Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

We have gotten to this point after decades of far right wing nuts terrorizing abortion clinics and murdering their staff. This whole pro-life movement is very calculating and manipulative. They know just who to hit with their emotional reaction to other people's abortions that they don't care about and don't even know. It's like the king of the busy bodies has invaded the minds of what otherwise would be sensible supreme Court judges and sensible regular people.
Lol You say this as the left is calling to kill SCOTUS. GTFO
True. if you kill a pregnant woman, it’s two counts of murder. So in that case, they’re counting the unborn child as a person, whose life was stolen.

Basically, it comes down to this: a woman is allowed to commit murder on her own unborn child, but nobody else is. You really shouldn’t be able to define whether an unborn child has a right to life based on who his murderer is.
Pure logic...
I'm an old gay man I haven't lost any rights. But I can't think of any right that's greater than one's control over their own body. If that doesn't make you a second class citizen I don't know what does. Abortion laws are a joke, and not a good one. Abortion must remain between the woman and her doctor.
The majority of late-term abortions are performed on married women, and the majority of those are necessary.
I'm an old gay man I haven't lost any rights. But I can't think of any right that's greater than one's control over their own body. If that doesn't make you a second class citizen I don't know what does. Abortion laws are a joke, and not a good one. Abortion must remain between the woman and her doctor.
Which doesnt take into effect if the mother and baby are healthy there is no reason to abort. Oops
There are trigger laws but dont all ban abortion completely. Pretty much all blue states have no laws banning abortion.

It affects them Zero. Yet they are screaming like maniacs
They are screaming because they want to impact the
Decision of the Supreme Court.All it takes is for 5 Justices
to pass Alito's Opinion.If only 4 pass it than Roe remains
the law of the land.By Statute.
In hindsight how Ironic.Because " Jane Roe " or
Norma McCorvey never had an abortion.In fact,used
the allegation that she needed an Abortion due to being
Raped.She was not raped.The Lawyers took the case because
they felt the need to legalize Abortion.
Therein LIES the Great myth of Roe vs. Wade.
Lawyers.Can't live with em and can't die without
having them stick their two cents worth in.
let alone a Divorce.
They are screaming because they want to impact the
Decision of the Supreme Court.All it takes is for 5 Justices
to pass Alito's Opinion.If only 4 pass it than Roe remains
the law of the land.By Statute.
In hindsight how Ironic.Because " Jane Roe " or
Norma McCorvey never had an abortion.In fact,used
the allegation that she needed an Abortion due to being
Raped.She was not raped.The Lawyers took the case because
they felt the need to legalize Abortion.
Therein LIES the Great myth of Roe vs. Wade.
Lawyers.Can't live with em and can't die without
having them stick their two cents worth in.
let alone a Divorce.
That is why they did the leak. So they can use intimidation to influence the decision.
There are trigger laws but dont all ban abortion completely. Pretty much all blue states have no laws banning abortion.

It affects them Zero. Yet they are screaming like maniacs
They were told that these issues will slide down the slope into other issues, and their gulable brain's ate it up. Ever notice in the collages that are shown, that the leftist media will repeat the same rhetoric and line's of bull crap given them by their cultist handler's in which proves they are a cult in the ways that they become parrot's over the issues ?

This stuff is so obvious that Stevie Wonder can see it coming from a mile away.
Which doesnt take into effect if the mother and baby are healthy there is no reason to abort. Oops
And that affects your right somehow ? A law, which actually is a sentence, has skipped the judicial process altogether. Shame, guilt, morality; these don't make for good law. They do work well in the fascist States however. It's one of the things they need in order to function.
It's very strange when someone snatches away the right of a woman to make intimate, personal decisions for herself in consultation with loved ones, and medical and spiritual advisers who know her and whom she trusts, and arrogates it to someone with no familiarity with her and no expertise in the matter such as this:
Nobody is taking away her rights to make decisions over her body. She and her sexual partner should decide to use one of the many birth control devices that are available. Taking personal responsibility for preventing unwanted pregnancies should be the focus, not taking a life.
I'm an old gay man I haven't lost any rights. But I can't think of any right that's greater than one's control over their own body. If that doesn't make you a second class citizen I don't know what does. Abortion laws are a joke, and not a good one. Abortion must remain between the woman and her doctor.
You’re ignoring ome detail: there’s somebody else’s body involved too.
The majority of late-term abortions are performed on married women, and the majority of those are necessary.
NO! The majority of Abortions are performed on
Black Females.Who have 5 times the number of
abortions than do White females.Somewhere
close to 17 Million thus far.
How come the Black Community is not up in arms
over that.The same reason they aren't too bugged that
Blacks lead the Nation in Homicides { over 50 % of Homicides
each year are by blacks }.Blacks are Murdering,Raping,
Robbing each other in record numbers.
Thereby Explaining the Great Lie about BlackLivesMatter.
The Democrats cannot risk losing their Black constituency.
They are a reliable Voting block.Around 93 % each General
Election.However the Hispanic vote is dramatically swinging
to the center or Conservative side.
Therefore the motive behind BLM.
To keep Blacks Riled up.Like the Conservatives are taking
away their rights.
It's very strange when someone snatches away the right of a woman to make intimate, personal decisions for herself in consultation with loved ones, and medical and spiritual advisers who know her and whom she trusts, and arrogates it to someone with no familiarity with her and no expertise in the matter such as this:
I hear you loud and clear. Given that the federal government and the state run things so well, what other medical advice should we seek from them !
There's no such thing as an unborn child.
Of course you're right. Here's an unborn frog

Of course you're right. Here's an unborn frog

View attachment 641808
Nice fake picture, I guess you've never seen a real baby in the womb. Does it bring tears to your eyes ? You've been had, not by me by the pro-life machine. They people up and spit them out, all out of the kindness of their hearts and they want you to believe that that possibility of life is more important than the life of the woman. It isn't, it never was and it never will be.
Look at the photo one up. That is who we are talking about.
I already did you loser. And a pregnant mother who knew what the sex was would probably already have given her/ him a name. But let's talk about what is usually being aborted when an abortion occurs. Since 52% of abortions occur before the 7th. week, we are talking about a physical life form that is about a half inch long, it has no eyes, it has a primitive brain that has just started to function, 1/3 of the body length is a tail, it has buds where the arms will be and the legs haven't formed yet. Tissues are starting to specialize and form organs. A primitive heart has just started beating also to serve the specialized tissues. The picture you show of what is supposed to be a late-term fetus ( the picture is a fake ) is seldom aborted I think it amounts to .043 % of all abortions. I'm just trying to show you how ridiculous showing that picture was. No offense intended, but you have to be brought back down to reality somehow. These emotional displays are sad.
Nobody is taking away her rights to make decisions over her body. She and her sexual partner should decide to use one of the many birth control devices that are available. Taking personal responsibility for preventing unwanted pregnancies should be the focus, not taking a life.
Pure logic..

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