Robert Muller appointed special counsel!

Will you accept the conclusions of Mueller's investigation

  • yes

    Votes: 34 89.5%
  • no

    Votes: 4 10.5%

  • Total voters
Republicans keep saying there is no Collusion so what in the tarnation are they investgating? Republicans say it's butthurt but Special Councils don't investigate feelings.
What is the evidence there was collusion?

There are currently so many investigations going on that to pretend there is nothing there suggests that everyone is investigating nothing at all.

Either they are investigating something or nothing. Which do you believe is more plausible?
I don't know. Jason Chavitz said he has asked the democrats for evidence and said " they got nothing"

So again, what do you think they are investigating? Nothing? All of them?
Will this action finally shut the Liberal's drooling jaws? Nope, it will cause the snowflakes to dream up another cause. Six months after the election the dweebs still think they can get rid of Trump and replace him with that dripping kvnt Clinton.

LOL- you Trumpsters- and your love of calling women *****.

If Trump is forced out of office because of his own actions- we get Pence.

But you snowflakes who call women ***** will still be blaming Clinton.
Republicans keep saying there is no Collusion so what in the tarnation are they investgating? Republicans say it's butthurt but Special Councils don't investigate feelings.
What is the evidence there was collusion?

There are currently so many investigations going on that to pretend there is nothing there suggests that everyone is investigating nothing at all.

Either they are investigating something or nothing. Which do you believe is more plausible?
I don't know. Jason Chavitz said he has asked the democrats for evidence and said " they got nothing"

Why do you- or Chavitz think Democrats have evidence?

The investigation will continue- and thats a good thing.
More wasting of time,money and resources to please the Anti American left.

Being against Russian hacking is Anti American when? On opposite day?
Get over it snowflake. Seth Rich sent the files to wikileaks the sooner you fragile snowflakes accept that the better off you will all be and you can move on. Ya know what they say the first part of moving along is accepting the facts. Fact is the Clinton camp spun the Russian story less than 24 hours after losing....its all in at tell all book with 2 reporters who were WITH the Clinton campaign the entire time. A Clinton confidant has spilled the beans as well. ‘Shattered’: Clinton expose reveals Russian ‘narrative’ was spun within hours of Trump win
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OH.. this is going to make leftards heads explode. Trump requested a SP to get a fast resolution.. In classic Trump style he wants this crap over and done with so he asked for it..

In classic Trump style- he pissed and moaned and issued Tweets for weeks and weeks- and will blame everything on everyone else.
More wasting of time,money and resources to please the Anti American left.

Being against Russian hacking is Anti American when? On opposite day?
Which one...Drinking or smoking pot tonight.
The Democrats want the investigation and the Republicans are giving it to them.

Trump has been against the investigation since day one- whether he now feels forced to into an investigation or the Deputy DOJ has decided on his own- up to this very day- Trump has tried to quash the investigation into Russia's attempt to hack our election.
More wasting of time,money and resources to please the Anti American left.

Being against Russian hacking is Anti American when? On opposite day?
Which one...Drinking or smoking pot tonight.
The Democrats want the investigation and the Republicans are giving it to them.

Trump has been against the investigation since day one- whether he now feels forced to into an investigation or the Deputy DOJ has decided on his own- up to this very day- Trump has tried to quash the investigation into Russia's attempt to hack our election.
So what? Trump's been public about it; he probably promised Hillary he would protect her.
After all, they have been friendly in the past.
More wasting of time,money and resources to please the Anti American left.

Being against Russian hacking is Anti American when? On opposite day?
Get over it snowflake. Seth Rich sent the files to wikileaks the sooner you fragile snowflakes accept that the better off you will all be and you can move on. Ya know what they say the first part of moving along is accepting the facts. Fact is the Clinton camp spun the Russian story less than 24 hours after losing....its all in at tell all book with 2 reporters who were WITH the Clinton campaign the entire time. A Clinton confidant has spilled the beans as well. ‘Shattered’: Clinton expose reveals Russian ‘narrative’ was spun within hours of Trump win

LOL, nice source. Amazing the shit you people will guzzle down as legitimate sources.
If something is there, Mueller will find it. Mueller will find it. I suppose the Comade will need something to help him sleep tonight....I mean other than Ivanka...:dance:
More wasting of time,money and resources to please the Anti American left.

