Rodeo Clown Dressed As Obama Gets Run Down By Bull. White Crowd Goes Wild.

When one is a racist, they see race in everything.

We need to go back to putting Bush's head on a stick, I guess

In the wake of ‘Clown-gate’ at the Missouri State Fair, it appears that professional rodeo clowns will think twice before mocking the president.

But in 1994, Douglas A. Campbell, a writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer chronicled a rodeo clown even featuring George H.W. Bush.

From the report:

The big white gate flew open. The bull came out bucking. The rider flopped from side to side and the bullfighters held back, letting the bull make his moves until the rider dropped off. Licciardello crouched in a heavily padded barrel, a human target should the bull decide to charge. Hawkins waited near the barrel, holding his big inner tube. A dummy with a George Bush mask stood beside the clown, propped up by a broomstick.

Much more on this funny story:

In 1994, there was a ?George Bush? rodeo clown dummy |
How many Nixon, Reagan and Bush masks are sold every day in America and worn at every conceivable event for decades?
This all about whitey is a racist if he dare make fun of a black person.
And it is media once again playing the race card and guilty dumb ass politically correct milk weak sissies following lock step with their agenda.
Fuck them, the rodeo clown was funny. If it was a white President none of you fucks would have said a word.


You’re the first president in history to actually order the assassination of American citizens, and I say why stop with some Muslim propagandist and his completely innocent son who never committed any crime at all?


can we forget the film maker that caused the Benghazi attacks?

what ever happened to him?

He is out of prison living in transitional housing waiting for Hillary to run for president. He wants to make more films about the reality of islam.
behold your god


sing unto the cities of judah

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I went to a rodeo once and some of the top riders were blacks and some of the clowns also.
I bet top dinero they laughed their asses off.
I remember my junior year one of the black D lineman took a #18 jersey with small pads and put white cream on his face and went to the Halloween party as a QB. We laughed our ass off and we had a losing streak my senior year and we had a hula party and the kicker dressed up like a black guy.
When will we ever learn to laugh at AND WITH each other?

Send in the Obama Clowns

August 15, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


The Missouri State Fair apologized and banned the unnamed rodeo clown for life and announced that they are reviewing their contract with the Missouri Rodeo Cowboys Association. Their next contract will hopefully have an ironclad “No Mocking Obama” clause in place to prevent another tragedy from taking place.

The announcer has resigned as president of the Cowboys Association, even though he had yet to be caught smuggling assault rifles to Mexican drug dealers or lying about a terrorist attack on an American diplomatic facility, and may also be forced to resign as Superintendent of the Boonville School District.

The vicious monster claimed that it wasn’t his voice on the tape saying “he’s gonna getcha, getcha!” but did concede that he said, “Watch out for that bull, Obama.” Several news organizations are currently analyzing the tape, as if it came from a gentleman named Zapruder, to determine the voice behind the rodeo thoughtcrime.

The Kansas City Star described the bull run as “borderline illegal”. “The U.S. Secret Service takes threats against the president seriously,” its editorial said. “While the president himself was in no danger here, it’s the kind of stupid activity that could give nuts ideas about harming the president.”


But that was America; a strange and different country. It was not perfect, but rodeo clowns, comedians and your neighbor Bob felt free to mock the President of the United States without worrying that the heavy hand of manufactured outrage would descend on their necks.

It is hard to describe that America to a younger generation that has never lived in it and has never known anything other than the liberal morality mobs of the Obama age eager to pounce on some offense of heteronormative white privilege committed against liberal conformity.


Send in the Obama Clowns | FrontPage Magazine
How many Nixon, Reagan and Bush masks are sold every day in America and worn at every conceivable event for decades?
This all about whitey is a racist if he dare make fun of a black person.
And it is media once again playing the race card and guilty dumb ass politically correct milk weak sissies following lock step with their agenda.
Fuck them, the rodeo clown was funny. If it was a white President none of you fucks would have said a word.

that dont matter dude

we are talking about the chosen one here

update on Mark Ficken

Missouri school officials looking into rodeo clown Obama skit may lose job

BOONVILLE, Mo., Aug. 14 (UPI) -- Missouri officials say they will look into whether school district employees engaged in "offensive conduct or remarks" in a controversial state fair rodeo skit.

