Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

As you ignore the rights of an unborn child that you deny exists.

Time we said something.........and time we said NOT IN OUR STATE...........Drive your sorry ass out of Alabama if you want to be a Barbarian.
You notice how all the pro-abortion people focus solely on the mother and neglect to mention that there is another life at stake?

Says the ones wanting to kill them because they might disagree.

Up yours. Looks like Roe is about to die................GOOD............

And our people will pass laws accordingly..........We in Alabama don't care if you don't like..........don't like it...........Carry your sorry butt out of here.
It shows how far down the leftists have sunk if others don’t yield to their preferences. First, verbal abuse with untrue accusations. Then silencing. Then out and out bans and censorship. And now, threats of death: “If you don’t vote the way liberals want, we’ll kill you”!

And led by the true loser of the election, who refuses to condemn these savages.
Basically Republicans want to criminalize women who want want or need abortions. Yes I think I'm going to side with the Democrats on this one.
No they don’t. They want to let the states decide what their own laws will be. If a state criminalizes it, then the woman can take a bus to another state to kill her child.

So you’re not arguing against criminalizing abortions. You’re arguing against the inconvenience of having to take a bus trip in order to kill the baby.
Such punitive statist measures previously took the form of jim Crow laws.

Freedom prevailed.
And in chimes a leftist, screaming “waaaaacism!”

You live in a blue state? Then the women you knock up can get an abortion 10 minutes away. If you’re in a red state, and the woman delayed too long, you’ll have to drive her to the next state over, or she’ll take a bus ride paid for by PP. Either way, she still gets to kill her unborn child.

What ledtists afe arguing for here is NOT abortion, because that will still be available. They are arguing for the most convenient abortion possible.
I think the big difference here is the people you are referring to as leftists, actually care about people other than themselves. To call them all names, and to blame all of them for threatening justices which might be the act of a few might even be the act of a few right people far right people they've done it before. At any rate it's very selfish thinking.

"I'm the one who really cares about people, because look how I've defined 'people' as only including the ones I want to care about. And look how I've defined 'caring' as doing what I prefer."
One size does not fit all. That's a fact of life. I don't really mind if you keep calling me names. It just makes you look very bad.

"One size does not fit all" from someone who's screeching and hollering about the prospect of not having one federal decision governing all fifty states without any of the voters having a say in it.
And in chimes a leftist, screaming “waaaaacism!”

You live in a blue state? Then the women you knock up can get an abortion 10 minutes away. If you’re in a red state, and the woman delayed too long, you’ll have to drive her to the next state over, or she’ll take a bus ride paid for by PP. Either way, she still gets to kill her unborn child.

What ledtists afe arguing for here is NOT abortion, because that will still be available. They are arguing for the most convenient abortion possible.
I don't know why you call the clear majority of Americans "leftists."

Advanced states reflect the progress that women have made in advanced democratic nations.

Some jurisdictions prefer to emulate nations such as Egypt, Iran, Honduras, and El Salvador where politicians dictate to women regarding private, reproductive matters.

As a practical matter, abortion is always available everywhere. It is of concern when and where it is unsafe because women must hide from the authoritarian statists who insist upon dictating to them.
I'm sorry you do not like what you see in the mirror. Only you can change that.

I note that you're still trying to change the subject away from your "Gotcha!" challenge that failed.

This is why lawyers are taught to never ask a question they don't know the answer to. It sucks when you think you're saying something devastating, and you discover that you've screwed yourself.
How many have you adopted, again?

Wait,that's right: zero.

Nope, sorry, chickenshit. You already got an answer to that question, and you ran away as fast as you could. You don't get to use it again until you sack up and deal with the answer you got.

Until you show us you have something to say to the person who tells you, "Yeah, I have two children who you would have aborted", you forfeit any right to play Mr. Moral Outrage at anyone else.
well do ya THINK stann that she might consider keeping her legs closed or perhaps USING BIRTH CONTROL?? rather than exercising her most important reproductive right of killing her own unborn babe??

He's feeling far too virtuous by fighting for women to have a right he's decided, in his superior male wisdom, that they really need, and screw all those dumb bitches who have the nerve to tell him they want something other than what he's told them to want.
YOU DOUBT what i just told you about PP?? WHERE do you people stay during the day?? in a closed coffin??

Echo chamber where all they have to hear is the first spate of talking points from their leaders. Once they know what it is they need to say, they plug their ears and start parroting.

Listening to anything after that point would just confuse them, so they don't.
Yet you feign a caring attitude about this issue. Another obvious joke and not a good one.

Life certainly is easier when you can 'know' what your opponents think and feel without the messy process of actually listening to them and thinking about what they say, isn't it?
I don't know why you call the clear majority of Americans "leftists."

Advanced states reflect the progress that women have made in advanced democratic nations.

Some jurisdictions prefer to emulate nations such as Egypt, Iran, Honduras, and El Salvador where politicians dictate to women regarding private, reproductive matters.

As a practical matter, abortion is always available everywhere. It is of concern when and where it is unsafe because women must hide from the authoritarian statists who insist upon dictating to them.
Again, you are ignoring that there is another life at stake, that is about to be ended.

An inconvenient truth.

And if you think Honduras and El Salvador are so much more advanced that America (you suggest we should emulate them), then move there. You’ll be happier living in a country you admire, with people you admire, than in a country to despise, with people for whom you have contempt.
I'll put it more bluntly then, lumping all the women who want and / or need abortions into one group, basically calling them s**** is more correctly called bigotry.

Funny, that's what I call lumping all unborn babies into one group and calling them, "disposable".

Your "moral high ground" continues to be the top of a compost heap, and you continue to fail to shame anyone for disagreeing with you.
Funny, that's what I call lumping all unborn babies into one group and calling them, "disposable".

Your "moral high ground" continues to be the top of a compost heap, and you continue to fail to shame anyone for disagreeing with you.
I’ve heard worse than “disposable.” Some leftists refer to the aborted bodies of unborn babies as “medical waste” - and as worthy of respect as yesterday’s garbage.
The United States of America with 50 variations on abortion laws. Just what we needed something else to divide us.

Oh, I'm sorry, did you mistakenly believe that you had achieved some sort of "unity" by forcing your personal beliefs on everyone and telling them to shut up and like it?

I'm very sorry that you hate the American ideal of sovereign states. Maybe instead of trying to turn the country into some monolith, you should move to a country that already does things that way.
Oh, I'm sorry, did you mistakenly believe that you had achieved some sort of "unity" by forcing your personal beliefs on everyone and telling them to shut up and like it?

I'm very sorry that you hate the American ideal of sovereign states. Maybe instead of trying to turn the country into some monolith, you should move to a country that already does things that way.
That’s so “it”: isn’t it? Leftists want unity by requiring everyone in the country to go along with what THEY want.
You notice how all the pro-abortion people focus solely on the mother and neglect to mention that there is another life at stake?
There are no pro-abortion people. It's all about a woman's right to choose when and if to bring children into this world. Life isn't always black and white, this is a gray area. Abortion is an always will be unnecessary evil. A tool of last resort.

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