Being against Russian hacking is Anti American when? On opposite day?
Get over it snowflake. Seth Rich sent the files to wikileaks the sooner you fragile snowflakes accept that the better off you will all be and you can move on. Ya know what they say the first part of moving along is accepting the facts. Fact is the Clinton camp spun the Russian story less than 24 hours after losing....its all in at tell all book with 2 reporters who were WITH the Clinton campaign the entire time. A Clinton confidant has spilled the beans as well. ‘Shattered’: Clinton expose reveals Russian ‘narrative’ was spun within hours of Trump win

LOL, nice source. Amazing the shit you people will guzzle down as legitimate sources.
Suck a dick snowflake. PLENTY of sources reported go google it ya little bitch. A FEDERAL investigator has said he himself SAW the emails Rich sent to wikileaks I truly don't give a flying fuck what you faggots want to make up. Can't change facts.
Lying during sworn congressional testimony is committing perjury a federal offense

FBI Director James Comey Testified Under Oath May 3rd That The Trump Administration Doesn’t Obstruct Investigations

BREAKING: FBI Director James Comey Testified Under Oath May 3rd That The Trump Administration Doesn't Obstruct Investigations - GotNews
SO Comey lied to congress or did he lie in his memo?

Comey was building a case, smart ass. He knew that the Comrade was on the way to hanging himself. He will get desperate and give the FBI more evidence, as Mueller gets closer to the truth.
More wasting of time,money and resources to please the Anti American left.

Being against Russian hacking is Anti American when? On opposite day?
Get over it snowflake. Seth Rich sent the files to wikileaks the sooner you fragile snowflakes accept that the better off you will all be and you can move on. Ya know what they say the first part of moving along is accepting the facts. Fact is the Clinton camp spun the Russian story less than 24 hours after losing....its all in at tell all book with 2 reporters who were WITH the Clinton campaign the entire time. A Clinton confidant has spilled the beans as well. ‘Shattered’: Clinton expose reveals Russian ‘narrative’ was spun within hours of Trump win

LOL, nice source. Amazing the shit you people will guzzle down as legitimate sources.
Suck a dick snowflake. PLENTY of sources reported go google it ya little bitch. A FEDERAL investigator has said he himself SAW the emails Rich sent to wikileaks I truly don't give a flying fuck what you faggots want to make up. Can't change facts.

Just heard on the radio.
Comeys firing bit Trump in the rump

Lol...just wait.

Remember how Comey would announce he was *investigating* people..Hillary, Obama..and then announce days before an election that he had cleared them?

Trump is going to obliterate comey. People are going to go to prison..and it isn't going to be Trump. You fools keep falling for the same shit over and over.

My dear you are forgotten sometin ------- All these commotions and chaos are ALL created by Trump.
His speech alone today ------- instead of promoting his tax plan, economy or jobs etc etc so he can divert peoples attention somewhere ----------- but naaaah fuck it --------- he attacked the media by being treated unfairly.

Where the hell you can find a president like that?
This is not a Special Prosecutor
Special Prosecutor and Special Counsel hold the same authorities. One is primarily for "Criminal Conduct" (Special Prosecutor) where crimes are alleged and the other is "Potential Criminal Conduct" (Special Counsel) where processes could result in crimes but no crime has been identified.

Special Counsel must get permission from the DOJ to proceed to prosecution or recommend a special prosecutor.

The statutory authority to follow due process and evidence process laws are the same.

The fact that they only empowered Special Counsel means that no crime has been identified but processes involved could potentially yield a criminal act.
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How often is a special counsel appointed against a sitting president in history? This appears to be a really big fucking deal as Nixon and Clinton had one appointed for their crimes.

What was Clintons crime again?

Lying under oath among others


Right lying about a blow job, which was called obstruction of justice.

I don't think you understand why Clinton was charged with obstruction. The perjury charge was from him lying. Obstruction was another matter altogether
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The Left is Officially Phucked Now.

With Comey who covered up every single Crime the Obama Administration Committed and covered for Clinton despite being shamed in to investigating her, they could have had what they wanted: A never ending Investigation with no evidence where The FBI itself, the NSA, Treasury and NSI all said there was no Collusion but Comey would have kept the so called Investigation GOING well in to 2018 and beyond.

Instead now they Phucked themselves and their Fake Narrative will soon come to an end. 18 months of surveillance and 4 investigations and NOTHING, and now when this turns out the same and the Investigation is finally closed both the Leftist Media and The DemNazi Party's Credibility will Be Permanently and Irreparably Damaged!

And it will be well deserved. And Karma will visit The Left after it's all said and done.

Congratulations Lefty. You finally bit off more than you can chew!

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