Missouri State Fair officials have banned a rodeo clown for life from the fair for the skit in which he wore a Barack Obama mask and taunted a bull. The state fair commission apologized Sunday for the clown's performance at the taxpayer-funded state fair in Sedalia.

Mark Ficken resigned Tuesday as president of the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association after fair officials fired the clown for what it called "disrespectful" treatment of the president.

Ficken, who was the public address announcer at Saturday's event, is also superintendent of the Boonville School District. He has disputed media reports he delivered lines that fair officials said were "inappropriate and disrespectful, and [did] not reflect the opinions or standards of the Missouri State Fair."

Ficken contends he only delivered the single statement, "Watch out for that bull Obama!" as a warning to the clown that the bull was approaching.

In a statement, the Boonville School District said it "will not tolerate racially inflammatory statements by its District employees" and it has taken steps to hire an outside investigator, The (St. Louis) Riverfront Times reported Wednesday.

"At the conclusion of the investigation, if it is discovered that District employees participated in the offensive conduct or remarks, then the District will take appropriate action."

Boonville, MO, school officials looking into rodeo clown Obama skit -
Rush nails the liberals again:

RUSH: This Missouri clown situation is so out of hand and out of proportion, and I'm gonna tell you what this is like, and I'm not gonna pull any punches. This is no different than those countries reacting freakishly when there were cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. That is exactly what this is. It is as though President Obama is a messiah or is a god and this little thing that happened at the Missouri State Fair is a defamation, a denunciation, almost a religious sacrilege that took place.


Now, folks, this dovetails into something else. There's something happening out there, I don't want to make too big a deal of this, but for four and a half years -- well, let's give it four years. Six months people signed on and willing to see what happened. Yeah, the C. S. Lewis quote is "The devil, that proud spirit, cannot endure to be mocked." That's C. S. Lewis. So don't get mad at me, stupid idiots in the media and on the left. Take it up with C. S. Lewis.

Libs can't stand freedom of speech, especially about their Messiah....or perhaps we should refer to Obama as their 'Muhammed.'
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Rush nails the liberals again:

RUSH: This Missouri clown situation is so out of hand and out of proportion, and I'm gonna tell you what this is like, and I'm not gonna pull any punches. This is no different than those countries reacting freakishly when there were cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. That is exactly what this is. It is as though President Obama is a messiah or is a god and this little thing that happened at the Missouri State Fair is a defamation, a denunciation, almost a religious sacrilege that took place.


Now, folks, this dovetails into something else. There's something happening out there, I don't want to make too big a deal of this, but for four and a half years -- well, let's give it four years. Six months people signed on and willing to see what happened. Yeah, the C. S. Lewis quote is "The devil, that proud spirit, cannot endure to be mocked." That's C. S. Lewis. So don't get mad at me, stupid idiots in the media and on the left. Take it up with C. S. Lewis.

Libs can't stand freedom of speech, especially about their Messiah....or perhaps we should refer to Obama as their 'Muhammed.'

spot on
And it was disrespectful then. Why follow their example? Why not be above that?

Whose following their example? I'm just pointing out the whiners are full of shit. big ears dumbo is not a god they should stop acting like he is.

Did you whine when they did it to Bush? Did other republicans whine when they did it to Bush?
Answer truthfully.

No I did not whine when it was done to bush. Did the media have a firestorm over what happen when it was done to bush? Did people lose their job when it was done to Bush? No I don't think so.
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Whose following their example? I'm just pointing out the whiners are full of shit. big ears dumbo is not a god they should stop acting like he is.

Did you whine when they did it to Bush? Did other republicans whine when they did it to Bush?
Answer truthfully.

No I did not whine when it was done to bush. Did the media have a firestorm over what happen when it was done to bush? Did people lose their job when it was done to Bush? No I don't think so.

Rogue Rodeo Clown’s car spotted in Texas

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
I guess letting states do what they want and what they see fit is unfashionable with the Righties again.
It's the Progressives who can't stand freedom of speech.
True liberals love freedom of speech just like the rest of us.

We have to get the progressives out of both parties and Journalism.
The Progressives high-jacked the word liberal and they are far from the ideology of true liberals.
They are the ones who don't like freedom of any kind and are anti constitutional.

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