Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Joe Biden said we should be able to have the right to choose to abort children
And Maryland, another liberal state, has a proposal that says women whose children die (regardless of how mysteriously) during the PERI-natal’ stage of life will not be investigated. Just how long do we want to extend past-birth “abortions”?

In other words, a woman can starve her newborn, or just leave It naked in the snow in the backyard, or whatever, and there will be no criminal investigation. If that isn’t permission to murder one’s own living baby, I don’t know what is.

* Peri-natal is a nebulous term that can mean up to 28 days AFTER birth.
So that would state, that the mother's life has priority over the life of the fetus. That's a good start. Michigan's abortion law went so far as to say what does and does not constitute a threat to the mother's life. Mississippi's law says instead of a threat to the mother's life it has to be a medical emergency. Not all of these threats are an emergency, some are long-term and have horrific endings. Both of these States laws are problematic. Plus 13 states have trigger laws in effect banning all abortions if Roe versus Wade is repealed. Many do not have exceptions for rape, incest and saving the life of the mother.

I hate to break it to you, but "We have to save one or the other, because we can't save both" is no kind of "start" to "we should be able to kill babies just because we want to".
That being said the states should follow that lead it's sensible we don't want overbearing government either state or federal. And a woman's womb is definitely not a place state or federal should be in.

Well, then you can go make that case to the states. What you don't get to do is say, "This is what I've decided you should do, so shut up and do it."
Well, then you can go make that case to the states. What you don't get to do is say, "This is what I've decided you should do, so shut up and do it."
We will throw his sorry ass out of Alsbama. They only can do this in leftist hives.
One size does not fit all. That's a fact of life. I don't really mind if you keep calling me names. It just makes you look very bad.
1) Says the person who called me a “loser” for disagreeing

2) Says the person who’s screaming for a one-size solution for all 50 states.

Do these hypocrites ever hear themselves??
We have gotten to this point after decades of far right wing nuts terrorizing abortion clinics and murdering their staff. This whole pro-life movement is very calculating and manipulative. They know just who to hit with their emotional reaction to other people's abortions that they don't care about and don't even know. It's like the king of the busy bodies has invaded the minds of what otherwise would be sensible supreme Court judges and sensible regular people.

Oh, please. 50+ years of "woman's right to choose" and "her own body", and you want to fire off the "calculating and manipulative" accusation?
Basically Republicans want to criminalize women who want want or need abortions. Yes I think I'm going to side with the Democrats on this one.
No one is wanting to criminalize the women after the fact, because what was done prior, was being done legally when they did it because of the law as it stood, but the possible criminalization of the act of abortion in which steps outside of certain boundaries set after the law is retracted or reformed going forward, will definitely begin a new, so in the state's going forward they will make new laws or work on the law's that regulate the purposes of medical procedures when and if they are used within their states.

The only purpose of an actual abortion IMO would be to remove the body of a baby that might die from natural causes within a womb. In a case of rape or incest, then upon arrival at the hospital immediately after the act had taken place, a procedure can be administered in which would stop a pregnancy from ever developing in such a situation.

Abortion on demand is an act that carries dire stress and life long consequences for the woman who had engaged in such a thing. Abortion has only one function IMO, and that would be to remove the dead body of an unborn child in which passed away due to "NATURAL CAUSES" that were out of control of the mother's hand or ability to stop the unborn baby from passing.

How abortion became what it became is appalling, and it is a sear on the conscience of humanity.
And the Miss. Law is 15 weeks. No laws against abortion in blue states.

Yet your sorry ass party is threatening to kill SCOTUS. Which part of you can kiss my ass dont you understand leftist?
Americans, by a large margin, support the established law of the past half century that guaranteed a reasonable degree of freedom to women regarding control of their own bodies, progress typical of advanced democratic nations.

Authoritarian statists retrogressing to their politicians and bureaucrats dictating to women is unpopular with champions of personal liberty.
Sure I do. That’s why I took birth control during my childbearing years when I didn’t want to get pregnant. It’s not rocket science. And if in the rare event it failed, I would have kept the baby. But if I were a different type of woman and wanted to have an abortion, I would either have had it nearby if my own state allowed, or taken a bus ride to a neighboring state.

