Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

My sister counts, remembers, and named, her miscarried child
That is appropriate for women who want to carry their pregnancies to full term and end up with a child. I have a second cousin who do the same thing, she went 6 months, knew something was wrong so she went to the her doctor. Unfortunately she was right, if you just had already died. Her and her husband both carried some autosomal recessive condition, I don't remember what it was. They had a memorial service and even a little grave. It was years ago. Rather than take another chance she had a hysterectomy and they adopted her children a boy and a girl. So it did work out for them after all.
yeah real cute thar Bub.What about the Rights of the Unborn.
Used to be universally sacred and sacrosanct.
No one would dare talk in public in the 50's the way
they do today about the Unborn.Says all one need know
about humanity and the Human condition.
It's getting worse by the month.Already halfway past the point of no return.Humanity and the human condition cannot
sustain much more of this Deplorableness.
Where even a Pope has been sustainably made weak and
" One day posterity will remember
This strange era,these strange times,when
Ordinary common honesty was called Courage. "
Yevgeny Yevtushenko {Dissident Russian Poet }
There's no such thing as an unborn child.
That is appropriate for women who want to carry their pregnancies to full term and end up with a child. I have a second cousin who do the same thing, she went 6 months, knew something was wrong so she went to the her doctor. Unfortunately she was right, if you just had already died. Her and her husband both carried some autosomal recessive condition, I don't remember what it was. They had a memorial service and even a little grave. It was years ago. Rather than take another chance she had a hysterectomy and they adopted her children a boy and a girl. So it did work out for them after all.
Rare example and show me the states that would not protect the life of the mother in these instances?
Sean Hannity is reporting the same thing.

Thank God. Nowhere in the constitution does it make abortion legal. This should be up to the states.
The founding fathers were smart, they knew that was women's business and they kept out of it. Yes abortions did occur in colonial America as they have in the history of the world since the ancient Egyptians they're the first ones we know of who used herbs to induce abortion. There's also nothing in the Constitution that forbids abortion. Remember at the time only white land owning men were able to vote and women were property at the time.
Then tell thevDAs that as if you kill a pregnant mother yoy will be tried for murder of the unborn child
True. if you kill a pregnant woman, it’s two counts of murder. So in that case, they’re counting the unborn child as a person, whose life was stolen.

Basically, it comes down to this: a woman is allowed to commit murder on her own unborn child, but nobody else is. You really shouldn’t be able to define whether an unborn child has a right to life based on who his murderer is.
There's no such thing as an unborn child.
You are partially correct.An unborn child is not
a thing.But a living,breathing potential child waiting
in the womb.The unborn are Human.
Not animal or vegetable.Like some Mommies who think
it cute to brag about their abortions.
I could easily make the case that Robins are close
to 10 times more concerned about their baby chicks
in their nest than Today's Democrat Hag Mommies.
The founding fathers were smart, they knew that was women's business and they kept out of it. Yes abortions did occur in colonial America as they have in the history of the world since the ancient Egyptians they're the first ones we know of who used herbs to induce abortion. There's also nothing in the Constitution that forbids abortion. Remember at the time only white land owning men were able to vote and women were property at the time.
There’s nothing in the Constitution that forbids lots of things. That’s because it was developed specifically to not have much say on all sorts of things. That is left for the states to decide.
The founding fathers were smart, they knew that was women's business and they kept out of it. Yes abortions did occur in colonial America as they have in the history of the world since the ancient Egyptians they're the first ones we know of who used herbs to induce abortion. There's also nothing in the Constitution that forbids abortion. Remember at the time only white land owning men were able to vote and women were property at the time.
No mention AT ALL about Abortion in our Constitution.
End of discussion on the matter.
You can't compare apples to oranges in some
Swamp.Unless one is a Democrat jerk.Which is par
on their golf links.
Rare example and show me the states that would not protect the life of the mother in these instances?
So that would state, that the mother's life has priority over the life of the fetus. That's a good start. Michigan's abortion law went so far as to say what does and does not constitute a threat to the mother's life. Mississippi's law says instead of a threat to the mother's life it has to be a medical emergency. Not all of these threats are an emergency, some are long-term and have horrific endings. Both of these States laws are problematic. Plus 13 states have trigger laws in effect banning all abortions if Roe versus Wade is repealed. Many do not have exceptions for rape, incest and saving the life of the mother.
There’s nothing in the Constitution that forbids lots of things. That’s because it was developed specifically to not have much say on all sorts of things. That is left for the states to decide.
That being said the states should follow that lead it's sensible we don't want overbearing government either state or federal. And a woman's womb is definitely not a place state or federal should be in.
Anything short of a full reversal of the ruling is going to be problematic. A compromise will always be suspect because one wonders whether it was decided based under duress of threats of violence from the leftist savages.

Even worse….the leftist savages will consider a compromise a “win,” and will prepare for the next round of death threats for the next case. And our traitorous president will congratulate them on successfully threatening the justices into taking the leftist position.
That being said the states should follow that lead it's sensible we don't want overbearing government either state or federal. And a woman's womb is definitely not a place state or federal should be in.
Yes it is, if it involves torturing to death a viable baby.

State’s rights.
So that would state, that the mother's life has priority over the life of the fetus. That's a good start. Michigan's abortion law went so far as to say what does and does not constitute a threat to the mother's life. Mississippi's law says instead of a threat to the mother's life it has to be a medical emergency. Not all of these threats are an emergency, some are long-term and have horrific endings. Both of these States laws are problematic. Plus 13 states have trigger laws in effect banning all abortions if Roe versus Wade is repealed. Many do not have exceptions for rape, incest and saving the life of the mother.
There are trigger laws but dont all ban abortion completely. Pretty much all blue states have no laws banning abortion.

It affects them Zero. Yet they are screaming like maniacs
There’s nothing in the Constitution that forbids lots of things. That’s because it was developed specifically to not have much say on all sorts of things. That is left for the states to decide.
Our Supreme Court exists to interpret what our Founders
wrote in the Constitution.
It appears that Founder Benjamin Franklin was
onto something with :
" Our Constitution is in actual operation;
everything appears to promise that it will last.;
but nothing is certain in this world but death
and taxes. " - Letters {
to M.Leroy of the French Academy
of Sciences } 1789
There are trigger laws but dont all ban abortion completely. Pretty much all blue states have no laws banning abortion.

It affects them Zero. Yet they are screaming like maniacs
Sensible people live everywhere. I live in a red state. And yes people get upset when their rights are taken away from them.
Anything short of a full reversal of the ruling is going to be problematic. A compromise will always be suspect because one wonders whether it was decided based under duress of threats of violence from the leftist savages.

Even worse….the leftist savages will consider a compromise a “win,” and will prepare for the next round of death threats for the next case. And our traitorous president will congratulate them on successfully threatening the justices into taking the leftist position.
We have gotten to this point after decades of far right wing nuts terrorizing abortion clinics and murdering their staff. This whole pro-life movement is very calculating and manipulative. They know just who to hit with their emotional reaction to other people's abortions that they don't care about and don't even know. It's like the king of the busy bodies has invaded the minds of what otherwise would be sensible supreme Court judges and sensible regular people.
Sensible people live everywhere. I live in a red state. And yes people get upset when their rights are taken away from them.
What right have you lost? The decusion is only a leak. What prevents you from travelung?

Each state will decide its fate ss it should be under the constittution. We refuse to accept late term abortion as necessary

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