Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Your ignorance is compounded by your arrogance. You're so pretentious it isn't funny, it's sad.
Only if we agreed with you ,then you would bless us by removing that label you assign for those who disagree.

Should I where a yellow star for you?
And are not so ignorant to undetstand what that means?
I hate to break it to you, but "We have to save one or the other, because we can't save both" is no kind of "start" to "we should be able to kill babies just because we want to".
Wow you people are just keep getting sicker and sicker. Everyone whoever wanted abortion or needed one is just " killing babies because they want to " . How can you even think like that ,?
I'd much rather be a fruit cake than a idiot. At least fruitcakes don't take life too seriously. Idiots can't help anybody, not even themselves.

Coming from someone who's making 50-year-old arguments and carefully ignoring any new developments in science and medicine, that's pretty funny. Show of hands, anyone who's devastated by being called "an idiot" by Stann? Anyone?
Only if we agreed with you ,then you would bless us by removing that label you assign for those who disagree.

Should I where a yellow star for you?
And are not so ignorant to undetstand what that means?
Get a life already. This is a lost cause. Some things were never meant to be. Sorry you can't accept what does exist and move on with your life. This is not something to dwell on.
Coming from someone who's making 50-year-old arguments and carefully ignoring any new developments in science and medicine, that's pretty funny. Show of hands, anyone who's devastated by being called "an idiot" by Stann? Anyone?
At least I'm with the majority of people that believe it's a woman's right to choose. You crazies on here act as if you're in the majority you are not.
Maybe I said that wrong. I meant to say that the fetus has the potential to become a human being, if it has all the right conditions. As we all know not every pregnancy continues to full term. Pregnancy has all types of complications, many lead to death before fruition. And of course God takes his toll in miscarriages. You didn't threaten me just because we disagree about this issue. That is very sick of you. To choose the rights of a potential human being over the rights of women who are definitely here and exist. That makes no sense to me.

"Potential to become a human being"? So what is a fetus before "becoming a human being"? Exactly what is this mythical non-human stage of existence that humans go through before "becoming" human?

Is "fetuses sometimes die, so that means they aren't human" really your argument?
From Saturday Night Live, " Happy Mother's Day - You may not be a perfect person, but you're a perfect mom.

Now you're taking your "wisdom" from a comedy sketch show that stopped being relevant 30 years ago?
Wow you people are just keep getting sicker and sicker. Everyone whoever wanted abortion or needed one is just " killing babies because they want to " . How can you even think like that ,?
You just keep making shit up because we disagree. You think its waste until birth. Blue states allow partial birth abortions and even worse.

We refuse to allow that here in Alabama. And we disagree with the Roe versus Wade ruling on Viability. Laws here already dont allow late term.

And we are sicj and tired of abortion being used as birth control.

We SAY NO. Dont like it. Dont move here
It's after midnight here and I'll be going to bed soon. So it's mother's Day. " Happy Mother's Day " I'm glad you had the right to make the choice that was right for you without any government interference. Cherish what you have, it is your right.

More of your "you should be happy to have what I've decided you should have, and stop wanting things I keep telling you not to want."
Get a life already. This is a lost cause. Some things were never meant to be. Sorry you can't accept what does exist and move on with your life. This is not something to dwell on.
You are the one who is lost. Overturning Roe doesnt stop abortions Just stops people like you from being an animal in our states. And you cant handle us saying NO to your twisted version of Morality
That is unfortunate because you would have learned something besides that photo was an obvious fake. Plus it was obviously made to make sure you had a emotional response and see the fetus as a child not what it really is. Most abortions occur before the 7th week, the fetus is unrecognizable as a human being at that point.

NOW your argument is, "I'm too stupid to know what I'm looking at, so that means it isn't what it is"?

Actually, the fetus is recognizable as a human being at 7 weeks, because that's what human beings look like at 7 weeks. That YOU don't know what you're looking at doesn't change what it is.

Try to be more precise and accurate. A fetus at 7 weeks of development doesn't look like a human AT A LATER STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT.
And a woman will STILL be able to choose. The difference is that the majority of people in each state get to decide the laws surrounding it in their own state.

