Rodeo Clown Dressed As Obama Gets Run Down By Bull. White Crowd Goes Wild.

No one's civil right have been violated, and if this were a privately funded rodeo, there would be nothing to say about it other than it is crass and childish. BUT, this was not a private rodeo. A State Fair is funded by taxpayer dollars. It is a violation of taxpayer's hard earned dollars being used to for partisan hackery that shows utter contempt for the Commander in Chief of the United States of America and our nation. It is as UN patriotic as it gets.

Show me law that backs up your assertion.

now that is funny

it surely was not the "law" when bush was in office

and the "fake" clown was bush

Hello? What don't you understand about private funded events vs. public (taxpayer) funded events? If this was some guy out on a street it would not be a problem.
This some funny stuff and it is all over the internet tonight. Liberals are flying mad about it though but as I was reading the article, I thought one thing. "When am I going to see someone cry 'racism'?" Sure enough, I found it. It's amazing that the crowd goes wild when Obama is parodied and then the elite politicians cower in fear and bend over backwards to protect this ineligible president and to condemn the act so enjoyed by the common man.

Rodeo Clown Dresses As President Obama at Mo. State Fair « CBS St. Louis

The photo was first posted on the liberal blog Show Me Progress. The blog post tells the tale of a Missouri resident, Perry Beam, who attended the fair in Sedalia with his wife Lily and a Taiwanese student Saturday night.

“Just prior to the start of the bull riding event, one of the clowns came out dressed in this,” the posts says, referring to the photo. “The announcer wanted to know if anyone would like to see Obama run down by a bull. The crowd went wild. He asked it again and again, louder each time, whipping the audience into a lather. One of the clowns ran up and started bobbling the lips on the mask and the people went crazy.”

According to the post, a bull then charged the clown, forcing him to run away “to the delight of the onlookers hooting and hollering from the stands.”


Beam’s story was also posted on Daily Kos and shared on social media sites Facebook and Twitter Sunday morning. Much of the outrage centered on the fact that the Missouri State Fair is publicly-funded and billed as a family-friendly event.

“I felt like I was at a Klan rally,” Beam told the website Raw Story. “This isn’t a Republican state fair. I want to write the governor and the fair board, because I want my money back. This was shameful.”

some dumb-shit assholes will read "race" into anything...

the rodeo was attended by rural folks, whom I 'spect were 90+% conservative...

and no fans of Obama because of his politics, not because of the shade of his skin...

I imagine a similar gathering of libs would have hooted and hollered and clapped for a clown in a GWB mask back when GWB was president...

it really only depends on who is office at the time

when bush was in office bush dummy clowns

had been used at rodeos and the crowds cheered that as well
I mean why is it that the Leader That Leads from Behind....from the buttocks so to speak ...why is it that some think he is Untouchable???

He Is NOT.

not by a long shot.... even bulls can recognize the likes of him...and they hate him too bless their innocent souls .:mad:

It has nothing to do with being untouchable. This was a non political family event... Not the place for it.
You are obviously too stupid to realize that.

This was a non political family event... Not the place for it.

who cares

how come one one cared when it was bush in the rodeo ring
Are you aware that clown are REAL people? Do you know that cartoon characters are not real?

People from BOTH sides agree it was wrong.

Clown banned from Missouri State Fair amid outrage over Obama act

The Missouri State Fair imposed a lifetime ban on the rodeo clown whose depiction of Obama getting charged by a bull was widely criticized by Democratic and Republican officials alike.

The rodeo clown won't be allowed to participate or perform at the fair again. Fair officials say they're also reviewing whether to take any action against the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association, the contractor responsible for Saturday's event.

“The performance by one of the rodeo clowns at Saturday’s event was inappropriate and disrespectful, and does not reflect the opinions or standards of the Missouri State Fair,” the statement read. “We strive to be a family friendly event and regret that Saturday’s rodeo badly missed that mark.”

Condemnation came from both sides of the aisle.

Republican Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder weighed in in a series of Twitter posts. Kinder said he loved the fair and planned to attend but said the clown’s performance reflected poorly on the state.

“I condemn the actions disrespectful to (the president of the United States) the other night. We are better than this.”

The event organizer, the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association, apologized on its website, calling the act “inappropriate.”

Read more here: Clown banned from Missouri State Fair amid outrage over Obama act -

lefties will fall for anything

the "clown" was a dummy a prop


Holy shit...the 'clown' is a grown man in a costume. What next from you right wing pea brains? Professional wrestling is real??

no it was not

it was a dummy a prop

now the prop has been fired


People that want to silence this are fascist.

lefties will fall for anything

funny it happens to be Mark Ficken the superintendent of bonnerville public schools

that was the announcer at the rodeo making all the comments

about the obama doll
Show me law that backs up your assertion.

now that is funny

it surely was not the "law" when bush was in office

and the "fake" clown was bush

Hello? What don't you understand about private funded events vs. public (taxpayer) funded events? If this was some guy out on a street it would not be a problem.

are you on crack cocaine

or simply a sheeple

bush doll clowns had been used at public rodeos as well


T.J. Hawkins rolled out the big inner tube, and the bull lowered his head, shot forward and launched into the tube, sending it bounding down the center of the arena. The crowd cheered. Then the bull saw the George Bush dummy.

