Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Taking a woman's personal control away from her and assigning it to the State is an impersonal tyranny that denies her the right to make reproductive decisions for herself in consultation with loved ones and spiritual and medical advisers who know her and whom she trusts.

Statists taking a woman's freedom away is antithetical to the progress of reproductive liberty throughout advanced, democratic nations.

Reverting to the state womb control of Egypt, Iran, Honduras, and El Salvador is not progress.
Same bs you been posting on other threads. You dont even know the lawvMoonbat
Taking a woman's personal control away from her and assigning it to the State is an impersonal tyranny that denies her the right to make reproductive decisions for herself in consultation with loved ones and spiritual and medical advisers who know her and whom she trusts.
how utterly absurd!

no one is taking away any such thing. She has the right to make those "reproductive decisions" as long as they do not involve murder. The time to abstain from getting pregnant (making a baby) comes BEFORE she actually has one.

unless u are saying the state has no interest in people committing murder... or that people of a certain age have no right to be protected...

either way... we see how your side is....

They’d rather let an election be stolen and have the loser claim the presidency than wade into uncomfortable waters. I do blame Roberts, mostly. I lost confidence in him when he twisted into a pretzel to decide that the obviously unconstitutional Obamacare could be allowed.
yeh, that Roberts...

how did he get to be head honcho? Clarence Thomas should be that
Freakin' hysterical lefties. YOU WILL STILL BE ABLE TO KILL YOUR BABY> YOU WILL STILL BE ABLE to Use Abortion as Birth Control. THere are plenty of doctors/nurses that will gladly/gleefully do that for you. They will BEG you to come let them kill your progeny.

good grief. yOu'd think someone had taken their damn masks from them.
it's way past time. But same as the Jan 6 Patriots...expect the right to be arrested and jailed....the left won't be.
Same bs you been posting on other threads. You dont even know the lawvMoonbat
It's very strange when someone snatches away the right of a woman to make intimate, personal decisions for herself in consultation with loved ones, and medical and spiritual advisers who know her and whom she trusts, and arrogates it to someone with no familiarity with her and no expertise in the matter such as this:
Screen Shot 2021-08-29 at 8.02.12 PM.png
It's very strange when someone snatches away the right of a woman to make intimate, personal decisions for herself in consultation with loved ones, and medical and spiritual advisers who know her and whom she trusts, and arrogates it to someone with no familiarity with her and no expertise in the matter such as this:
It’s not only about HER. There is a living being that can feel excruciating pain as its life is snuffed out.
It's very strange when someone snatches away the right of a woman to make intimate, personal decisions for herself in consultation with loved ones, and medical and spiritual advisers who know her and whom she trusts, and arrogates it to someone with no familiarity with her and no expertise in the matter such as this:
Stop dancing and read the laws. Your just pissing in the wind here. It will have zero effect in Blue states
False. Women who have enjoyed reproductive freedom for half-a-century are threatened with having that freedom arrogated by authoritarian statists.
They will still have that freedom. It might be a little less convenient because they’ll have to take a bus to another state. Planned Parenthood will pay for it.
False. Women who have enjoyed reproductive freedom for half-a-century are threatened with having that freedom arrogated by authoritarian statists.
The freedom to kill ...aka ..birth control by abortion.

But overturning Roe doesnt end that
Everyone is different, so yes/no/partly.
He says they were miscarriages, so that is much more different than pulling the pre-meditated abortion trigger all by one's self, otherwise just like what is being done out of convenience by many in order to correct a mistake of having unprotected sex that leads to a pregnancy. Abortion is outdated, and is no longer trendy..

Best to always use contraception during sex if not wanting to get pregnant, otherwise if one is a woman or to not get a woman pregnant if one is a man.

Simple stuff, but for some reason people act as if they are completely naive on these matter's, and therefore causing a tragic situation to occur as a result of their carelessness or just plain ignorance on such matters. We can't continue to be this stupid as a civilized society can we ?? We should be embarrassed as a so called civilized society today.

Going back to the "wait until marriage" thing, now that would be the more preferable righteous thing to teach and to heavily support in our so called civilized society.

