).

Just as doggies have various breeds with their specific strengths and weaknesses, so do the various races and religions of human beings.

That's why a lot of people expect the United States to implode sometime in the next century.
Muslim ladies and gentlemen are wonderful people.

They have religious beliefs that differ from various aspects of American and European culture.

So it is understandable that Slovakia prefers to remain a homogeneous society (like Japan, for example).

Just as doggies have various breeds with their specific strengths and weaknesses, so do the various races and religions of human beings.

That's why a lot of people expect the United States to implode sometime in the next century.
Fico has been shot at today

did you know?
Paranoid racists freaking out over Muslims . Ya know we have millions in our country . They ain't some new invention .
There is no logical reason to allow muslims to immigrate to America

They add nothing of value

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