Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Sorry, hon, but I outgrew peer pressure in middle school. Maybe you should try it. Being an adult who can stand for what I believe without the comfort of "Lots of people agree with me" is rather freeing.
I am speaking for myself, I realize I can't speak for anyone else but me. First you people were saying certain abortion shouldn't be allowed, then you were saying if there's a fetal heartbeat that's a human being there, now some of you were saying at the moment of conception there are human being, some of you want to ban all abortions despite all the consequences, make up your f****** minds already.
Actually Roe V Wade was based on the Loving case, which made interracial marriage legal.

If Roe was wrongfully decided (no constitutional basis) then working backwards, that would also overthrow interracial marriage, and working forward, gay marriage.
Roe V Wade stated that it avoided when life begins and stated legislstures decide that down the road. Kicked the can. It then used medical journals of the time to define VIABILITY. Which is why half the country have abortion laws after the viability mark.

Now many states didnt remove abortion laws after the ruling. Since they are still on the books they become Trigger Laws if Roe v Wade is completely overturned.

However, SCOTUS may set the ruling to 15 weeks via Miss. Law and kick the can again.

SCOTUS is telling legislature to deal with it.
I thought that would be very apparent. It is one of the tools the government uses to track all of its citizens. It's called a birth date. I never said they weren't human tissue, I said they weren't human beings yet. There's a big difference.

I swear, this mindset of "the government is all" is like a sickness with you leftists.

A birth date does not convey life or humanity, you weirdo. Nor does "the government does this" constitute science, fact, or reality.

And if you really want to go into the biology with your little "human tissue, but not human beings" schtick, we can do that. I don't think you have the education to try to make the case that fetuses are "tissue" but not organisms, but far be it from me to deny you the freedom to expose your ignorance publicly.
I am speaking for myself, I realize I can't speak for anyone else but me. First you people were saying certain abortion shouldn't be allowed, then you were saying if there's a fetal heartbeat that's a human being there, now some of you were saying at the moment of conception there are human being, some of you want to ban all abortions despite all the consequences, make up your f****** minds already.
Our minds are made up on one thing primarily. That using abortion as birth control is barbarism.

Your side SAYs OBEY me. We can kill a baby after birth because we changed our minds.

Here in Alabama you do that we are going to throw your sorry ass in jail and throw away the key.
Actually Roe V Wade was based on the Loving case, which made interracial marriage legal.
Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967)
If Roe was wrongfully decided (no constitutional basis) then working backwards, that would also overthrow and allow a ban on interracial marriage, and working forward, a ban on gay marriage.
Obergefell v. Hodges Citation. 135 S. Ct. 2584 (2015)
No it wouldn't, because people are smarter than this. Nothing but abortion is affected in the reversal, because abortion in the ways that it has been used and interpreted was a huge mistake looking back now. Interracial marriages and such was not a mistake in the eyes of the people, so the good legislation will always be separated from the bad in a proper allowed democracy or republic that is being run properly. Watching the ill effects of bad legislation is always what a nation must do in order to correct if necessary. To ignore such things to a nation's demise is folly.

Overturning R-v-W doesn't involve anything but abortion. Not allowing the people to vote on the issues has been another injustice in this country. Turning the issue over to the state's was the right thing to do.
Roe V Wade stated that it avoided when life begins and stated legislstures decide that down the road. Kicked the can. It then used medical journals of the time to define VIABILITY. Which is why half the country have abortion laws after the viability mark.

Now many states didnt remove abortion laws after the ruling. Since they are still on the books they become Trigger Laws if Roe v Wade is completely overturned.

However, SCOTUS may set the ruling to 15 weeks via Miss. Law and kick the can again.

