Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

At what week in pregnancy can a baby survive outside the womb?​

The earliest a baby has been born and survived is 21 weeks and 5 days. Two premature babies hold the record for this.

Surprisingly, the first record holder was born in 1987, a time when the medical care of premature babies (neonatology) was a very new field.

However, this is well before the accepted age of viability. Usually, the earliest a baby can survive is about 22 weeks gestation. The age of viability is 24 weeks.

At 22 weeks, there’s a 0-10% chance of survival; at 24 weeks the survival rate is 40-70%.


  • In 2019, 79% of all U.S. abortions occurred prior to the 10th week of gestation; 93% occurred prior to 14 weeks’ gestation (CDC).
  • Percentage of 2019 Reported Abortions by Weeks of Gestation* (CDC):
    ≤6 wks7-9 wks10-13 wks14-15 wks16-17 wks18-20 wks≥21 wks
    *Gestational weeks are measured from the first day of the woman's last menstruation and not from the day of conception. Though it does not provide an accurate fetal age (which is roughly 2 weeks less than the gestational age), it is the simplest way for an OB/GYN to age a pregnancy since the day of conception is often not known. Hence, if an abortion occurs at 8 weeks gestation, it is actually aborting a 6 week embryo. The images on our Prenatal Development and Abortion Pictures pages are more precisely captioned with fetal ages in accordance with standard teaching texts on prenatal development.
If a woman aborts at six weeks she is killing a child

(8 weeks after the first day of the last normal menstrual period)

  • The embryo is about 1/2-inch and has a four-chambered heart and nostrils.
  • Electrical activity begins in the developing brain and nervous system.
  • The brain continues to form.
  • The lungs begin to form.
  • Fingers and toes begin to form, and arms and legs have grown longer.
  • Feet and hands can be distinguished and now have fingers and toes (digits), which may still be webbed.
  • The shell-shaped parts of the baby's ears are forming, and the baby's eyes are visible. The upper lip and nose have formed.
  • The trunk of the baby's body is beginning to straighten.

If a woman aborts at six weeks she is killing a child

(8 weeks after the first day of the last normal menstrual period)

  • The embryo is about 1/2-inch and has a four-chambered heart and nostrils.
  • Electrical activity begins in the developing brain and nervous system.
  • The brain continues to form.
  • The lungs begin to form.
  • Fingers and toes begin to form, and arms and legs have grown longer.
  • Feet and hands can be distinguished and now have fingers and toes (digits), which may still be webbed.
  • The shell-shaped parts of the baby's ears are forming, and the baby's eyes are visible. The upper lip and nose have formed.
  • The trunk of the baby's body is beginning to straighten.

And that is the question Roe Verus Wade refused to address.........they used Viability and ran the hell away.

They are killing a child

Your Baby's Development at 24 Weeks​

At 24 weeks, a baby is about 8 1/4 inches (21.3 centimeters) from the top of the head to the bottom of the buttocks (known as the crown-rump length). A baby's height is approximately 12 inches or 1 foot (30.4 centimeters) from the top of the head to the heel (crown-heel length).1 This week, a baby typically weighs 24 ounces or 1 1/2 pounds (665 grams).2

Gaining Weight​

Your baby is in rapid-growth mode, putting on about 3 to 6 ounces each week.2 Part of that weight gain is coming from the addition of fat. This fat does more than smooth out wrinkles. It also helps the baby retain body heat and regulate temperature.3


The branches of the baby’s lungs are forming, as well as the cells that make surfactant, a natural substance that lines the tiny air sacs (called alveoli) in the lungs to make breathing possible.4 While a small amount of surfactant is now present, the lungs are still immature. Babies born this early have a hard time breathing.5


Your baby’s inner ear—which controls hearing and balance—is continuing to develop.6 By 24 weeks, your baby may begin responding to sounds.7


The eyelids closed and sealed together around week 11. They began to separate during week 20. By 24 weeks, the eyelids have separated, and are beginning to take their final shape.8

Survival Outside the Womb​

Babies born at 24 weeks can survive outside the uterus, but they are extremely premature. They have difficulty breathing, need advanced medical care, and often have many health challenges. At 24 weeks, 42% to 59% of babies survive to go home with their families.9

At 24 weeks pregnant, your baby is about the length of a newborn onesie

They are killing a child

Your Baby's Development at 24 Weeks​

At 24 weeks, a baby is about 8 1/4 inches (21.3 centimeters) from the top of the head to the bottom of the buttocks (known as the crown-rump length). A baby's height is approximately 12 inches or 1 foot (30.4 centimeters) from the top of the head to the heel (crown-heel length).1 This week, a baby typically weighs 24 ounces or 1 1/2 pounds (665 grams).2

