Robert Muller appointed special counsel!

Will you accept the conclusions of Mueller's investigation

  • yes

    Votes: 34 89.5%
  • no

    Votes: 4 10.5%

  • Total voters
And his post FBI career is spot on applicable:

Post-FBI Career

After leaving the FBI in 2013, Mueller became a visiting professor at Stanford University where his focus is on issues related to cyber-security.[12

The appointment of "special prosecutor" within the EXECUTIVE branch is a bold face usurpation and unconstitutional. The president is the boss the ONLY thing that is supposed to happen there is what he wants to happen there.

Well I suppose Trump can fire the Deputy DOJ for appointing this "special prosecutor" that would be interesting to see happen.
Probably ending in a impeachment of Donald Trump.

No Matthew.

You need a Special Prosecutor aka an Independent Counsel for that and not a Special Counsel.

A Special Prosecutor like Archibald Cox or as a Special Prosecutor is now known an Independent Counsel like Kenneth Starr.
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I can get with that. Thoughts?

/----- But what if he subpoenas Dems, Hildabeast and Onozo? What will you say then, Gomer?


I don't know who the hell you think you are talking about- but I for one am fine with him subpoening anyone from Clinton to Trump.
Robert Mueller appointed special counsel

I for one am fine with him subpoening anyone from Clinton to Trump
I can't wait for Mueller to ask Comey:

What the hell do you mean the DNC wouldn't let you check their servers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You were the FBI you freaking lamo.

Now we have an SP that can charge all crimes he finds not just the "alleged" crap they are all screaming about.. This is going to backfire on the leftards..

I welcome his investigation.

I am fine with him investigating anyone and anything related to Russia's attempt to influence our election.
Will this action finally shut the Liberal's drooling jaws? Nope, it will cause the snowflakes to dream up another cause. Six months after the election the dweebs still think they can get rid of Trump and replace him with that dripping kvnt Clinton.
Wow the left tards are patting themselves on the back and they don't even realize that all the bad press will now stop, All documents are now secret and a grand jury will be impaneled. The SP superceeds all congressional actions and investigations so those all stop or are suspended until the SP is finished. Comey and every other witness can no longer talk about anything.

The question really is will the left wing accept acquittal when it happens? There hasn't even been a real crime cited... This could actually end very quickly and with a resounding acquittal..

Funnier still, is that Muller has requested all of Comey's memos back through Obama, Lynch, and Clinton. This could open a can of worms they didn't want..

they fell right into the trap


this is the last thing they really wanted

Yes the Obamabots and Hillarybots should be careful before getting too excited.

As Billy_Bob correctly points out:

"Funnier still, is that Muller has requested all of Comey's memos back through Obama, Lynch, and Clinton. This could open a can of worms they didn't want.."
Will the pussy grabbing cheeto fire him?
You seem very concerned about the pussy grabbing. Like yours isn't of the quality for being grabbed or your frustrated nobody wants you to grab theirs. Either way you seem confused, but at least you have a pussy hat to put on and that should be enough to get you by.
Wow the left tards are patting themselves on the back and they don't even realize that all the bad press will now stop, All documents are now secret and a grand jury will be impaneled. The SP superceeds all congressional actions and investigations so those all stop or are suspended until the SP is finished. Comey and every other witness can no longer talk about anything.

The question really is will the left wing accept acquittal when it happens? There hasn't even been a real crime cited... This could actually end very quickly and with a resounding acquittal..

Funnier still, is that Muller has requested all of Comey's memos back through Obama, Lynch, and Clinton. This could open a can of worms they didn't want..

they fell right into the trap


this is the last thing they really wanted
Now we have an SP that can charge all crimes he finds not just the "alleged" crap they are all screaming about.. This is going to backfire on the leftards..
If he is found innocent would you agree to imprisioning the accusers for fraud on the uS government and the American people?

You mean like with all you NaziCons who accused Hillary of fraud - and then Comey exonerated her?
You mean after he listed about ten crimes she committed and refused to bring to prosecution?

That Comey, what a standup guy.

What crimes?

Trump declares James Comey 'should have never exonerated' Hillary Clinton
Umm, the ones she committed? Are you seriously this confused?

What crimes? Did Comey say she committed any crimes? Did the House? Did the Senate? Did any jury?
Uhh, yes. The crimes Comey listed in his speech just before declaring they weren't going to send the pantsuit pig to jail. Do you actually pay attention to what is going on or do you just post dnc bullshit without thought?
You mean like with all you NaziCons who accused Hillary of fraud - and then Comey exonerated her?
You mean after he listed about ten crimes she committed and refused to bring to prosecution?

That Comey, what a standup guy.

What crimes?

Trump declares James Comey 'should have never exonerated' Hillary Clinton
Umm, the ones she committed? Are you seriously this confused?