SCOTUS is telling legislature to deal with it.
And that is unfortunate. They don't have the gall to say it's not a legal issue it's a medical issue.
I am speaking for myself, I realize I can't speak for anyone else but me. First you people were saying certain abortion shouldn't be allowed, then you were saying if there's a fetal heartbeat that's a human being there, now some of you were saying at the moment of conception there are human being, some of you want to ban all abortions despite all the consequences, make up your f****** minds already.
I realize you’re getting angry because we refuse to agree with you, but really….be an adult. No need for the language.
And that is unfortunate. They don't have the gall to say it's not a legal issue it's a medical issue.
Actually someone needs to challenge that to say its Murder after Viability 24 weeks if you are healthy and have an abortion anyway.

That has many laws to back it up just in the double homicide murder laws of pregnant women

Be careful who you keep pushing leftist. You will not like what comes from Pandora.

We could do that now with SCOTUS and that would change the Law in Every State in this country.

Be satisfied with a return to States decide before we push farther.
Garbage. Because half the country passed laws on the basis of viability under the Roe devision. Blue states just didnt pass any abortion laws while red states did.

You just cant handle us saying NO to you.
Americans have supported the established national law of the past half-century that respects women, and still do according to all current surveys.

The authoritarians' arrogation of liberty is not popular.
So what we’ve learned from the Roe decision is the next time a scotus seat comes up, it’s ok for the nominee to lie about what they’ll protect, including your gun rights, MAGAs.
and Biden has shown us its 9k to 8g ore court orders.

Americans have supported the established national law of the past half-century that respects women, and still do according to all current surveys.

The authoritarians' arrogation of liberty is not popular.
A law that distepected the life of an unborn child. There ...fixed it for you.
I realize you’re getting angry because we refuse to agree with you, but really….be an adult. No need for the language.
Distraught is it better word, having to deal with all you children and the precarious situation you have thrust upon yourselves. Anger is something that ignorant people do. It is emotion based.
Distraught is it better word, having to deal with all you children and the precarious situation you have thrust upon yourselves. Anger is something that ignorant people do. It is emotion based.
Did you make up your mind yet ?
Distraught is it better word, having to deal with all you children and the precarious situation you have thrust upon yourselves. Anger is something that ignorant people do. It is emotion based.
DAD is that you DAD.

Leftist lunatics preaching morality from a mountain of dead babies they call waste.

You are Twisted
I am speaking for myself, I realize I can't speak for anyone else but me. First you people were saying certain abortion shouldn't be allowed, then you were saying if there's a fetal heartbeat that's a human being there, now some of you were saying at the moment of conception there are human being, some of you want to ban all abortions despite all the consequences, make up your f****** minds already.

Does it ever bother you when you have to ignore the point being made to argue something else entirely? I mean, topic-hopping would make me feel like a dishonest coward, but you do you.

You people put a lot of effort into remaining ignorant of your opposition. I personally wouldn't want to make an argument that depends on knowing as little as possible about what I'm addressing, but again, you do you. Case in point, the argument you think you made about, "Your arguments are contradictory" depends entirely on being willfully ignorant of who pro-lifers are and what we believe and stand for.

It's called "incrementalism", honey. It's a technique the left has used for as long as I can remember, but somehow becomes despicable when pro-lifers do it, presumably because we're not making the case the left doesn't share the way the left thinks we should. I'm not entirely sure why our arguments are beholden to being and doing what our opponents decide we should.

There's nothing inconsistent about saying, "We would prefer all abortions be stopped, but we will take whatever stopped abortions we can get." Only a fool refuses to win a battle because ultimate victory in the war is currently out of reach.

There is also nothing inconsistent about recognizing the need to educate the public about the reality of abortion after decades of leftist obscuring of the facts. It's not our fault that there are so many people out there who are ignorant of the fact that the fetus is more than "a blob of cells"; that's on you and your comrades.

By the way, we aren't "now saying" that life begins at conception. We've been saying it all along. That's 100% been our central position from the start. The fact that you only just noticed it is a reflection of how determinedly you've avoided listening to anything but your talking points. Personally, I wouldn't want to reveal to the world that I've been oblivious to my opponents' central position this whole time, but . . . you do you.
Does it ever bother you when you have to ignore the point being made to argue something else entirely? I mean, topic-hopping would make me feel like a dishonest coward, but you do you.