He tore into it, sending the rubber mask flying halfway across the sand as he turned toward the fence, sending cowboys scrambling up the fence rails, hooking one with his horn and tossing him off the fence.

Walker waited.

But it had been a hot day, and bulls, like men, have moods. Jalapeno,

A Rodeo Veteran Takes Bull By The Horns Jimmy Lee Walker Makes His Comeback In A Young Man's Game. -
You leftists really need to grow a pair. On second thought, don't. Your whining and whimpering is rather amusing!

"Oh, they're making fun of Barack! Oh, the horror! Evil, eeeeevil!!" :lol:
You leftists really need to grow a pair. On second thought, don't. Your whining and whimpering is rather amusing!

"Oh, they're making fun of Barack! Oh, the horror! Evil, eeeeevil!!" :lol:

its not their fault

they are sheeple


someone feeds them a highly edited video (like msnbc and zimmerman)

and a couple of stills

and wham

fake crisis is born

omg what part of Its a fucking clown don't you get?

I cant believe what you just posted.

What this clown did was wrong

Holy toledo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Are you aware that clown are REAL people? Do you know that cartoon characters are not real?

People from BOTH sides agree it was wrong.

Clown banned from Missouri State Fair amid outrage over Obama act

The Missouri State Fair imposed a lifetime ban on the rodeo clown whose depiction of Obama getting charged by a bull was widely criticized by Democratic and Republican officials alike.

The rodeo clown won't be allowed to participate or perform at the fair again. Fair officials say they're also reviewing whether to take any action against the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association, the contractor responsible for Saturday's event.

“The performance by one of the rodeo clowns at Saturday’s event was inappropriate and disrespectful, and does not reflect the opinions or standards of the Missouri State Fair,” the statement read. “We strive to be a family friendly event and regret that Saturday’s rodeo badly missed that mark.”

Condemnation came from both sides of the aisle.

Republican Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder weighed in in a series of Twitter posts. Kinder said he loved the fair and planned to attend but said the clown’s performance reflected poorly on the state.

“I condemn the actions disrespectful to (the president of the United States) the other night. We are better than this.”

The event organizer, the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association, apologized on its website, calling the act “inappropriate.”

Read more here: Clown banned from Missouri State Fair amid outrage over Obama act -

lefties will fall for anything

the "clown" was a dummy a prop


I noticed that too. The clue was the broom holding it up.
Are you aware that clown are REAL people? Do you know that cartoon characters are not real?

People from BOTH sides agree it was wrong.

Clown banned from Missouri State Fair amid outrage over Obama act

The Missouri State Fair imposed a lifetime ban on the rodeo clown whose depiction of Obama getting charged by a bull was widely criticized by Democratic and Republican officials alike.

The rodeo clown won't be allowed to participate or perform at the fair again. Fair officials say they're also reviewing whether to take any action against the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association, the contractor responsible for Saturday's event.

“The performance by one of the rodeo clowns at Saturday’s event was inappropriate and disrespectful, and does not reflect the opinions or standards of the Missouri State Fair,” the statement read. “We strive to be a family friendly event and regret that Saturday’s rodeo badly missed that mark.”

Condemnation came from both sides of the aisle.

Republican Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder weighed in in a series of Twitter posts. Kinder said he loved the fair and planned to attend but said the clown’s performance reflected poorly on the state.

“I condemn the actions disrespectful to (the president of the United States) the other night. We are better than this.”

The event organizer, the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association, apologized on its website, calling the act “inappropriate.”

Read more here: Clown banned from Missouri State Fair amid outrage over Obama act -

lefties will fall for anything

the "clown" was a dummy a prop


I noticed that too. The clue was the broom holding it up.

I noticed that too. The clue was the broom holding it up.

yes that is traditionally how the dummy is propped up

there is also other video out there that

shows the real clowns are not mumbling the dummies lips

but rather adjusting the collar and jacket

[ame=]Rodeo clown's Obama stunt at Missouri State Fair (1 of 2) - YouTube[/ame]
You leftists really need to grow a pair. On second thought, don't. Your whining and whimpering is rather amusing!

"Oh, they're making fun of Barack! Oh, the horror! Evil, eeeeevil!!" :lol:

its not their fault

they are sheeple


someone feeds them a highly edited video (like msnbc and zimmerman)

and a couple of stills

and wham

fake crisis is born


Fake crisis, they cry like a stuck pig.

Real scandal, they just say 'nothing to see here, move along'.

The screeching from the left over this .... leave Barack alone! Racist! Racist! Yet, all they did to discredit Bush, to mock him ... well, that's just dandy. They're a bunch of whiney-assed crybabies.
if anyone should be banned

it should be race baiter Beam from Show Me Progress

for his attempt to make honest hard working Americans look racist
You leftists really need to grow a pair. On second thought, don't. Your whining and whimpering is rather amusing!

