Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

We have gotten to this point after decades of far right wing nuts terrorizing abortion clinics and murdering their staff. This whole pro-life movement is very calculating and manipulative. They know just who to hit with their emotional reaction to other people's abortions that they don't care about and don't even know. It's like the king of the busy bodies has invaded the minds of what otherwise would be sensible supreme Court judges and sensible regular people.
So,then it would be appaling to even consider Stopping
The Biggest Serial Killer in American History and his
House of Horrors.Or Dr.Kermit Gosnell from practicing.
It was just luck that ended Gosnells Abortion clinic
in Philly.He was over prescribing Oxycontin.And was under
investigation by the DEA.
What Investigators found when they finally managed to
storm his Clinic was " appaling ".
Describing it to the Grand Jury :
" as filthy,deplorable,disgusting,very unsanitary,
very outdated,horrendous,and by far the worst "
that these investigators had ever encountered.
There was blood on the floor.A stench of urine filled
the air.A flea-infested cat was wandering through the
facility,and there were cat feces on the stairs.Semi-conscious women waiting for abortions were moaning
in the waiting and recovery rooms.Where they sat on
dirty recliners covered with blood-stained blankets.
I hear you loud and clear. Given that the federal government and the state run things so well, what other medical advice should we seek from them !
None, because them (the government) working for the leftist is what got this country in the jam that it's in now.
So,then it would be appaling to even consider Stopping
The Biggest Serial Killer in American History and his
House of Horrors.Or Dr.Kermit Gosnell from practicing.
It was just luck that ended Gosnells Abortion clinic
in Philly.He was over prescribing Oxycontin.And was under
investigation by the DEA.
What Investigators found when they finally managed to
storm his Clinic was " appaling ".
Describing it to the Grand Jury :
" as filthy,deplorable,disgusting,very unsanitary,
very outdated,horrendous,and by far the worst "
that these investigators had ever encountered.
There was blood on the floor.A stench of urine filled
the air.A flea-infested cat was wandering through the
facility,and there were cat feces on the stairs.Semi-conscious women waiting for abortions were moaning
in the waiting and recovery rooms.Where they sat on
dirty recliners covered with blood-stained blankets.
Sounds hellish enough.
I already did you loser. And a pregnant mother who knew what the sex was would probably already have given her/ him a name. But let's talk about what is usually being aborted when an abortion occurs. Since 52% of abortions occur before the 7th. week, we are talking about a physical life form that is about a half inch long, it has no eyes, it has a primitive brain that has just started to function, 1/3 of the body length is a tail, it has buds where the arms will be and the legs haven't formed yet. Tissues are starting to specialize and form organs. A primitive heart has just started beating also to serve the specialized tissues. The picture you show of what is supposed to be a late-term fetus ( the picture is a fake ) is seldom aborted I think it amounts to .043 % of all abortions. I'm just trying to show you how ridiculous showing that picture was. No offense intended, but you have to be brought back down to reality somehow. These emotional displays are sad.
I stopped within your first few words when you called me “loser.” What an arrogant leftist, name-calling people because they won’t submit to his opinion.
I stopped within your first few words when you called me “loser.” What an arrogant leftist, name-calling people because they won’t submit to his opinion.
Not sure why the guy has been given the time that he's been given on the subject(?), because he's definitely not right on anything he's said on the subject so far.
And that affects your right somehow ? A law, which actually is a sentence, has skipped the judicial process altogether. Shame, guilt, morality; these don't make for good law. They do work well in the fascist States however. It's one of the things they need in order to function.
As you ignore the rights of an unborn child that you deny exists.

Time we said something.........and time we said NOT IN OUR STATE...........Drive your sorry ass out of Alabama if you want to be a Barbarian.
I already did you loser. And a pregnant mother who knew what the sex was would probably already have given her/ him a name. But let's talk about what is usually being aborted when an abortion occurs. Since 52% of abortions occur before the 7th. week, we are talking about a physical life form that is about a half inch long, it has no eyes, it has a primitive brain that has just started to function, 1/3 of the body length is a tail, it has buds where the arms will be and the legs haven't formed yet. Tissues are starting to specialize and form organs. A primitive heart has just started beating also to serve the specialized tissues. The picture you show of what is supposed to be a late-term fetus ( the picture is a fake ) is seldom aborted I think it amounts to .043 % of all abortions. I'm just trying to show you how ridiculous showing that picture was. No offense intended, but you have to be brought back down to reality somehow. These emotional displays are sad.
Says the one who this issue doesn't affect's PARTY is advocating killing SCOTUS.