You people put a lot of effort into remaining ignorant of your opposition. I personally wouldn't want to make an argument that depends on knowing as little as possible about what I'm addressing, but again, you do you. Case in point, the argument you think you made about, "Your arguments are contradictory" depends entirely on being willfully ignorant of who pro-lifers are and what we believe and stand for.

It's called "incrementalism", honey. It's a technique the left has used for as long as I can remember, but somehow becomes despicable when pro-lifers do it, presumably because we're not making the case the left doesn't share the way the left thinks we should. I'm not entirely sure why our arguments are beholden to being and doing what our opponents decide we should.

There's nothing inconsistent about saying, "We would prefer all abortions be stopped, but we will take whatever stopped abortions we can get." Only a fool refuses to win a battle because ultimate victory in the war is currently out of reach.

There is also nothing inconsistent about recognizing the need to educate the public about the reality of abortion after decades of leftist obscuring of the facts. It's not our fault that there are so many people out there who are ignorant of the fact that the fetus is more than "a blob of cells"; that's on you and your comrades.

By the way, we aren't "now saying" that life begins at conception. We've been saying it all along. That's 100% been our central position from the start. The fact that you only just noticed it is a reflection of how determinedly you've avoided listening to anything but your talking points. Personally, I wouldn't want to reveal to the world that I've been oblivious to my opponents' central position this whole time, but . . . you do you.
Death by a thousand paper cuts is what I've always called it.
DAD is that you DAD.

Leftist lunatics preaching morality from a mountain of dead babies they call waste.

You are Twisted
What you call waste ( and only the far right wing nuts are doing so ) is valuable material in research. Most of it is donated. This is appropriate, nothing in life is wasted, everything serves a purpose.
That's a lie. The freedom women have enjoyed in New York for the past half century is the same as women have enjoyed in the other 49

Authoritarian statists seizing control and denying women that freedom is likely to occur only in retrogressive states, and women in those repressive jurisdictions will look to the advanced states to retain the control of their bodies that the statists are consigning to their politicians.
Child murdering butcher.
Does it ever bother you when you have to ignore the point being made to argue something else entirely? I mean, topic-hopping would make me feel like a dishonest coward, but you do you.

You people put a lot of effort into remaining ignorant of your opposition. I personally wouldn't want to make an argument that depends on knowing as little as possible about what I'm addressing, but again, you do you. Case in point, the argument you think you made about, "Your arguments are contradictory" depends entirely on being willfully ignorant of who pro-lifers are and what we believe and stand for.

It's called "incrementalism", honey. It's a technique the left has used for as long as I can remember, but somehow becomes despicable when pro-lifers do it, presumably because we're not making the case the left doesn't share the way the left thinks we should. I'm not entirely sure why our arguments are beholden to being and doing what our opponents decide we should.

There's nothing inconsistent about saying, "We would prefer all abortions be stopped, but we will take whatever stopped abortions we can get." Only a fool refuses to win a battle because ultimate victory in the war is currently out of reach.

There is also nothing inconsistent about recognizing the need to educate the public about the reality of abortion after decades of leftist obscuring of the facts. It's not our fault that there are so many people out there who are ignorant of the fact that the fetus is more than "a blob of cells"; that's on you and your comrades.

By the way, we aren't "now saying" that life begins at conception. We've been saying it all along. That's 100% been our central position from the start. The fact that you only just noticed it is a reflection of how determinedly you've avoided listening to anything but your talking points. Personally, I wouldn't want to reveal to the world that I've been oblivious to my opponents' central position this whole time, but . . . you do you.
Just as you're not listening to me, I scan your replies to see if it's anything Worthy of response to. It's all nothing that I haven't heard before. It defies logic.
What you call waste ( and only the far right wing nuts are doing so ) is valuable material in research. Most of it is donated. This is appropriate, nothing in life is wasted, everything serves a purpose.
Now you use the tactic out of context. Another shallow leftist tactic.

Now you moved the goal post to We Kill them for Science.


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