I’ve gone outside my own state for medical procedures and/or medical exams before because a better medical facility was there. It’s not that big a deal. And before you groan and moan about the poor, helpless women who can’t afford a bus ticket, I guarantee you PP will set up a fund.

When I wanted bariatric surgery, I had to drive three hours each way not only for the surgery, but for every single pre-surgery consult. There was no place in my own city that did the operation at that time. Now, my state is big enough that three hours doesn't take me out of the state, but in a lot of states, it would. It was a nuisance, I'm not gonna lie, but it was completely doable.
I think the big difference here is the people you are referring to as leftists, actually care about people other than themselves. To call them all names, and to blame all of them for threatening justices which might be the act of a few might even be the act of a few right people far right people they've done it before. At any rate it's very selfish thinking.
You’re the selfish one - and arrogant as well. YOU are saying that people who think like you do are the ones who care about people other than themselves. You sure don’t care when unborn children (Biden DID call them children) have their lives terminated, and often in pain.
Americans, by a large margin, support the established law of the past half century that guaranteed a reasonable degree of freedom to women regarding control of their own bodies, progress typical of advanced democratic nations.

Authoritarian statists retrogressing to their politicians and bureaucrats dictating to women is unpopular with champions of personal liberty.
Garbage. Because half the country passed laws on the basis of viability under the Roe devision. Blue states just didnt pass any abortion laws while red states did.

You just cant handle us saying NO to you.
Not sure why the guy has been given the time that he's been given on the subject(?), because he's definitely not right on anything he's said on the subject so far.

Because he's the only pro-abort attempting to make a reasoned argument. Mind you, he's failing miserably, but he's at least trying.
No, we have a federal government that takes "president" [sic] over state laws IN SPECIFIC AREAS. Outside of its proper sphere, it's supposed to mind its own business and allow the states and the people to decide for themselves. People like you, who are so puffed up with their own overweening pride and self-righteous certainty that you know some "truth" about what's best that other people are too dumb to recognize (they MUST be too dumb, because look at how they don't agree with you), fear that freedom and go out of your way to obscure that division, "for our own good".

You keep parroting, "medical issue, medical issue" like some mantra you think means, "Free-for-all where everyone does as they please". I will point out yet again, in the hopes it will get past the fingers in your ears, that healthcare is among the most highly-regulated industries in the country. And every time we have ever attempted to truly treat abortion as the "medical issue" you pretend to want it to be, you pro-aborts squeal like a bunch of stuck pigs. I honestly don't know if you're just the most dishonest bunch of hypocrites clinging to whichever talking point seems to work at the moment, regardless of how much they require you to contradict yourselves from moment to moment, or if you're actually that frigging stupid.
Your ignorance is compounded by your arrogance. You're so pretentious it isn't funny, it's sad.
When I wanted bariatric surgery, I had to drive three hours each way not only for the surgery, but for every single pre-surgery consult. There was no place in my own city that did the operation at that time. Now, my state is big enough that three hours doesn't take me out of the state, but in a lot of states, it would. It was a nuisance, I'm not gonna lie, but it was completely doable.
Yup. I had a condition and wanted a second opinion from a very highly rated hospital that specialized in it. It was only two hours away, but I took an overnight in a hotel in case it would be difficult to drive back in the same day. And I paid for it with my own money - the exam, the drive, the hotel, the meals out. You can bet PP will be covering the costs for all the poor women too irresponsible to use birth control fo make a similar trip.
Such punitive statist measures previously took the form of jim Crow laws.

Freedom prevailed.
Desperation and twisted rhetoric is all people like you have when trying to defend the indefensible. What are you leftist white liberals going to do when you don't have your race card to pull out when you get your ace's in a jam in the future ?? It'll be over for you because the black's will have finally figured out how you and your gang had been using them to destroy Christianity in this country.

Many black's are finally waking up, and the blacklash on white leftist liberalism is going to be hell to pay.

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