Fuck off.
So,then it would be appaling to even consider Stopping
The Biggest Serial Killer in American History and his
House of Horrors.Or Dr.Kermit Gosnell from practicing.
It was just luck that ended Gosnells Abortion clinic
in Philly.He was over prescribing Oxycontin.And was under
investigation by the DEA.
What Investigators found when they finally managed to
storm his Clinic was " appaling ".
Describing it to the Grand Jury :
" as filthy,deplorable,disgusting,very unsanitary,
very outdated,horrendous,and by far the worst "
that these investigators had ever encountered.
There was blood on the floor.A stench of urine filled
the air.A flea-infested cat was wandering through the
facility,and there were cat feces on the stairs.Semi-conscious women waiting for abortions were moaning
in the waiting and recovery rooms.Where they sat on
dirty recliners covered with blood-stained blankets.
Since three of the supreme Court justices are basically perjured themselves by their testimony before Congress before they were installed. They should do the right thing and abstain from this vote.
Says the one who this issue doesn't affect's PARTY is advocating killing SCOTUS.

Fuck off.
I think you have me confused with someone else. Read the above statement to tell me where I said it's okay to kill scotus. You are quite a trip, or you're on one.
Since three of the supreme Court justices are basically perjured themselves by their testimony before Congress before they were installed. They should do the right thing and abstain from this vote.

Says the ones wanting to kill them because they might disagree.

Up yours. Looks like Roe is about to die................GOOD............

And our people will pass laws accordingly..........We in Alabama don't care if you don't like..........don't like it...........Carry your sorry butt out of here.
I stopped within your first few words when you called me “loser.” What an arrogant leftist, name-calling people because they won’t submit to his opinion.
I called you a loser because of the things you said they're disgusting.
I think you have me confused with someone else. Read the above statement to tell me where I said it's okay to kill scotus. You are quite a trip, or you're on one.
I've watched the DNC and politicians DOXXING out their adresses and calling for violence.

Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

Your endless BS is starting to bore me.

Says the ones wanting to kill them because they might disagree.

Up yours. Looks like Roe is about to die................GOOD............

And our people will pass laws accordingly..........We in Alabama don't care if you don't like..........don't like it...........Carry your sorry butt out of here.
You're insane I never said I wanted anybody killed. Those are things that people like you and other extremists keep saying.
I've watched the DNC and politicians DOXXING out their adresses and calling for violence.

Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

Your endless BS is starting to bore me.
I am not even a Democrat you crazy people. I don't believe any Democrats are calling for violence, they're calling for a lot of protest because this is unheard of.
You're insane I never said I wanted anybody killed. Those are things that people like you and other extremists keep saying.
Guilt by association with the left..............Tell me you aren't a DNC loving wanker. Well?

I've watched the DNC and politicians DOXXING out their adresses and calling for violence.

Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

Your endless BS is starting to bore me.
Every time I post something no one debates what I say I guess they can't. It's easy to get bored when you run out of excuses for your cause. Goodbye.
Guilt by association with the left..............Tell me you aren't a DNC loving wanker. Well?

Basically Republicans want to criminalize women who want want or need abortions. Yes I think I'm going to side with the Democrats on this one.
Every time I post something no one debates what I say I guess they can't. It's easy to get bored when you run out of excuses for your cause. Goodbye.
Don't let the door hit your ass...............fitting symbol of the DNC............on the way out.
Basically Republicans want to criminalize women who want want or need abortions. Yes I think I'm going to side with the Democrats on this one.
That's because you are a LIAR........and have been with them the whole time...............

You will not tell Alabama how to live and we'll do the same for you..........Time to end this leftist BS.

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