Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I better solution would be to say it's a medical issue between a woman and her doctor and forbid any laws regulating it.

Yeah, because "medical issue" precludes government intervention . . . says the fool who clearly knows nothing about healthcare, one of THE most regulated industries in the country. There is literally no "medical issue" that is just between the patient and the doctor without reference to government regulations. Not one. If abortion were actually treated like every other "medical issue", you'd be screaming your damned head off about how "restrictive" it is. We know this, because we've already seen how the pro-abort left reacted to the notion of requiring abortion clinics to meet the same safety standards as outpatient clinics.
I’ve heard worse than “disposable.” Some leftists refer to the aborted bodies of unborn babies as “medical waste” - and as worthy of respect as yesterday’s garbage.

I went with "disposable", because I wasn't just talking about unwanted babies. The left views ALL babies, wanted and unwanted, as disposable. Optional.
Oh, I'm sorry, did you mistakenly believe that you had achieved some sort of "unity" by forcing your personal beliefs on everyone and telling them to shut up and like it?

I'm very sorry that you hate the American ideal of sovereign states. Maybe instead of trying to turn the country into some monolith, you should move to a country that already does things that way.
We do have a federal government that takes president over states rights. And you anti- abortion ( obviously not pro life ) people are sadly mistaken if doing this all over again is going to have different results. Abortion is a medical issue it's a matter between a woman and her doctor no one else should intervene. The travesty of justice that is occurring here is tantamount to taking women back to the 1950s, which were a nightmare for women, especially poor black women.
There are no pro-abortion people. It's all about a woman's right to choose when and if to bring children into this world. Life isn't always black and white, this is a gray area. Abortion is an always will be unnecessary evil. A tool of last resort.

It's amazing how you can fight so hard for something you desperately want to distance yourself from.
Oh, I'm sorry, did you mistakenly believe that you had achieved some sort of "unity" by forcing your personal beliefs on everyone and telling them to shut up and like it?

I'm very sorry that you hate the American ideal of sovereign states. Maybe instead of trying to turn the country into some monolith, you should move to a country that already does things that way.
PS : I don't hate the United States. Your actions prove that you do. I like the idea that the United States is a free Nation based on science not hatred and fear, shame and guilt, ignorance and misinformation; all the things you people are promoting here. Some of you are even doing this in the name of your god. That is just plain disgusting.
It's amazing how you can fight so hard for something you desperately want to distance yourself from.
It's not about abortion. It's about control for you people. More of your people support the death penalty for criminals. How can you call yourself for life just to be pro control wake up already and many think they're doing this in the name of god and their religious beliefs. That is totally disgusting to me.
Oh, I'm sorry, did you mistakenly believe that you had achieved some sort of "unity" by forcing your personal beliefs on everyone and telling them to shut up and like it?

I'm very sorry that you hate the American ideal of sovereign states. Maybe instead of trying to turn the country into some monolith, you should move to a country that already does things that way.
Yeah this is supposed to be a monolith of freedom not fascism and your movement is fascist. No doubt about it.
I’ve heard worse than “disposable.” Some leftists refer to the aborted bodies of unborn babies as “medical waste” - and as worthy of respect as yesterday’s garbage.
Keep dreaming up more horror stories. That's all you guys seem to be good at. This is why medical information should be kept private at all times. You don't know how to deal with The facts of Life.
We do have a federal government that takes president over states rights. And you anti- abortion ( obviously not pro life ) people are sadly mistaken if doing this all over again is going to have different results. Abortion is a medical issue it's a matter between a woman and her doctor no one else should intervene. The travesty of justice that is occurring here is tantamount to taking women back to the 1950s, which were a nightmare for women, especially poor black women.

No, we have a federal government that takes "president" [sic] over state laws IN SPECIFIC AREAS. Outside of its proper sphere, it's supposed to mind its own business and allow the states and the people to decide for themselves. People like you, who are so puffed up with their own overweening pride and self-righteous certainty that you know some "truth" about what's best that other people are too dumb to recognize (they MUST be too dumb, because look at how they don't agree with you), fear that freedom and go out of your way to obscure that division, "for our own good".