What crimes? Did Comey say she committed any crimes? Did the House? Did the Senate? Did any jury?
Uhh, yes. The crimes Comey listed in his speech just before declaring they weren't going to send the pantsuit pig to jail. Do you actually pay attention to what is going on or do you just post dnc bullshit without thought?

from the looks of it

the latter is the correct answer

to the question
Wow the left tards are patting themselves on the back and they don't even realize that all the bad press will now stop, All documents are now secret and a grand jury will be impaneled. The SP superceeds all congressional actions and investigations so those all stop or are suspended until the SP is finished. Comey and every other witness can no longer talk about anything.

The question really is will the left wing accept acquittal when it happens? There hasn't even been a real crime cited... This could actually end very quickly and with a resounding acquittal..

Funnier still, is that Muller has requested all of Comey's memos back through Obama, Lynch, and Clinton. This could open a can of worms they didn't want..

they fell right into the trap


this is the last thing they really wanted
Now we have an SP that can charge all crimes he finds not just the "alleged" crap they are all screaming about.. This is going to backfire on the leftards..

opened a huge can of leftist worms

You mean like with all you NaziCons who accused Hillary of fraud - and then Comey exonerated her?
You mean after he listed about ten crimes she committed and refused to bring to prosecution?

That Comey, what a standup guy.

What crimes?

Trump declares James Comey 'should have never exonerated' Hillary Clinton
Umm, the ones she committed? Are you seriously this confused?

What crimes? Did Comey say she committed any crimes? Did the House? Did the Senate? Did any jury?
Uhh, yes. The crimes Comey listed in his speech just before declaring they weren't going to send the pantsuit pig to jail. Do you actually pay attention to what is going on or do you just post dnc bullshit without thought?

What "crimes" did Comey say were "crimes"? Please list those "crimes" and provide credible proof that Comey said they were "crimes"? So, you're saying that Hillary committed actual "crimes" and Comey refused to prosecute those "crimes"? You retarded NaziCon conspiracy theorists are hilarious!
You mean after he listed about ten crimes she committed and refused to bring to prosecution?

That Comey, what a standup guy.

What crimes?

Trump declares James Comey 'should have never exonerated' Hillary Clinton
Umm, the ones she committed? Are you seriously this confused?

What crimes? Did Comey say she committed any crimes? Did the House? Did the Senate? Did any jury?
Uhh, yes. The crimes Comey listed in his speech just before declaring they weren't going to send the pantsuit pig to jail. Do you actually pay attention to what is going on or do you just post dnc bullshit without thought?

What "crimes" did Comey say were "crimes"? Please list those "crimes" and provide credible proof that Comey said they were "crimes"? So, you're saying that Hillary committed actual "crimes" and Comey refused to prosecute those "crimes"? You retarded NaziCon conspiracy theorists are hilarious!

comey may have committed his own set of crimes

one being obstruction of justice


special council will be able to look into that

You mean after he listed about ten crimes she committed and refused to bring to prosecution?

That Comey, what a standup guy.

What crimes?

Trump declares James Comey 'should have never exonerated' Hillary Clinton
Umm, the ones she committed? Are you seriously this confused?

What crimes? Did Comey say she committed any crimes? Did the House? Did the Senate? Did any jury?
Uhh, yes. The crimes Comey listed in his speech just before declaring they weren't going to send the pantsuit pig to jail. Do you actually pay attention to what is going on or do you just post dnc bullshit without thought?

What "crimes" did Comey say were "crimes"? Please list those "crimes" and provide credible proof that Comey said they were "crimes"? So, you're saying that Hillary committed actual "crimes" and Comey refused to prosecute those "crimes"? You retarded NaziCon conspiracy theorists are hilarious!
If he is found innocent would you agree to imprisioning the accusers for fraud on the uS government and the American people?

You mean like with all you NaziCons who accused Hillary of fraud - and then Comey exonerated her?
You mean after he listed about ten crimes she committed and refused to bring to prosecution?

That Comey, what a standup guy.

What crimes?

Trump declares James Comey 'should have never exonerated' Hillary Clinton
Umm, the ones she committed? Are you seriously this confused?

What crimes? Did Comey say she committed any crimes? Did the House? Did the Senate? Did any jury?
So, if Congress subpeoned my emails and I ran them through the wood chipper no crime has been committed?
You mean after he listed about ten crimes she committed and refused to bring to prosecution?

That Comey, what a standup guy.

What crimes?

Trump declares James Comey 'should have never exonerated' Hillary Clinton
Umm, the ones she committed? Are you seriously this confused?

What crimes? Did Comey say she committed any crimes? Did the House? Did the Senate? Did any jury?
Uhh, yes. The crimes Comey listed in his speech just before declaring they weren't going to send the pantsuit pig to jail. Do you actually pay attention to what is going on or do you just post dnc bullshit without thought?

What "crimes" did Comey say were "crimes"? Please list those "crimes" and provide credible proof that Comey said they were "crimes"? So, you're saying that Hillary committed actual "crimes" and Comey refused to prosecute those "crimes"? You retarded NaziCon conspiracy theorists are hilarious!
You might try watching something other than MSLSD once in a while.
Comey said Hillary technically committed a crime but he believes it was without malice.

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