Gaining Weight​

Your baby is in rapid-growth mode, putting on about 3 to 6 ounces each week.2 Part of that weight gain is coming from the addition of fat. This fat does more than smooth out wrinkles. It also helps the baby retain body heat and regulate temperature.3


The branches of the baby’s lungs are forming, as well as the cells that make surfactant, a natural substance that lines the tiny air sacs (called alveoli) in the lungs to make breathing possible.4 While a small amount of surfactant is now present, the lungs are still immature. Babies born this early have a hard time breathing.5


Your baby’s inner ear—which controls hearing and balance—is continuing to develop.6 By 24 weeks, your baby may begin responding to sounds.7


The eyelids closed and sealed together around week 11. They began to separate during week 20. By 24 weeks, the eyelids have separated, and are beginning to take their final shape.8

Survival Outside the Womb​

Babies born at 24 weeks can survive outside the uterus, but they are extremely premature. They have difficulty breathing, need advanced medical care, and often have many health challenges. At 24 weeks, 42% to 59% of babies survive to go home with their families.9

At 24 weeks pregnant, your baby is about the length of a newborn onesie
I'm quoting the laws. And the real consequences of it. And how this is Red States trying to end it here.
They’d rather let an election be stolen and have the loser claim the presidency than wade into uncomfortable waters. I do blame Roberts, mostly. I lost confidence in him when he twisted into a pretzel to decide that the obviously unconstitutional Obamacare could be allowed.
He also twisted in a pretzel to decide that illegals offspring born here would be citizens despite what the law actually said.
That is unfortunate that she became emotional, but it is somewhat logical to become upset when emotions are possibly going to play a part in bringing down sound policy like Roe versus Wade.
Count your blessings if you missed seeing a mental case coming unglued.
They’d rather let an election be stolen and have the loser claim the presidency than wade into uncomfortable waters. I do blame Roberts, mostly. I lost confidence in him when he twisted into a pretzel to decide that the obviously unconstitutional Obamacare could be allowed.
Some scholarly Constitutional minds skip practical matters such as "How is this idea going to be funded?"

In this case other issues were circumvented as well. I do not know enough of the laws passed in the last few years to be a critic.
Some scholarly Constitutional minds skip practical matters such as "How is this idea going to be funded?"

In this case other issues were circumvented as well. I do not know enough of the laws passed in the last few years to be a critic.
It’s not even that. It’s not up to the SCOTUS to determine how something is to be funded; its job is to determine if an idea is Constitutional. Obamacare was not. The government cannot force individuals to purchase private products simply because they are American citizens. Roberts is bought and paid for.
Not your place to tell her how many children she should have, or if she should adop any. So many men taking down to a woman on this thread, it betrays literally everything liberals say they believe about women.
It's as bad as pro life people calling unwanted fetuses in other women's bodies " unborn child ".
Depriving women of the freedom they have enjoyed for 50 years and permitting the authoritarians to arrogate that freedom to their politicians and bureaucrats is a retrogression most Americans oppose. Advanced states will protect freedom.
How is taking the decision about what should or shouldn't be legal away from the few and giving it to the many, authoritarian? Your contention is that having 9 lifetime appointed individuals making decisions is less authoritarian than State legislatures which are answerable to the electorate doing it?
New York that allows abortion on demand at ANY TIME INCLUDING AT BIRTH.
That's a lie. The freedom women have enjoyed in New York for the past half century is the same as women have enjoyed in the other 49

Authoritarian statists seizing control and denying women that freedom is likely to occur only in retrogressive states, and women in those repressive jurisdictions will look to the advanced states to retain the control of their bodies that the statists are consigning to their politicians.
That's a lie. The freedom women have enjoyed in New York for the past half century is the same as women have enjoyed in the other 49

Authoritarian statists seizing control and denying women that freedom is likely to occur only in retrogressive states, and women in those repressive jurisdictions will look to the advanced states to retain the control of their bodies that the statists are consigning to their politicians.
Freedom to kill at birth. Lol

Ive shown links that show states who have late term abortion laws which is allowed by Roe v Wade.

You are either ignorant or a liar. Which is it?
How is taking the decision about what should or shouldn't be legal away from the few and giving it to the many, authoritarian? Your contention is that having 9 lifetime appointed individuals making decisions is less authoritarian than State legislatures which are answerable to the electorate doing it?
Taking a woman's personal control away from her and assigning it to the State is an impersonal tyranny that denies her the right to make reproductive decisions for herself in consultation with loved ones and spiritual and medical advisers who know her and whom she trusts.

Statists taking a woman's freedom away is antithetical to the progress of reproductive liberty throughout advanced, democratic nations.

Reverting to the state womb control of Egypt, Iran, Honduras, and El Salvador is not progress.

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