You keep parroting, "medical issue, medical issue" like some mantra you think means, "Free-for-all where everyone does as they please". I will point out yet again, in the hopes it will get past the fingers in your ears, that healthcare is among the most highly-regulated industries in the country. And every time we have ever attempted to truly treat abortion as the "medical issue" you pretend to want it to be, you pro-aborts squeal like a bunch of stuck pigs. I honestly don't know if you're just the most dishonest bunch of hypocrites clinging to whichever talking point seems to work at the moment, regardless of how much they require you to contradict yourselves from moment to moment, or if you're actually that frigging stupid.
There are no pro-abortion people. It's all about a woman's right to choose when and if to bring children into this world. Life isn't always black and white, this is a gray area. Abortion is an always will be unnecessary evil. A tool of last resort.
And a woman will STILL be able to choose. The difference is that the majority of people in each state get to decide the laws surrounding it in their own state.

Why do YOU get the foist your beliefs onto people of another state, who might think differently? We are made up of 50 individual states, each with its own preferences, as determined by votes.

Thats the beauty of our Constitution. It was set up to avoid a controlling, massive central government.
Yeah this is supposed to be a monolith of freedom not fascism and your movement is fascist. No doubt about it.

No, honey, you're not fighting for "freedom". You're fighting for a monolith of "What I think is best, everyone else shut up". The only "freedom" you want is YOUR freedom, everyone to be "free" the way YOU choose, and shut the fuck up about anything they might choose that you, in your presumed-infinite wisdom, have decided they don't need.

Only a leftist can handle the cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy of "fighting for freedom" by fighting to tell people to shut up and do as they're told.
Keep dreaming up more horror stories. That's all you guys seem to be good at. This is why medical information should be kept private at all times. You don't know how to deal with The facts of Life.

The way you do by pretending that "medical issues" are an unregulated free-for-all?
Yeah this is supposed to be a monolith of freedom not fascism and your movement is fascist. No doubt about it.
Says the one trying to force your views on us.

Roe dies nothing changes for you Moonbats except some states said take your barbarism elsewhere.

We dont care about proud baby killers in Alabama
Keep dreaming up more horror stories. That's all you guys seem to be good at. This is why medical information should be kept private at all times. You don't know how to deal with The facts of Life.
Sure I do. That’s why I took birth control during my childbearing years when I didn’t want to get pregnant. It’s not rocket science. And if in the rare event it failed, I would have kept the baby. But if I were a different type of woman and wanted to have an abortion, I would either have had it nearby if my own state allowed, or taken a bus ride to a neighboring state.

I’ve gone outside my own state for medical procedures and/or medical exams before because a better medical facility was there. It’s not that big a deal. And before you groan and moan about the poor, helpless women who can’t afford a bus ticket, I guarantee you PP will set up a fund.
It's as bad as pro life people calling unwanted fetuses in other women's bodies " unborn child ".

No, it's really not. Do you really think "You believe things I've told you not to" is as bad as, "Shut up, you dumb broad, and take what I've decided you should have, I know what's best for you"?
Again, you are ignoring that there is another life at stake
A microscopic, mindless amalgam of cells is not a person. Fetal viability occurs at around 23-24 weeks of gestation, and when a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy, and is not delayed by authoritarians contriving delays, it occurs well before that stage.

A 2019 survey found that 92.7% of abortions were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation.
A microscopic, mindless amalgam of cells is not a person. Fetal viability occurs at around 23-24 weeks of gestation, and when a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy, and is not delayed by authoritarians contriving delays, it occurs well before that stage.

A 2019 survey found that 92.7% of abortions were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation.
And the Miss. Law is 15 weeks. No laws against abortion in blue states.

Yet your sorry ass party is threatening to kill SCOTUS. Which part of you can kiss my ass dont you understand leftist?
The founding fathers were smart, they knew that was women's business and they kept out of it. Yes abortions did occur in colonial America as they have in the history of the world since the ancient Egyptians they're the first ones we know of who used herbs to induce abortion. There's also nothing in the Constitution that forbids abortion. Remember at the time only white land owning men were able to vote and women were property at the time.

No, honey, the Founding Fathers were smart and knew that was state and local government business, and they kept the federal government out of it.

It's really funny to hear someone who's fighting to undo what the Founding Fathers set up trying to appeal to their "wisdom" to do it.

Tell me, what other laws do you think we shouldn't have on the basis of "People do it anyway"?

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