And if by some chance a young female say at the age of 16, 17 or 18 gets pregnant by a young male of the same ages, otherwise if that were to somehow occur, then proper council should be offered in order to help her get through the pregnancy with her baby, and to strengthen her hopes and dreams by showing her that Life is very sacred and a very precious thing, and even though she somehow got pregnant it's not the end of her world in regards for her hopes and dreams, but instead where their was just one (her), now their will be two total or maybe even three (if twins), in which to share her hopes and dreams with if by chance that no one else is there.

A mother will never regret having children that will support her no matter what in life, and a child or her children would do just that in life. The best solution is abstinence until ready to marry, and hopefully one meets the right one in which if wait the chances are much better at meeting the right one or it best to just use contraception be it one or the other.

How a woman can carry a baby in her womb, and feel that baby kicking and know it's a human being, but then have that baby terminated out of convenience is simply an amazing thing, otherwise it is one that makes one scratch the head knowing that such a thing has taken place without regard to the living being or living beings that are within her womb.


In special case's doctor's along with the parent's can determine the best outcomes if a person is to young to make the responsible decisions about a situation that may have occurred, but it needs to be immediately dealt with after the occurrence took place or if it is a person of accountability age, then she should take the morning after pill in order to stop any potential pregnancy that may have resulted from an act of either recklessness or maybe if something else may have happened in which the same also could still be done, otherwise if that is what she figured the situation was when she consensually engaged in the act or worse something else took place as with a rape or with incest. JMO is all....
Saying abortion is murder, abortion ends of child life, those are judgments. I see you're quoting the Bible. The origins of the Christian religion are tribal. That list of abominations, was basically a list of rules that the tribal members were required to abide by. The goal was to make a stronger tribe therefore pregnancy was encouraged, especially pregnancies that resulted in male births. Homosexuality, adultery, sex outside of marriage, even masturbation ( wasting seed ) were forbidden. They never said life are sacred though, unless it was their own, you know the chosen people. But they didn't care much about outsiders, they loved committing genocide, that included men women and children, even pregnant women; in at least one case they slaughtered all the other tribe's animals because their tribal God told them they were unclean. What could an animal do to make them unclean ? They didn't give much thought to that one. At any rate what I'm saying is a recent development, this sanctity of Life thing. If I could pinpoint when it's exactly started it would be the early 19th century Holiness Methodism.
You attempting to understand something in regards to the scriptures is simply hilarious, and worse you try to apply your worldly knowledge to something that is holy and spiritual, and you attempt to apply it to something that is very powerful in which is way beyond your abilities to grapple with much less think that you are somehow right upon...... I sit in total amazement of people like you Stann. Your evil twisting of everything is very telling about your views, and about your worldly ways in life.
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He says they were miscarriages, so that is much more different than pulling the pre-meditated abortion trigger all by one's self, otherwise just like what is being done out of convenience by many in order to correct a mistake of having unprotected sex that leads to a pregnancy. Abortion is outdated, and is no longer trendy..

Best to always use contraception during sex if not wanting to get pregnant, otherwise if one is a woman or to not get a woman pregnant if one is a man.

Simple stuff, but for some reason people act as if they are completely naive on these matter's, and therefore causing a tragic situation to occur as a result of their carelessness or just plain ignorance on such matters. We can't continue to be this stupid as a civilized society can we ?? We should be embarrassed as a so called civilized society today.

Going back to the "wait until marriage" thing, now that would be the more preferable righteous thing to teach and to heavily support in our so called civilized society.

And if by some chance a young female say at the age of 16, 17 or 18 gets pregnant by a young male of the same ages, otherwise if that were to somehow occur, then proper council should be offered in order to help her get through the pregnancy with her baby, and to strengthen her hopes and dreams by showing her that Life is very sacred and a very precious thing, and even though she somehow got pregnant it's not the end of her world in regards for her hopes and dreams, but instead where their was just one (her), now their will be two total or maybe even three (if twins), in which to share her hopes and dreams with if by chance that no one else is there.

A mother will never regret having children that will support her no matter what in life, and a child or her children would do just that in life. The best solution is abstinence until ready to marry, and hopefully one meets the right one in which if wait the chances are much better at meeting the right one or it best to just use contraception be it one or the other.