"Oh, they're making fun of Barack! Oh, the horror! Evil, eeeeevil!!" :lol:

its not their fault

they are sheeple


someone feeds them a highly edited video (like msnbc and zimmerman)

and a couple of stills

and wham

fake crisis is born


Fake crisis, they cry like a stuck pig.

Real scandal, they just say 'nothing to see here, move along'.

The screeching from the left over this .... leave Barack alone! Racist! Racist! Yet, all they did to discredit Bush, to mock him ... well, that's just dandy. They're a bunch of whiney-assed crybabies.

the best you can do expose the truth

and shed some sunlight on it
This some funny stuff and it is all over the internet tonight. Liberals are flying mad about it though but as I was reading the article, I thought one thing. "When am I going to see someone cry 'racism'?" Sure enough, I found it. It's amazing that the crowd goes wild when Obama is parodied and then the elite politicians cower in fear and bend over backwards to protect this ineligible president and to condemn the act so enjoyed by the common man.

Rodeo Clown Dresses As President Obama at Mo. State Fair « CBS St. Louis

The photo was first posted on the liberal blog Show Me Progress. The blog post tells the tale of a Missouri resident, Perry Beam, who attended the fair in Sedalia with his wife Lily and a Taiwanese student Saturday night.

“Just prior to the start of the bull riding event, one of the clowns came out dressed in this,” the posts says, referring to the photo. “The announcer wanted to know if anyone would like to see Obama run down by a bull. The crowd went wild. He asked it again and again, louder each time, whipping the audience into a lather. One of the clowns ran up and started bobbling the lips on the mask and the people went crazy.”

According to the post, a bull then charged the clown, forcing him to run away “to the delight of the onlookers hooting and hollering from the stands.”


Beam’s story was also posted on Daily Kos and shared on social media sites Facebook and Twitter Sunday morning. Much of the outrage centered on the fact that the Missouri State Fair is publicly-funded and billed as a family-friendly event.

“I felt like I was at a Klan rally,” Beam told the website Raw Story. “This isn’t a Republican state fair. I want to write the governor and the fair board, because I want my money back. This was shameful.”

some dumb-shit assholes will read "race" into anything...

the rodeo was attended by rural folks, whom I 'spect were 90+% conservative...

and no fans of Obama because of his politics, not because of the shade of his skin...

I imagine a similar gathering of libs would have hooted and hollered and clapped for a clown in a GWB mask back when GWB was president...

it really only depends on who is office at the time

when bush was in office bush dummy clowns

had been used at rodeos and the crowds cheered that as well

Well, you should be able to produce a video..or news story or something, right?

some dumb-shit assholes will read "race" into anything...

the rodeo was attended by rural folks, whom I 'spect were 90+% conservative...

and no fans of Obama because of his politics, not because of the shade of his skin...

I imagine a similar gathering of libs would have hooted and hollered and clapped for a clown in a GWB mask back when GWB was president...

it really only depends on who is office at the time

when bush was in office bush dummy clowns

had been used at rodeos and the crowds cheered that as well

Well, you should be able to produce a video..or news story or something, right?


back up nine or ten posts

and you find out i already had
another funny thing

Mark Ficken (the announcer at the rodeo)

who is the superintendent of Bonnerville public schools

has lawyered up over this

lefties will fall for anything

the "clown" was a dummy a prop


Holy shit...the 'clown' is a grown man in a costume. What next from you right wing pea brains? Professional wrestling is real??

no it was not

it was a dummy a prop

now the prop has been fired



(CNN) -- A rodeo stunt at the Missouri State Fair has come under criticism after a clown donned a Barack Obama mask and stuck on a broom that descended from his backside.

Rodeo clown mocks Obama at Missouri State Fair -
omg what part of Its a fucking clown don't you get?

I cant believe what you just posted.

What this clown did was wrong

Holy toledo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Are you aware that clown are REAL people? Do you know that cartoon characters are not real?

People from BOTH sides agree it was wrong.

Clown banned from Missouri State Fair amid outrage over Obama act

The Missouri State Fair imposed a lifetime ban on the rodeo clown whose depiction of Obama getting charged by a bull was widely criticized by Democratic and Republican officials alike.

The rodeo clown won't be allowed to participate or perform at the fair again. Fair officials say they're also reviewing whether to take any action against the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association, the contractor responsible for Saturday's event.

“The performance by one of the rodeo clowns at Saturday’s event was inappropriate and disrespectful, and does not reflect the opinions or standards of the Missouri State Fair,” the statement read. “We strive to be a family friendly event and regret that Saturday’s rodeo badly missed that mark.”

Condemnation came from both sides of the aisle.

Republican Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder weighed in in a series of Twitter posts. Kinder said he loved the fair and planned to attend but said the clown’s performance reflected poorly on the state.

“I condemn the actions disrespectful to (the president of the United States) the other night. We are better than this.”

The event organizer, the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association, apologized on its website, calling the act “inappropriate.”

Read more here: Clown banned from Missouri State Fair amid outrage over Obama act -

lefties will fall for anything

the "clown" was a dummy a prop


Most appropriate. So is Zerobama.
Lighten the fuck up Libberhoids.....
Just a bunch of good old boys having fun.
Go burn an effigy of Bush-Hitler. You assholes will feel better.

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