Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

There are no pro-abortion people. It's all about a woman's right to choose when and if to bring children into this world. Life isn't always black and white, this is a gray area. Abortion is an always will be unnecessary evil. A tool of last resort.

If your arguments are true, why is abortion an "evil"? You keep telling us that abortion is just "a medical issue", but I don't know anyone who thinks of medical procedures as an "evil". Nuisance, maybe, but not an "evil".

And no, abortion is not a "last resort" for far too many women. As a woman, and a woman who has moreover actually worked in the field of healthcare for decades, I can unequivocally state that abortion is not the desperate, last-ditch effort for many women that you believe from the comfort of your far-removed couch and political theorizing. For many women, it's a license to make bad and careless decisions they wouldn't otherwise have made, and it's a convenience. I know; I've met them and talking to them. Have you? Women who have or consider abortion are a concrete, physical reality to me, with faces. Lots of them, not just one or two. How about you?
What you call waste ( and only the far right wing nuts are doing so ) is valuable material in research. Most of it is donated. This is appropriate, nothing in life is wasted, everything serves a purpose.

WE don't call them "waste". Pro-aborts do. And then they get their panties in a wad and squawk when we notice it, like you just did.

I'm not sure how you find comfort in making the Mengele argument, but far be it from me to keep you from doing so. Unlike leftists, I LIKE hearing my opponents say what they think where everyone can hear it.
Now you use the tactic out of context. Another shallow leftist tactic.

Now you moved the goal post to We Kill them for Science.

LOL, you're not listening at all. Bottom line is there's only one reason to bring a child into this world and that's because you love them and you want them. There are a thousand different reasons not to bring a child into this world. I rest my case. It's a gorgeous day, I don't have to work this weekend and I'm not going to waste my day on here arguing with people that don't have any common sense. After all I got tomatoes to plant. Thank GOD the winter is finally over.
LOL, you're not listening at all. Bottom line is there's only one reason to bring a child into this world and that's because you love them and you want them. There are a thousand different reasons not to bring a child into this world. I rest my case. It's a gorgeous day, I don't have to work this weekend and I'm not going to waste my day on here arguing with people that don't have any common sense. After all I got tomatoes to plant. Thank GOD the winter is finally over.
Then go plant. You Gain of Function nothing here.
Just as you're not listening to me, I scan your replies to see if it's anything Worthy of response to. It's all nothing that I haven't heard before. It defies logic.

Sweetie, I listen to everything you say. I've listened to the same rote arguments for the last 50 years. You just don't think they're "worthy of response" because I'm not giving the response you want. And you're certain I'm not listening because I'm daring to continue to disagree even after you've presented your "wisdom".

It doesn't "defy logic". It defies YOUR "logic", because it isn't logic at all.
What about Griswold v Conn 1965?
Alito's attack on Roe is the same basis to attack Griswold. There are probably dozens of cases based on Roe, that Alito's draft would greenlight overturning. Although he only specifically overturned Roe and Casey

Roe V Wade 1973
Planned parenthood V Casey
If your arguments are true, why is abortion an "evil"? You keep telling us that abortion is just "a medical issue", but I don't know anyone who thinks of medical procedures as an "evil". Nuisance, maybe, but not an "evil".

And no, abortion is not a "last resort" for far too many women. As a woman, and a woman who has moreover actually worked in the field of healthcare for decades, I can unequivocally state that abortion is not the desperate, last-ditch effort for many women that you believe from the comfort of your far-removed couch and political theorizing. For many women, it's a license to make bad and careless decisions they wouldn't otherwise have made, and it's a convenience. I know; I've met them and talking to them. Have you? Women who have or consider abortion are a concrete, physical reality to me, with faces. Lots of them, not just one or two. How about you?
Again you haven't been listening one last time here did I ever say I liked abortion that I would do it if there was any other choice the answer is no. I am here solely as the voice of women who want to have a choice in the matter. I think everybody deserves choice in this world, in your religion if you are a religious nut like half of these people are. Isn't choice granted by your tribal god, and you want to limit people's choices. That sounds kind of hypocritical. Like I said those tomatoes aren't going to plant themselves I'm out of here. Try to have a good day, I plan on it.
Sweetie, I listen to everything you say. I've listened to the same rote arguments for the last 50 years. You just don't think they're "worthy of response" because I'm not giving the response you want. And you're certain I'm not listening because I'm daring to continue to disagree even after you've presented your "wisdom".

It doesn't "defy logic". It defies YOUR "logic", because it isn't logic at all.
If you're logic where the rule, this world will be already dead. This planet wasn't designed for this many humans. We are in the process of killing off all the other species on the planet because of our own lack of will to control our sexual urges.
PS : I don't hate the United States. Your actions prove that you do. I like the idea that the United States is a free Nation based on science not hatred and fear, shame and guilt, ignorance and misinformation; all the things you people are promoting here. Some of you are even doing this in the name of your god. That is just plain disgusting.