Why do YOU get the foist your beliefs onto people of another state, who might think differently? We are made up of 50 individual states, each with its own preferences, as determined by votes.

Thats the beauty of our Constitution. It was set up to avoid a controlling, massive central government.
How this you say got turned around over time is simply amazing, but undoubtedly the people had went to sleep after the government took control of them in the sixties. The piggy backing affect on the civil rights issues hadn't been realized in it's totality until it all finally all came to a head. What really reveals the truth in it all, is where everytime a leftist gets challenged on their bull crap, they try to drag the black struggle into the mix in order to hopefully shield them by making black's think that everything is an attack on them when it's obvious that it's not.

They act as if black's in a majority all think alike, and will somehow just play along because they say so. The most recent reveal of this was with voter ID, and how the white leftist liberals ran around saying that black's couldn't understand nor would they have access to computer's and transportation to get their IDs etc.... It's all just unbelievable what has taken place in this country.
What really reveals the truth in it all, is where everytime a leftist gets challenged on their bull crap, they try to drag the black struggle into the mix in order to hopefully shield them by making black's think that everything is an attack on them when it's obvious that it's not.
Actually Roe V Wade was based on the Loving case, which made interracial marriage legal.
Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967)
If Roe was wrongfully decided (no constitutional basis) then working backwards, that would also overthrow and allow a ban on interracial marriage, and working forward, a ban on gay marriage.
Obergefell v. Hodges Citation. 135 S. Ct. 2584 (2015)
Wow you people are just keep getting sicker and sicker. Everyone whoever wanted abortion or needed one is just " killing babies because they want to " . How can you even think like that ,?

Because I'm not invested in obscuring the truth from myself. My position allows for brutal honesty.

From the Guttmacher Institute:

"The reasons most frequently cited were that having a child would interfere with a woman's education, work or ability to care for dependents (74%); that she could not afford a baby now (73%); and that she did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems (48%). Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing, and almost one-third were not ready to have a child. Fewer than 1% said their parents' or partners' desire for them to have an abortion was the most important reason. Younger women often reported that they were unprepared for the transition to motherhood, while older women regularly cited their responsibility to dependents."

Mind you, the Guttmacher Institute is PRO-abortion, and their own statistics nevertheless show that the vast majority of abortions are performed simply because the women want to have one.

And by the way, if your position that fetuses aren't human and aren't living organisms with any value that needs to be considered is correct, why is it "sick" to suggest that abortions are performed because people want to do it? Is it "sick" if I go to the doctor to have a mole removed, not because it's cancerous, but just because I don't like having it? That's the level of "medical issue" you demand that abortion be considered, isn't it? So how is it "sick" to consider abortion voluntary?
"Potential to become a human being"? So what is a fetus before "becoming a human being"? Exactly what is this mythical non-human stage of existence that humans go through before "becoming" human?

Is "fetuses sometimes die, so that means they aren't human" really your argument?
I thought that would be very apparent. It is one of the tools the government uses to track all of its citizens. It's called a birth date. I never said they weren't human tissue, I said they weren't human beings yet. There's a big difference.
At least I'm with the majority of people that believe it's a woman's right to choose. You crazies on here act as if you're in the majority you are not.

Sorry, hon, but I outgrew peer pressure in middle school. Maybe you should try it. Being an adult who can stand for what I believe without the comfort of "Lots of people agree with me" is rather freeing.
Actually Roe V Wade was based on the Loving case, which made interracial marriage legal.
Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967)
If Roe was wrongfully decided (no constitutional basis) then working backwards, that would also overthrow and allow a ban on interracial marriage, and working forward, a ban on gay marriage.

Not necessarily, because it's possible for Loving to have been decided correctly, and Roe incorrectly extrapolated off of it.
Actually Roe V Wade was based on the Loving case, which made interracial marriage legal.
Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967)
If Roe was wrongfully decided (no constitutional basis) then working backwards, that would also overthrow and allow a ban on interracial marriage, and working forward, a ban on gay marriage.
Obergefell v. Hodges Citation. 135 S. Ct. 2584 (2015)

What about Griswold v Conn 1965?

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