How a woman can carry a baby in her womb, and feel that baby kicking and know it's a human being, but then have that baby terminated out of convenience is simply an amazing thing, otherwise it is one that makes one scratch the head knowing that such a thing has taken place without regard to the living being or living beings that are within her womb.


In special case's doctor's along with the parent's can determine the best outcomes if a person is to young to make the responsible decisions about a situation that may have occurred, but it needs to be immediately dealt with after the occurrence took place or if it is a person of accountability age, then she should take the morning after pill in order to stop any potential pregnancy that may have resulted from an act of either recklessness or maybe if something else may have happened in which the same also could still be done, otherwise if that is what she figured the situation was when she consensually engaged in the act or worse something else took place as with a rape or with incest. JMO is all....
Yes. I can’t get over how a woman can feel her own baby kicking, and then snuff it out - often in pain.

I sure hope the SCOTUS does the correct thing and returns this decision to the states, and that even the most leftist of them limit abortions to the first trimester, except in the case of the mother’s life.

There is NO excuse to delay and delay until your baby is at or near viability, kicking in the womb, to decide to kill it. Inexcusable. Leftists, who always lord it over us as being so compassionate are a bunch of cold heartless people.
CRazy damn lefties.

Until these punks are finally brought to justice, and the penalties become very stern, then it's going to get worse and worse. Maybe the law if are being run by leftist want these things to escalate while they sit back laughing while people get hurt ? Do your damned job's law enforcement, and judge's. You will be held accountable to God for your lack of actions in doing what is right while you lived upon this earth, and you could be held accountable by man if the right leadership finally gets into office again one day.
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Yes. I can’t get over how a woman can feel her own baby kicking, and then snuff it out - often in pain.

I sure hope the SCOTUS does the correct thing and returns this decision to the states, and that even the most leftist of them limit abortions to the first trimester, except in the case of the mother’s life.

There is NO excuse to delay and delay until your baby is at or near viability, kicking in the womb, to decide to kill it. Inexcusable. Leftists, who always lord it over us as being so compassionate are a bunch of cold heartless people.
They definitely put themselves in the cold heartless categories for sure. They make fools of themselves and this country when it comes to common sense issues.
We, the People of the United States, overwhelmingly support the established law of half a century regarding a woman's reproductive freedom, and oppose the authoritarians who would retrogress, the State arrogating that freedom and dictating to them, antithetical to the progress that has occurred in advanced, democratic nations.

  • CNN/SSRS: 66% said they do not support overturning Roe, while 34% did.
  • The Pew Research Center: Just 8% said abortion should be illegal in all cases, no exceptions. Broadening it out, roughly 37% said it should be illegal in most or all cases. But even among that group, there are sizable portions that said it should be legal in if the pregnancy threatens the life or health of the mother (46%) or if it is the result of a rape (36%).
  • Monmouth University: Just 11% said abortion should always be illegal. Another quarter said it should be illegal with exceptions for rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.
  • YouGov: 24% said Roe should be overturned, while 55% said it should not.
  • Fox News: 27% said it should be overturned; 63% said no.
  • ABC News/Washington Post: 28% said Roe should be overturned, 54% said it should be upheld. (Just 16% said abortion should be illegal in all circumstances.)
  • Gallup: 19% said abortion should be illegal in all circumstances; 48% said it should be legal only under certain circumstances; 32% said it should be legal in all circumstances. And 47% said abortion is morally acceptable, the highest ever recorded in two decades of Gallup asking the question. (46% said it is not morally acceptable.)
Those who crave Big Government intrusion in the matter wish to emulate Egypt, Iran, Honduras, and El Salvador.
yeah real cute thar Bub.What about the Rights of the Unborn.
Used to be universally sacred and sacrosanct.
No one would dare talk in public in the 50's the way
they do today about the Unborn.Says all one need know
about humanity and the Human condition.
It's getting worse by the month.Already halfway past the point of no return.Humanity and the human condition cannot
sustain much more of this Deplorableness.
Where even a Pope has been sustainably made weak and
" One day posterity will remember
This strange era,these strange times,when
Ordinary common honesty was called Courage. "
Yevgeny Yevtushenko {Dissident Russian Poet }

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