No, hon, you hate the American ideal. Whatever love you have for the United States is predicated on the nation you'd like to make it into, not the nation it was designed to be. This is borne out by your current argument of, "If you don't agree with me, that means you hate the United States. If you don't define freedom as letting specific people do the specific thing I want done and silencing anyone who disagrees with me, you hate the United States. How DARE you not accept my definition of everything? That's Unamerican!"

I can live with being "disgusting" to someone arguing on behalf of killing babies. Waste as much breath as you like on trying to shame me for not being like you.
Child murdering butcher.
Your rage against most Americans who oppose authoritarians seizing control of wombs is noted.

Rather than the progress that has been made in advanced, democratic nations, you may wish to look to the draconian reproductive laws of Iran, Egypt, Honduras, and El Salvador to follow your bliss.
Your rage against most Americans who oppose authoritarians seizing control of wombs is noted.

Rather than the progress that has been made in advanced, democratic nations, you may wish to look to the draconian reproductive laws of Iran, Egypt, Honduras, and El Salvador to follow your bliss.
Saying the bot message over and over again here doesnt work. Try MsDNC bot
It's not about abortion. It's about control for you people. More of your people support the death penalty for criminals. How can you call yourself for life just to be pro control wake up already and many think they're doing this in the name of god and their religious beliefs. That is totally disgusting to me.

Here we go again. "This is what I've decided that you believe, now defend the position I've set for you!"

You're right. I do support the death penalty for heinous criminals. I don't need to lie to myself about that or anything else, because unlike you, I know what my REAL position is. I'm not beholden to what your tyrannical ass tells me I believe.

The more you try to make this debate into you arguing against what you want me to have said to avoid addressing what I actually say - to avoid, if possible, ever letting me say it at all - the more obvious your deliberate ignorance becomes.

Just so you know, trying to control both sides of a debate is an admission of defeat.
A law that distepected the life of an unborn child. There ...fixed it for you.
Fantasies that a mindless, microscopic amalgam of cells is a person that licenses authoritarians seizing control of wombs is not supported by most decent Americans, nor by medical science.
Fantasies that a mindless, microscopic amalgam of cells is a person that licenses authoritarians seizing control of wombs is not supported by most decent Americans.
Roe doesnt do that bot You still get to be a barnarian. Just not in my state
No, hon, you hate the American ideal. Whatever love you have for the United States is predicated on the nation you'd like to make it into, not the nation it was designed to be. This is borne out by your current argument of, "If you don't agree with me, that means you hate the United States. If you don't define freedom as letting specific people do the specific thing I want done and silencing anyone who disagrees with me, you hate the United States. How DARE you not accept my definition of everything? That's Unamerican!"

I can live with being "disgusting" to someone arguing on behalf of killing babies. Waste as much breath as you like on trying to shame me for not being like you.
You made your choice. Do you feel ashamed of it ? Why can't you let other women you don't know or even care about make their own choices like you did it. I don't feel ashamed about my position. It doesn't come out of hatred towards anyone. I've seen poster after poster on here making assumptions about the people who get abortions and about abortions themselves. They don't know what they're talking about. I live in a small town, the only woman in this town that I know of who's had an abortion is marriage and his four children already. I did not know about the abortion until one night when your abortion issues came up on TV she says oh my God they're going to torment people all over again. That is hatred tearing apart our society for no good reason. End of story I'm not going to argue with you you think you're right despite all the consequences your Position is going to create. Good luck with that you're going to need it.
Roe doesnt do that bot You still get to be a barnarian. Just not in my state
Your treating pregnant Americans like your "bots" because you need to arrogate their liberty under established law to authoritarian politicians doesn't make sense.
Keep dreaming up more horror stories. That's all you guys seem to be good at. This is why medical information should be kept private at all times. You don't know how to deal with The facts of Life.

Keep denying reality. Is it comforting to close your eyes and say, "I didn't see that, because I want to believe it didn't happen"?

Here's a fact of life YOU aren't dealing with. Remember this story?

Note the headline: "Medical waste truck".

Fourth paragraph: "The two women saw the medical waste truck, from Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services, outside Washington Surgi-Clinic, which performs medical procedures such as abortions." Once again, in the name of the company that picks up from that clinic.

What is it you think abortion doctors do with the material they remove from the woman's uterus?
Are you pregnant? bot
The personal liberty that women in America have enjoyed for half-a-century with the ongoing support of most Americans should not be summarily snatched away by authoritarians and arrogated by the state, even if the maximal statists need to pretend they are only "bots."

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