Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Don't let the door hit your ass...............fitting symbol of the DNC............on the way out.
I will be going to bed in a couple hours but in the meantime I will keep checking back to see what you idiots are up to. Yes I called you an idiot. You're trying to do something that shouldn't be done. There are many things you can control in life, trying to control other people that you don't know and don't care about is one of the worst things people should be doing. It has no place in a free Nation. Things like this can only should be done in a fascist state.
I will be going to bed in a couple hours but in the meantime I will keep checking back to see what you idiots are up to. Yes I called you an idiot. You're trying to do something that shouldn't be done. There are many things you can control in life, trying to control other people that you don't know and don't care about is one of the worst things people should be doing. It has no place in a free Nation. Things like this can only should be done in a fascist state.
While you sleep............Dream about someone who cares who you call an idiot.
Sounds like you're the one who needs to go to bed. Try to have a good night, I plan on it.
If if you're not too sleepy Saturday night just came out of there doing a great skit about this abortion insanity. It all centers on judge alito's quoting a British law from 1295 in his attempt to criminalize abortion. It really hits the point.
You leftist swine really are insane, and I'm dead serious. You just need to be BURIED beginning in November.
Maybe I said that wrong. I meant to say that the fetus has the potential to become a human being, if it has all the right conditions. As we all know not every pregnancy continues to full term. Pregnancy has all types of complications, many lead to death before fruition. And of course God takes his toll in miscarriages. You didn't threaten me just because we disagree about this issue. That is very sick of you. To choose the rights of a potential human being over the rights of women who are definitely here and exist. That makes no sense to me.
Maybe I said that wrong. I meant to say that the fetus has the potential to become a human being, if it has all the right conditions. As we all know not every pregnancy continues to full term. Pregnancy has all types of complications, many lead to death before fruition. And of course God takes his toll in miscarriages. You didn't threaten me just because we disagree about this issue. That is very sick of you. To choose the rights of a potential human being over the rights of women who are definitely here and exist. That makes no sense to me.
From Saturday Night Live, " Happy Mother's Day - You may not be a perfect person, but you're a perfect mom.
Maybe I said that wrong. I meant to say that the fetus has the potential to become a human being, if it has all the right conditions. As we all know not every pregnancy continues to full term. Pregnancy has all types of complications, many lead to death before fruition. And of course God takes his toll in miscarriages. You didn't threaten me just because we disagree about this issue. That is very sick of you. To choose the rights of a potential human being over the rights of women who are definitely here and exist. That makes no sense to me.
This is why recreational sex outside of marriage has always been recognized as a sin. A LIFE has been created and you want to ignore the responsibility of the parents who created that LIFE.

Over 60 million LIVES have been murdered because of liberal "morality." It's really no different than Nazi Germany who had no use for their UNWANTED Jewish population.
This is why recreational sex outside of marriage has always been recognized as a sin. A LIFE has been created and you want to ignore the responsibility of the parents who created that LIFE.

Over 60 million LIVES have been murdered because of liberal "morality." It's really no different than Nazi Germany who had no use for their UNWANTED Jewish population.
If that statistic is even true, it only represents potential birth not the true number that would have occurred had there been no abortions. There are lots of contributing factors to fetal fatalities, abortion is just one of them. I guess you never heard of miscarriages, that's a nice way of saying one of the fetuses that god snuffed out. And my question to you the world is already overpopulated what would we do with 60 million more people I mean most people on the right are complaining about the 10 million undocumented immigrants in our nation what would they do with 60 million more people that are basically unwanted, overall most of these would become high School dropouts, criminals and and people with mental problems. Just what we need more of those, and more miles to feed in a world where food hunters just getting off to a horrific start and it's only going to get worse because no one's cooperating no one's helping solve the problem. I understand people can't help themselves and they have sex all the time it's just crazy the way these heterosexuals carry on.
The founding fathers were smart, they knew that was women's business and they kept out of it. Yes abortions did occur in colonial America as they have in the history of the world since the ancient Egyptians they're the first ones we know of who used herbs to induce abortion. There's also nothing in the Constitution that forbids abortion. Remember at the time only white land owning men were able to vote and women were property at the time.

There is nothing in the constitution forbidding the ownership of automatic weapons either.

You really wanna continue?
Only with people who have relevant arguments to make.
It's after midnight here and I'll be going to bed soon. So it's mother's Day. " Happy Mother's Day " I'm glad you had the right to make the choice that was right for you without any government interference. Cherish what you have, it is your right.
I stopped within your first few words when you called me “loser.” What an arrogant leftist, name-calling people because they won’t submit to his opinion.
That is unfortunate because you would have learned something besides that photo was an obvious fake. Plus it was obviously made to make sure you had a emotional response and see the fetus as a child not what it really is. Most abortions occur before the 7th week, the fetus is unrecognizable as a human being at that point.
Of course you're right. Here's an unborn frog

View attachment 641808
This is a child that's at least one month old. I don't know what kind of fabrication they put it in. But there's no amniotic fluid and there's an obvious lack of vernix caseosa on the child's skin. As I've already said this is a fake photo designed for and buy some pro-life group to bring an emotional response out of its followers. Making them think that this is what's being aborted, it is not.

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