Robin Hood and the Medieval Tea Party


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
What is it with modern American liberals and taxes? Apparently they don’t just see taxes as a necessary evil, they actually like ‘em; they think, as Gail Collins puts it in the New York Times, that in a better world “little kids would dream of growing up to be really big taxpayers.” But you really see liberals’ taxophilia coming out when you read the reviews of the new movie Robin Hood, starring Russell Crowe. If liberals don’t love taxes, they sure do hate tax protesters.

...this Robin Hood is “A big angry baby [who] fights back against taxes” and that the movie is “hamstrung by a shrill political agenda — endless fake-populist harping on the evils of taxation.”

Robin Hood and the Tea Party Haters | Cato @ Liberty

Awful reviews by the liberal media. Can't wait to see it! :lol:
Rob from the Rich, Give to the Poor. Sounds like a leftist, to me.

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